
Summary: We are introduced to the Almighty God of the Universe. We are introduced to a man named Abraham and something called faith. We are also introduced to the idea of

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GENESIS 15:1-21


The Christian Education Ministry is focusing on twelve books this year for our church to study. This month, is Genesis. I would like to highlight one passage each month in the different books to help you in your reading and to keep you motivated in these books. In January, we are introduced to the Bible and God through the book of Genesis. I did a little research on making introductions.


When performing introductions, here’s what I call my 2-step golden rule to proper business introductions...

1. The first person’s name you say is always the most important person.

2. Thereafter, everyone else’s name is introduced to that most important person.

– Always say the most important person’s name first. In business rank and status are the primary determinants to who takes precedence over whom. Gender and age are typically not factors

– Keep the forms of the address equal. If you use Ms. Doe, you must use Mr. Smith. You should not say, "Jane Doe this is Mr. Smith."

– In regular situations, it is best to use both a person’s first and last name when making introductions. To use only a first name is not introducing the total person.

– Do say something about the people you are introducing so they will have something from which to springboard their own conversation. Then you may excuse yourself to meet and greet others

– Whenever introducing dignitaries and other notable people, such as elected officials, you may want to use the word "present" instead of the words "this is" or "introduce." It is the style most often used in diplomatic and international arena.

ILLUSTRATION... What do you call me? (Personal Illustration)

Today as we look in God’s Word, we are receiving a proper introduction to several things. We are introduced to the Almighty God of the Universe. We are introduced to a man named Abraham and something called faith. We are also introduced to the idea of covenant. All of these introductions are essential in our understanding of the Bible and Christianity.


I. GOD ALMIGHTY (verses 1-21)

This passage of Scripture helps us better understand the God who Created All. Who is this God who spoke everything into existence? Who is this God who saw the Tower of Babel and confused the languages of man? Who is this God? Can we understand Him? Can we know who He is? I will have to say that we cannot know everything about God. I don’t think God would be worthy of worship if we knew all about Him. We can, though, understand Him more and more by looking at His Word. We are introduced to God in this passage:

1) He is a personal God (verse 1): The God of Creation took time to come to one man named Abram and speak to Him. He is a very personal God and works in the lives of people throughout Scripture. God desires relationship. You can find the phrase : ‘I will be their God and they will be my people’ all thought the Bible. God desires personal contact with human beings. Chapter 15 of Genesis recounts His personal contact with this man Abram and it changed the lives of all people forever.

* God sent His One and Only Son and personally came to Earth

* God wants a personal relationship with you and me

* God wants us to come to Him in personal prayer to talk and share

* The Bible records God’s personal interaction with countless people: Daniel, David, Paul, etc.

2) He is a Sovereign God (verses 1,2,14,18): The God of Creation did not just create this world and then leave it alone. He did not create the people and then leave us to our own devices. In verse 1 God describes Himself as “a shield.” The word there can also mean “Sovereign.” God says to Abram/Abraham that God is in charge of the life and events that are around Him just as a King would be in charge of a kingdom. God is all-seeing, all-knowing, and all-powerful. Verse 14 also talks about how God has power over the rise and fall of nations on this earth. The ‘ites’ were at the mercy of God whether they knew it or not.

Why is this thought important? Kelly and I visited with the High School Sunday School class last week and we discussed this very issue. I must say it is important because one of the basic questions that many of us ask about God is: ‘Why does God let bad things happen?’ Or ‘Does God care that bad things happen?’ We hear of a tragic accident and wonder why God caused it to happen. We need to understand that knowing something will happen, allowing something to happen, does not mean that God caused it. God does not cause evil. God does not have ill-will. We live in a fallen world cursed by sin and bad things are the result.

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