Promises By The Holy Spirit Or Concerning The Holy Spirit Quoted In Acts Series
Contributed by George Barton on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: There are ten promises by and concerning the Holy Spirit found in the Book of Acts. This outlne attempts tio distinguish them from one another.
REVISED MAY 18, 2006
Please note: Any promise made by a prophet of God in the Old Testament can be considered a promise God the Father made,or a promise the Holy Spirit made through the Scriptures. Compare Acts 1:16 and Acts 28:25-26. As you read through the Book of Acts, add Scriptures to this outline as you see fit.
1. God swore to Abraham on oath that He would bless his seed (plural). He also swore that in Abraham and his Seed all the families of the earth would be blessed. See Genesis 22 and Acts 3:22-26. Compare Galatians 3.
Genesis 12:1-3
Genesis 15:1-6
Genesis 17
Genesis 22:15-19 Please note these verses.
Acts 3:22-26
Galatians 3
2. Moses in the Scriptures by the Holy Spirit promised that God would raise up a prophet from among His people.
Exodus 20:18-20 Compare Exodus 19:16-25
Deuteronomy 18:15-20
Acts 3:13-26
Acts 7:35-41
Hebrews 12:18-29
3. God the Father by Nathan the prophet through the Holy Spirit in the Scriptures promised David that He would raise up the Messiah to sit on Davidƒs throne.
2 Samuel 7; Psalm 16; Amos 9:11-15
John 2:18-25
Acts 2:22-36
Acts 6:14-15
Acts 7:44-60
Acts 13:32-41
Acts 15:7-17
4. The Holy Spirit, speaking through Isaiah and other prophets, said that the Jews would harden their hearts and God would turn to the Gentiles.
Isaiah 6
Habakkuk 1:5
Acts 13:41
Acts 28:25-26
5. The prophet Joel speaking for God the Father by the Spirit of God said that in the last days He would pour out His Spirit upon all flesh.
Joel 2:28-32
Acts 2:14-21
The beginning of this ministry as predicted was characterized by miraculous events in Jerusalem on the Day of Pentecost. When a Person of the Godhead manifests Himself visibly in the world in a new way, we would expect miracles to occur. Compare the miracles which occurred at the birth of Christ and why there were necessary. Two extensions of the miraculous manifestations of Pentecost were necessary in Samaria and in Caesarea. These two extensions of Pentecost in Samaria and Caesarea were necessary to convince Jewish leaders and others that Gentiles could be saved, that God was no respecter of persons. However, the main purpose of the Spirit of God in the life of a non-believer and in the live of a believer is more clearly defined by Jesus in the Gospels and by the writers of the Epistles. An Apostle was present at every extension of Pentecost. The age of the Apostles ended with Paul. Compare the miracles associated with the coming of Jesus into the world.
6. God the Father by the Holy Spirit through Malachi the prophet predicted the coming of the forerunner John the Baptist.
Malachi 3-4
7. The angel Gabriel, breaking the silence between Malachi and the New Testament period, announced the birth of John the Baptist to Zacharias as a fulfillment of Malachi.
Luke 1:5-25
8. The same angel Gabriel announced to Mary that the Lord God would give unto her Son Jesus the throne of His father David. Compare #3 above.
Luke 2:26-33.
9. John the Baptist predicted that Jesus would baptize with the Holy Ghost and with fire. Compare Malachi 3-4. Make sure that you understand what it means to be baptized with fire. Most do not.
John 1:19-34
Luke 3:15-18
Acts 11:15-16
Acts 19:1-7
10. Jesus promised to the Apostles exclusively the ability to do miracles and to transmit spiritual gifts including miracles to disciples on whom they laid their hands. These gifts confirmed the role of the Apostles as having the keys of the kingdom and as being faithful eye-witnesses of what Jesus said and did. This gift of the Holy Spirit enabled them to write Scripture. Compare Hebrews 2:1-4. An Apostle was present at every extension of Pentecost. To be an Apostle born in due time a person had to be a witness to Jesusƒ baptism when there was a visible, miraculous manifestation of the Spirit of God. The Apostle also had to be a witness of the resurrection of Christ. Jesus was raised from the dead by the Spirit of God as a witness that Jesus was the Messiah (Romans 1:1-4) and that Jesus was the Person who would judge all people at the final judgment. However, in his discussion of true faith Jesus emphasized that those who believe, even though they have not seen, are (more) blessed.
John 20:21-23
Acts 6-7
Acts 10:1-11:18 AN EXTENSION OF PENTECOST TO A GENTILE. See especially Acts 11:15-16. Compare Hebrews 1:1-2:4; Hebrews 12:18-29