
Summary: What is the greatest cause of disbelief in Jesus Christ and Atheism in the world today? Is it due to the lack of miracles being performed today – NO, could it be due to the sin of the world that is running so rampant today – NO.

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Put Christ Back in the Church


Bishop Melvin L. Maughmer, Jr.

INTRO: - A story my father told during one of his sermons many years ago went like this. A man dirty and smelled bad but loved the Lord walked into this church on Sunday morning walked down the isle and sat on the front row, because he was dirty and smelled bad people in the church complained and moved away from where this man was sitting. After a couple of minutes, the pastor called one of the deacons and told him to make the man leave the church because his appearance and smell was to offensive to the people in the church. The deacon escorted the man out of the church, the man sat on the stoop of the church crying because the church had put him out when suddenly Jesus Christ came walking by, He sat down next to the dirty man put His arm around him and asked why are you crying my friend, the man replied those people in the church put me out saying I was to offensive. Jesus smiled at the man and said don’t worry out it my friend they hadn’t let me in there in years.

Today I want to talk on the subject “Put Christ Back in the Church”.

An old bumper sticker once asked the question “What’s missing CH__CH” the answer is U.R. so when I say Put Christ Back in the Church U.R. the church not just the church building but back in your life.


SCRIPTURE: - 1 Peter 4:17 says “For the time has come that judgment must begin at the house of God: and if it begin at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God”.

QUESTIONS: - What is the greatest cause of disbelief in Jesus Christ and Atheism in the world today? Is it due to the lack of miracles being performed today – NO, could it be due to the sin of the world that is running so rampant today – NO. The reason there is so much unbelief and Atheism is because there is a form of godliness in the church today. To many so-called Christians claim Jesus with their lips but deny Him with their lives. There is this heir of arrogance and pride in the church that shouts on Sunday morning but portrays Hell Sunday afternoon thru Saturday night.

Understand when I say the church I am not talking about the organism, the body of Christ, but the organization that is more concerned with creeds, titles, tithes, offerings, praise dances, light shows that is in trouble.

Understand the organism (the church, the body of Christ) has organization, structure, and is established to work together and equipped with parts that are arranged to work together that are fitly joined together romans 12:4-8, 1 Corinthians 12:12-27, Ephesians 4:11-16 that’s the body of Christ, the TRUE CHURCH. However the church most people know is portrayed as contemporary, worldly, seek friendly, culture sensitive, entertainment driven, water down truth given by the false prophets of sweetdom that preach a message of God Loves You (TRUE) and all He wants is for you to be happy, all you have to do is shout give in the offering and you are guaranteed a place in heaven. Every diabolical thing is allowed to go on in the church drifting farther and farther away from Biblical principles and Biblical authority giving people a quick fix name it and claim it theology that has no power to effect or change someone spiritually, physically, mentally, or socially.

Matthew 5:16 says, “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your father which is in heaven”. The problem is what people are seeing is not the light but seeing how to shout and speak in so-called tongues and are not seeing how to live Holy and Glorify God. The bible says Holiness without no man shall see the Lord Hebrews 12:14. There are to many preachers of sweetdom on T.V. and in the churches that are more concerned with driving a fancy car, living in a big house, having a plane that are doing nothing but getting rich off of people who are desperately looking for deliverance but are being sold a bunch of hogwash and false promises twisting scriptures like Luke 6:38 “Give and it shall be given unto you: good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom. For with the same measure that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again” using it for money when that is NOT what it is talking about at all. Then when people who are high on the promise of prosperity and ignorant concerning the unadulterated Word of God don’t receive the propagated promise because the principles of the Word of God has not been applied you now have people who are disillusioned, deceived, discouraged, despaired, destitutes and determined not to believe any more because Bishop Allaboutme or Prophet Fillmypockets didn’t tell them the truth. WATCH THIS: - I don’t drive a Bentley or live in a mansion because I didn’t apply the principles of finance to my life to be able to do that. I didn’t invest my money to be able to do that, if I followed the financial principles I could be sitting on a million dollars right now, but I was more concerned with vacations, cruises, than following strict principles.

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