
Progress, Not Perfection

Created by SermonCentral on Sep 9, 2023
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Christianity is a journey of continuous growth and progress, not a static state. Just like Lot's wife, who became a pillar of salt when she stopped moving, we too must keep moving forward in our spiritual journey. Christianity is a movement, not a monument.


The Christian life is a journey of progress and growth. It is not stagnant but alive and dynamic. Just as Lot's wife turned into a pillar of salt when she stopped moving, we must keep pressing forward. Christianity is a movement, not a monument.

The Importance of Movement

Medical science emphasizes the significance of exercise for good health. A body in motion stays in motion, making it easier to keep moving than to start from a standstill. Similarly, in the spiritual realm, movement signifies life, hope, and the potential for miracles.

The Vision of Ezekiel

In Ezekiel 47:1-9, we find a powerful revelation about a stream that becomes a river. This river symbolizes the presence and power of God. It originates from the temple, representing God's dwelling place and His presence. The river starts flowing from under the right side of the altar, signifying surrender and sacrifice.

Progression in the Christian Life

The Christian journey is progressive, from conversion to complete surrender. We must continually die to self and allow the life of Christ to manifest through us. This requires daily crucifying our own will and embracing God's plan for our lives.

The Transition Point

As Ezekiel moves deeper into the river, he reaches a point where he can no longer walk but must swim. This represents a transition in the Christian life where our fleshly desires and control give way to complete surrender to the Holy Spirit. It is a place of decision, where we choose to enter a new dimension of faith and trust in God's leading.

The Call to Keep Moving

Many people fear this transition because they are unsure of what to expect and afraid of losing control. However, we must overcome these fears and keep moving forward. The Christian life is not automatic; it requires active participation and a willingness to press deeper into God's presence.


The Christian life is a continuous journey of growth and progress. We must choose to keep moving, surrendering our will to God's leading. As we do, we will experience a deeper level of anointing, transformation, and the fulfillment of God's promises. Let us encourage one another to press on, knowing that our lives depend on it.

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