Pursuing Peace
Contributed by Barry Edmondson on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Jesus Christ is the Peace Giver
“Pursuing Peace” Text Varried.
Peace peace wonderful peace coming down from the Father above sweep over my spirit forever I pray with fathomless billows of love.
In A world that’s filled with turmoil and strife many people are looking for peace. Any number of pursuits might seem AS if they’ll help you find the peace that you want. But ultimately none of them can actually deliver it . Only Jesus(the Prince of peace(Isa 9:6) can give you that peace that you are looking for and will enable you to use it to help the world around you !!
Here are some verses from the Word About peace or that will give us Peace
1-- Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ the Same yesterday, today Forever.
This verse gives us peace because we see that Jesus Remains the same-All may change but Jesus Never-Glory to His name,
2-- Isa 26:3”Thou Wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee because He trusteth in thee
3--Phil 4:6-7.
4--Romans 15:13.
Here are some ways to help us be more peaceful.
1-Remember all that Jesus did for you on the cross, and rejoice that He has made it possible for you to have spiritual peac. He offers you eternal salvation, victory over evil forces and power to grow as a person. The assurance of these great gifts can bring you and I peace.
2. Know that God cares about every aspect of your life and has the power to help in any situation. Have confidence in Gods constant presence with you, and seek to meet Him more through prayer.
3. If anything has become more important to you than God, it has become a false God in your life. Make God your highest priority and His peace will reign in your life.
4. When facing conflict pray to find Gods will then act on it. Acknowladge and obey Gods answer, even if you don’t necessarily understand it or even like it. Your faithfulness will take away the inner turmoil that comes from indescision and warring wills. In time you wil likely see the wisdom behind Gods decisions, which lead to ultimate peace.
5. Let others see you trust in God in various situations. When you illustrate what it s like to receive and live in the centre of Gods peace, you will be giving peace to others as well.
6. Serve others with compassion despite the stresses involved in doing so when you faithfully fulfill work Gods wants you to do He will send you His peace.
Concl:We need to be Christs Ambassadors to a sin sick, stressed out world. We need to be pursuing peace in our lives to be able to bring peace to others around us.