Pt. 1 The Gift Of Healing Series
Contributed by Mike Fogerson on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Satan’s desire is to break down our health, destroy our purpose, and finally kill them. Jesus came and died that we might have abudant life, goes beyond the ordinary.
The Gift of Healing
A 10 "The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly. John 10:10 (NASB)
1 Abundant means “a life with no lack which goes beyond the ordinary.”
a The same verse lays out the devil’s stated goals:
aa steal, kill, destroy.
bb These three words paint a picture of the cause of disease & sickness in our world.
b Steal comes from the word klepsee (Where we get our word kleptomaniac).
aa Satan wants to steal from us all that we need in our lives.
bb family, finances, reputation, and most all our health.
c kill (thusee) means to “blow on a fire or to blow the smoke of a sacrifice.”
aa It came to mean “to slaughter or immolate for the purposes of sacrifice.”
bb Satan’s intent is to cause disease to spread like fire so that your life might be a sacrifice to Satan’s evil intent.
d destroy (aploesee) means to “to break down and destroy”.
aa This is what disease does to the human body.
bb All of these are “aorist tense” which means “once and for all.”
2 Satan’s desire is to break down our health, destroy our purpose, and finally kill them.
B Jesus came and died that we might have abudant life, goes beyond the ordinary.
1 3 John 2 (John blesses his readers by conveying God’s gracious intent for all believers; key verse for this study, offers keys to understanding healing.)
2 Beloved, I pray that in all respects you may prosper and be in good health, just as your soul prospers 3 John 1:2 (NASB)
a Health (Hugiaino . . . our word for hygiene) means to be healthy, well, whole, uncorrupted by disease.
b Pray means to “wish one well.”
aa It implies prayer, but it indicates that those for whom this prayer is released have some choice in the matter.
bb Our prayers/wishes for others to be healed also requires right choices by those for whom we are praying.
c prosper means “good journey.”
aa Came to mean that on a journey you would make the right decisions/choices while traveling. (Money & health)
bb Once more, right belief & right choices involved where healing is involved.
2 God has created us with bodies that already posses healing instincts.
a Lost/saved, if you have a cut it will usually heal sooner or later.
b When we make the right lifestyle choices we help strengthen the propensity of healing that God created within us.
aa Right choices: prayer, faith, medical treatments.
bb If I cut my hand deep enough a doctor will stitch it up but my body must heal the wound.
cc All healing comes from God.
C “As your soul prospers”
1 Soul (psuche) mind is common translation.
a Our health/healing flow from right thinking and right choices.
b Prayer is important but it is also important to choose to live healthy.
2 I have two main goals in this series:
a I want to help you appreciate God’s gift of healing purchased by the blood of Christ, whatever form that healing might take.
b Celebrate the preciousness of the life that is given to us by God.
aa There is a mystery surrounding when a faithful/productive Christian struggles with illness/disease/infirmity.
bb For all that you know (or will know) about physical healing, we know that it’s temporary.
c We live in bodies that were corrupted when Adam fell in the garden.
aa Rom 7.24, Paul called our bodies “ . . . the body of this death.”
24 Wretched man that I am! Who will set me free from the body of this death? Romans 7:24 (NASB)
bb Any healing we receive in this body is temporary & ultimate healing will happen for all us at the resurrection.
A In the classic film The Robe, Marcellus, the chief centurion at the crucifixion (who won the robe of Jesus, tormented w/ nightmares/guilt since) is tracking down Christians to create a list of followers when he comes across a crippled woman named Miriam.
1 She is beautiful, picture of peace, joy, and hope.
a Marcellus ridicules her.
aa Jesus, the miracle worker, left you the way He found you.
bb What kind of Savior does that?
b She explains that Jesus could have healed her body.
aa Be natural for her to laugh & sing if He would have healed her.
bb He did something better for me . . . He left me as I am so that all others like me might know that their misfortune needn’t deprive them of happiness within His kingdom.”
2 Physical healing is possible in this life (seen,experienced).
a Over the next several weeks I want to explore every possible way for you to activate healing in your life.