
Summary: God's finger wrote His laws on tablets of stone. God still puts His finger on life through His Word. How is it that His Word points the way to life?

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“Putting a Finger on Life”

Ps. 19:1-14

You graduates have completed a major chapter of your life – which deserves congratulations and celebrations. Hopefully you’ll have an ample supply of both. But the end of one chapter also signifies the beginning of another. If you had to write this next chapter today, what would it say? If you painted a picture of it, what would it look like? Where are you headed?

In Alice and Wonderland Alice asks the Cheshire Cat, “Which way do I want to go? Would you tell me, please, which way I ought to go from here?” “That depends a good deal on where you want to get to,” said the Cat. “I don’t much care where,” says Alice. Replied the Cat, “Then it doesn’t matter which way you go.” Where are you headed?

God’s people, the Israelites, faced the same question. Finally freed from interminable slavery under Egyptian rule, they wondered about where they were headed. They feared they would spend the rest of their lives wandering in the desert wilderness. So God called Moses up the mountain to receive the 10 commandments. We are told that, from the midst of the clouds, thunder, and lightning these commandments were written on stone tablets “by the finger of God.” God’s finger was pointing the way; God was saying it was far wiser to let his finger guide them through the business of living than to wander in the wilderness running from place to place searching for where to go. Still today God, puts His finger on life through giving us His Word. As you write the next chapter of your life, recognize how God’s finger, through His Word, both points out and provides for the way.

First, God’s Word is our GREAT DIRECTOR. The Bible guides us through life. It shows us the way. Ps. 119:05 (NLT): “Your word is a lamp to guide my feet and a light for my path.” It is THE MAP FOR OUR JOURNEY. While on Sabbatical, Barb and I were in Houston, Texas and decided to spend some time at one of those beautiful Galleria Malls – lots of room to walk, much to see, and plenty of stores. We got to the mall okay but finding how to get off our road into the mall parking ramp was difficult. Finally we came to the last possible garage – and it wasn’t labeled Mall parking but rather Macy’s parking. But we could get to it so we drove in. As we got out of the car I saw huge signs that said “Purple Garage – LL1.” So, not wanting to forget, I jotted that down. As we walked to the entrance we chuckled because we saw a lady seated in a golf cart, being drive around by a security guard, looking for her car. It confirmed the wisdom of writing down our location! And for extra precaution we noted that we entered Macy’s through the ‘Women’s Fragrance’ section. We took a quick look at the kiosk map of the mall and began our journey. We had a good day enjoying the mall. When we decided it was time to go back to the hotel, we headed for Macy’s. When we got there we saw a huge sign by the exit that said “Brown Garage.” So we looked for the Women’s Fragrance section and discovered it only exited back into the mall. Slightly confused we went down one floor, figuring there would be another exit there – and there was – to the Brown Garage. And there was no other Women’s Fragrance section. So we went back up to the previous floor and wandered around for a while – too proud to ask for help! Finally Barb asked a sales clerk, “Where is the Purple Garage?” She replied, “Purple Garage? I’ve never heard of the Purple Garage.” Barb briefly explained where we parked and the clerk said, “I’m not aware of a Purple Garage.” Then, after a slight pause, she added, “You are aware aren’t you that there are 2 Macy stores in this mall?” Sure enough! Way at the other end was the other Macy’s with the Purple Garage and LL1. If only we had looked more closely at the map, and spent a little more time figuring out a route, we would have ended up where we needed to be. The same is true for the next chapter of life; the Bible maps out our journey – but we need to take the time to read it. Then we’ll see God’s finger pointing the way.

God’s Word also directs us by BUILDING STRUCTURE INTO OUR LIVES. “The statutes of the Lord are trustworthy, making wise the simple.” These statutes are fixed, regular testimonies, regulations by which something runs and operates. For example, the sun, moon, and stars are fixed; we cannot change them. In fact, the opening verses of this Psalm make this declaration. Similarly there are fixed regulations by which we are to live. God puts His finger on them in Dt. 28 & 29. There Moses says that to walk in the way of God is to receive blessing - and he spells out that way; and to walk outside the way of God is to experience cursing - and he spells out that way. These ways and their consequences are fixed - they cannot be changed. Never forget that when the way appears unclear, when we are in doubt, when life seems difficult, the Word makes clear what to do. It gives us the structure for living.

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