Putting On All Of God's Armor
Contributed by Vinnie Cappetta on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: You wouldn’t think of leaving the house without the proper clothes on, right? We wouldn’t dare send our soldiers into battle without any armor and weapons, right? Then why are we so lax when it comes to spiritual battle?
Putting on all God’s Armor
Ephesians 6
Why did Paul want the Ephesians to put on God’s armor?
1:3 B/c they were already blessed with every spiritual blessing
1:22 B/c all is under Christ’s authority for the benefit of the church
2:10 B/c they were masterpieces to be taken care of and protected
2:18 B/c the battle was not against each other (Jew/Gentile) but against spiritual wickedness
6:12 For we are not fighting against people made of flesh and blood but against the evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against those mighty powers of darkness who rule this world, and against wicked spirits in the heavenly realms.
3:1 B/c Paul was a prisoner waging spiritual warfare
Spiritual battle means spiritual battle wardrobe.
Everyday we go out into a battlefield and sometimes we go without the proper equipment.
What equipment? Before Paul explains the pieces of the equipment, he reminds us of their power. Verse 10, “Be strong in God’s mighty power.”
Dynamite power.
3:26 Glory be to God. By His mighty power at work within us He is able to accomplish infinitely more than we would ever dare to ask or hope.
In these last words of Paul to the Ephesians, he details the clothing we need for spiritual battle.
This is the type of clothing you need so that you will remain standing when the battle is over. Let’s go shopping at Paul-Mart and see what we find . . .
Put on all of God’s armor
So that you will be able to stand firm against all the strategies and tricks of the Devil
Use every piece to resist the enemy
The first piece helps you use all the others…it is the…
Belt of truth
Girdle of truth: without it, everything else falls off.
Great battle of the past, general told his men to cut the belts of the enemy while they slept.
Truth sets you free to stand your ground.
Takes the weight off of your shoulders!!!
David & Bathsheba; his life unraveled b/c he lost the battle for truth and began living a lie.
Body armor of God’s righteousness
This protects the heart/vital organs
Positional righteousness is Christ’s work.
Practical righteousness is our work.
Righteous acts protect us, while unrighteous acts open us to attack.
Samson and Delilah; he told her all his heart and opened it up to attack.
The enemy is an accuser; we should not give him an opportunity to accuse us (like Job we need to be blameless).
Shoes of peace (Good News)
Studded w/ nails for a firm foundation. The Gospel is our foundation.
Other foundation can no man laid than that which is laid, Jesus Christ.
Foundation for a life of walking in the Gospel (Good News).
Satan brings bad news, we bring Good News
He brings war; we bring peace.
Do people look at your life and recognize the Good News?
Isaiah 52:7
How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news of peace and salvation, the news that the God of Israel reigns!
Peter: Always be ready to explain your Christian hope (1 Peter 3:15)
Shield of faith
Stop the fiery darts aimed by Satan
Arrows dipped in pitch, set on fire, shot.
Are you ready for that type of onslaught?
Heavy infantry shield; large and oblong; size of a door for full protection.
Imagine the protection of all of God’s people standing together with their shields?
Faith puts God between you and the Enemy.
Helmet of salvation
Attack on the mind
Helmet protects your head/intellect
The hope of salvation helps us deal with things that we do not currently understand
Have you noticed that all the articles so far are defensive in nature?
This next one is offensive.
Sword of the Spirit
Hebrews 4:12
For the word of God is full of living power. It is sharper than the sharpest knife, cutting deep into our innermost thoughts and desires. It exposes us for what we really are.
Sword to do surgery on ourselves.
Sword here is for close in fighting.
Sword to fight the enemy the way Jesus did in Matthew 4.
Communication essential to this battle.
Have you established an effective communication line with the Commander?
LIFE_Link Questions
•Are you following Christ with a sincere heart? In what ways/areas do you need to apply the belt of truth?
•In what ways have you found righteousness to be a protection to your vital spiritual organs?
•Does the Good News motivate you like it should? Have you found yourself wearing shoes other than the shoes of peace?
•In what ways have you found faith to be a shield?
•Are there intellectual questions that you need to place within the context of your hope (helmet) of salvation?