
Summary: Proverbs 4

Wisdom | Proverbs 04

“The Christian ideal has not been tried and found wanting. It has been found difficult; and left untried.” GK Chesterton

“Hear my sons/children…”

- The way of wisdom moves beyond Solomon’s son to his children.

“Give attention to know understanding…”

“Do not forsake my law…”

- A Good Father has confidence in his instructions.

“When I was my father’s son…”

- He points back to instruction and guidance that his father (David) gave him.

- I think a lot about the lessons my dad taught me growing up that I want to instill in my children.

- By recalling our upbringing, we identify with the present struggle(s) that our kids go through.

- Are we preparing our kids for the real world?

o My daughter being called names / hurt feelings.

o Teaching her about persecution which can

? Solidify her faith.

? Abandon her faith.

“Let your heart retain my words…”

- Be humble and be receptive!

- Don’t let wisdom fall on deaf ears.

“Keep my commandments and live…”

- The importance of wisdom and instruction.

- Obedience can be reflected in life or death.

“Get wisdom”

- Pursue wisdom, value wisdom, desire wisdom.

- The Hebrew term is to purchase wisdom (and you purchase wisdom by obeying truth)

“Do not forsake her…”

- The idea behind using feminine language to reflect protection and safety.

- Our call is thus to treat wisdom like a wife (love, embrace, value and honor her).

“Exalt her and she will promote you…”

- This is the benefit of wisdom = loving and pursuing wisdom is rewarded!

“I have taught you in the way of wisdom…”

- This should be the desire of parents – to teach their children!

- Too often, we let others teach (schools and churches) when the reality is that it is OUR CALL, OUR POSITION, OUR JOY to do so!

Q: Why do you think Solomon has begun every chapter with a reminder to pay attention to wisdom and law?

- We easily forget.

- We resist wisdom, instruction, law (it goes against our flesh).

- Deuteronomy 6:4-9 = Know God’s Word and Teach God’s Word!

“Do not enter the path of the wicked…”

- Wisdom never wants you to enter the paths of the wicked.

- Commentator Ross: “Don’t take the first step, for you may not be the master of your destiny thereafter.”

- Don’t associate with those whose lives are sinful. Don’t accompany them.

o Remember that the temptation they offer is “Come with us” to belong to something.

“For they do not sleep unless…”

Q: What have you exchanged to get your own satisfaction, your fill?

- This is the reason they should be avoided.

- They are committed to their own sin.

- They will sacrifice their own health (sleep, dignity, freedom and money) to commit evil.

- Sin becomes their food and break = that is what our addictions become.

“The way of the wicked is like darkness…”

- The chief strategy that Satan uses is to hide what you are doing and the consequences for your actions.

“For they (teachings / instructions) are life to those who find them and health to all their flesh…”

- Solomon returns to his previous instructions to his son – to remember wisdom, teaching, instruction.

- Lots of Bibles are left behind in this program.

- Bridges: “A neglected Bible is the melancholy proof of a heart that is alienated from God. For how can we have a spark of love for him if that Book that is full of his revealed glory is despised?”

- The Word of God is intolerant of sin

o This goes against our flesh, our pride.

o Repentance is a decision and determination.

“Keep your heart with all diligence…”

- Our hearts are where we change.

- If we change anywhere else, it is behavior modification and we will return to our previous patterns of life.

- Diligence implies that guarding / protecting our heart is not easy and there will be many opportunities for us to give our heart / our attention to someone or something else that wisdom warns against.

- The temptation to sin is to belong (come with us) and that is offers a life of fun, excitement, happiness, fulfillment and that is not true!

“Put away from you a deceitful mouth…”

- To stay on the path of the just, you must pay attention to what you and others speak.

“Let your eyes look straight ahead…”

- Watch for distractions; those lead us off the path of wisdom.

“Ponder the path of your feet…”

- Think about where you are doing.

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By: Dean Courtier

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