
Summary: Your confidence, language, tone of voice and body posture speaks a lot of yourself as well!

Proper timing is crucial

Judges 3:16”Ehud made himself a sword which had two edges, a cubit in length, and he bound it on his right thigh under his cloak.”

God was not going to allow the enemy that tormented his people for 18 years escape! Are you listening? Be comforted today my friend, your enemy would be eliminated. God would send the right person to encounter the enemy strategically and wisely. Look how prepared Ehud was: he did not buy a sword from the market, he made the sword himself which had two edges, it was not very big but just a cubit in length and he safely kept it bound on his right thigh. Ehud planned the weapon he had to use and also prepared the weapon, further since he was a left hander, he knew where his strength was so he kept the sword in his right thigh for swift action. If you’re not smart, if you don’t plan deftly, then all your gadgets, preparation and planning would go vain, think of your weak points as well, before you launch out for an attack. Your confidence, language, tone of voice and body posture speaks a lot of yourself as well! Are you listening?

To start with, Ehud satisfied the devil by giving his tributes, thereby not giving an opportunity for him to doubt him, further, he sent the people away and declared, ‘I have a secret message for you!’ Sounds like a crime plot, yeah? Ehud created a greed inside Eglon, king of Moab, so that he can get alone with him, now watch this, Eglon was a very fat man, after everybody left, Ehud said "I have a message from God for you." And he arose from his seat. Ehud stretched out his left hand, took the sword from his right thigh and thrust it into his belly. It was instant death. We have great learning here.

It was the last day of getting certain things approved, very crucial; (since this article would be on public domain, I am restricted from giving complete details)however, we had prepared, planned, prayed, fasted and done things meticulously and waited for ‘that day’; for nearly two years we ate lunch in the park nearby and waited near the building. The officer refused to give us approval and asked us to leave; nevertheless, (we were not going to be chased away and miss this golden opportunity), my husband at that ‘crucial point’, in front of the very officer who is responsible to sign the papers, took out his mobile and showed video clippings, that was enough proof for us. The officer signed the papers that very day…..sorry, sorry….that very minute…sorry, sorry…….that very second! God bless you!

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