Pursuing The Rock Of Ages-1
Contributed by Byron Sherman on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: 1 of 2. Moses revealed Israel’s need to seek/pursue the Rock of Ages. God’s word encourages our need to seek/pursue the Rock of Ages. Who searches for OR How do we pursue the Rock of Ages? A pursuit of the Rock of Ages considers...
PURSUING The ROCK Of AGES--I—Deuteronomy 32:3-4, 15, 18
VBS Theme: Gold Rush—Searching for the Rock of Ages!
The value of Gold today’s commodities market.
Sat. June 24, 2012—Gold commodities were worth $1,566.90 per troy ounce or ~31.1g which = ~1.1oz.
Is that gold worth your personal investment?
Mt 13:44—““Again, the kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found & hid; & for joy over it he goes & sells all that he has & buys that field.”
Moses revealed Israel’s need to seek/pursue the Rock of Ages.
God’s word encourages our need to seek/pursue the Rock of Ages.
Who searches for the Rock of Ages?
How do we pursue the Rock of Ages?
3 considerations in your pursuit of the Rock of Ages.
1— A pursuit of the Rock of Ages considers...
His NAME(:3)
Explanation: (:3)LORD
31:30—“Then Moses spoke in the hearing of all the assembly of Israel the words of this song until they were ended:
That which follows(:32:1-44) comprises a “song”(31:19, 22, 30) which was composed by Moses in his 120th year(31:1-2). He composed it & taught it to Israel the same day(31:22; 32:44-45). It was presented & taught at Joshua’s inauguration(30:14, 23; 32:44). The song was incorporated within the Book of the Law(32:46?) & placed beside the Ark of the Covenant “as a witness against” erring Israel (31:24-26). This song was taught to Israel & was intended to be passed down from generation to generation(31:19, 22 & 32:46). Its main purpose was that it be committed to memory(31:21) in order that it remain a standing testimony against Israel as a witness to both YaHWeH & their own flesh-driven inclinations(31:20-21). Thus “this law” became that by which their very life was sustained(32:47).
Moses‘ “then” “spoke” “the words of this song” to the collective “assembly of Israel.” Moses made sure every Israelite heard the song to its very last word. The Israelite’s capacity for memorization was obviously much greater than is generally experienced today, as in most cultures, without print & digital reproduction. It was also committed to song so that there would be a tune &/or rhyme associated with the words making them more memorable.
The Song of Moses is a vitally important testimony(32:47) to God’s character, intentions, judgment & heartache as He has sought to bring about the establishment of the nation of Israel.
32:1—“Give ear, O heavens, & I will speak; And hear, O earth, the words of my mouth.
What Moses has to say is borne before both the heavens(plural/dual) & earth(the abode of all humanity & ) as witnesses.
The very words of Moses’ mouth are of vital significance to not only Israel but to all of creation.
32:2—Let my teaching drop as the rain, My speech distill as the dew, As raindrops on the tender herb, And as showers on the grass.”
Moses speech & the words of his mouth(:1) are not idle words but are rather a “teaching” event. Meant to instruct those who will hear them. They are declarative of great truth which all creation is in need of understanding.
Moses’ words are to be as “rain” & “dew” upon “tender herbs” & “grass.” Were it not for “rain” & “dew” such fragile plants wither & die. Likewise, without the sustaining word(“rain” & “dew”) that Moses is about to declare, all creation(“tender herb” & “grass”) withers & dies. He is about to declare God’s fatherhood/majesty/greatness/goodness/perfection & power.
:3—“For I proclaim the name of the LORD: Ascribe greatness to our God.”
Moses proceeds to declare YaHWeH’s “name” to his constituency, the assembly of Israel. In declaring “the name” Moses is proclaiming the whole of that knowledge which has been revealed to & thru him & is readily pertinent to all of Israel.
Thus Moses can proclaim that Israel is to “ascribe/give” to their “God”, the “greatness” which is due Him. Thereby, it is Israel’s personal call & expectation to willingly “ascribe” the honor of magnificence to their deserving “God.”
God’s “greatness” is such that it extends beyond that of any created being, spiritual or carnal. He is indeed worthy of Israel’s & our praise.
Thereby YaHWeH inhabits the praise of His people(Ps. 22:3).
“Proclaim/Publish”—arq kaw-raw'—Qal Imperfect—1) To call, call out, recite, read, cry out, proclaim.1a) (Qal)—1a1) To call, cry, utter a loud sound, 1a2) To call unto, cry (for help), call (with name of God), 1a3) To proclaim, 1a4) To read aloud, read (to oneself), read, 1a5) To summon, invite, call for, call & commission, appoint, call & endow, 1a6) To call, name, give name to, call by. Strong—a primitive root [rather identical with 07122 through the idea of accosting a person met]; To call out to (i.e. properly, address by name, but used in a wide variety of applications).
From—arq kaw-raw'— a primitive root: To encounter(whether accidentally or in a hostile manner).