Provider - Give Us This Day
Contributed by Steve Pearman on Feb 3, 2020 (message contributor)
Summary: In the Lord's Prayer we find out much about God. Today we look at Him being our Provider
Positive Prayer: Provider
Matthew 6:11. Psalm 65
I like eating! I enjoy food.
Some say, you shouldn’t eat at night – but I say why is there a light in the fridge then?
I guess I have an eating disorder.
I have -
Dis order of fries
Dis order of chicken wings
Dis order of sticky toffee pudding!
Ok – who’s now hungry?
I like to eat out – I don’t do it much, but I enjoy it when I do.
Sometimes I can be thrown by the menu.
I’m hungry and I see before me a list.
It’s food, but not as I know it.
There are titles – some fancy names,
some French of Italian names – or Indian names.
Is it hot, or is full of garlic?
Is it meat, fish, octopus, or snake?!!
What if I order something I absolutely can’t stomach?
In those situations, it’s good to take someone who knows the food.
Better yet, go to a place where the chef knows you.
And because he knows you, s/he will cook something you will love!
Why am I talking about food? I’m hungry!!!! Not had breakfast ?
But more importantly I’m talking about food because in the Lord’s Prayer, we pray, “Give us this day our daily bread,”.
It’s like saying to the Lord, I’ll trust you with serving me up what I need.
Let’s begin thinking about that word - “bread.”
Bread is one of the basic foods at any meal in just about every culture.
Even when we serve pasta or soup we like to have a bit of bread to mop up our sauce.
Sandwich, toast(ie), side dish, garlic bread . . .
So with the word “bread” Jesus is teaching us to ask for the basic necessities of life – and not really just for food but for clothing as well.
You remember in the sermon on the mount, Jesus talked about food and clothes and said, “Why worry about them – God will provide”
So why ask for these things when Jesus himself tells us that God has already promised to give them to us (Matthew 6)?
It’s about acknowledging who gives it.
You know, when you go shopping and spend a lot of money on food it’s easy to start thinking that you provided the bread.
But you wouldn’t have been able to go to the shops if God hasn’t blessed you with
finance, farmers, and food!
The line about daily bread is not so much about the bread.
It’s about God being our Provider.
What have we learnt so far about God through this prayer?
1. Father – He brought us into this world.
Loves us, wants the best for us, and wants us to be with Him forever!
2. King – not as in what the Prince of Wales will be!
God is ruling – not a country, not a commonwealth, not the Earth.
God reigns over the universe that He created.
As creator He has control over everything He created.
So, He is able to do just what He wants!!
He can do anything that is within His Character – so He can do what is merciful, loving and just etc.
So, knowing that, what is at His disposal to provide us with?
Anything! (?)
Yes, but…..
He’s not some Santa figure who gives gifts to the good children.
You know some people still confuse God and Santa?
They do.
Ask many people, and they will give the thought that God
• only cares for nice people.
• That he slaps you if you been bad,
• that you come to Him in prayer and ask for stuff.
“Please help me out of this mess”
“Please make the sun shine on my garden barbecue today.”
“Please heal my 96 yo grandmother”
“find me a job”
“give me a healthy bank balance” . . .
that’s who God is to some people.
I go to Him when I want something.
Can He give it?
He’s Creator
He’s reigns over the universe! – of course He CAN do it!
But God is also the Heavenly Father! – the Perfect Father.
That means Relationship
Given out of love
Provided fairly and justly
Our prayers shouldn’t be a list of demands or even requests.
It should be a conversation with someone we know.
I mean God is in us – His HS is within.
If we are open to Him guiding, we have a good idea what is on God’s heart for us.
So Jesus says, When you prayer – after acknowledging God as your heavenly Parent, and King of the universe, don’t go making demands from Him. You don’t demand from parents or kings
When you were young, you KNEW what your parents would do for you. And you also knew what they wouldn’t do, right?