Summary: Message on the Foundations for our Unity in Christ.

LBC Sermon-One-Foundations of Unity-Phil. 2:1-4

"Ice Age" Clip-Scene 14-end w/ “we are one strange herd”

That is a picture of us as the body of X.

-apart from X would you know the other people in this room?

-But, in the same way the baby in that clip brought those animals together into one “herd”, the baby in the manger has brought all of us together into the body of X, the church. Christ has chosen each of us to be a part of His body, and by brining us all into His body, He has made us one. Talk about that this morn. Unity.


Turn to Phil 2:1-4

Background-Background-prison epistle, most likely written while under house arrest in Rome around 61 A.D.

#1 reason to thank them for the gift that they had sent him when they learned about his imprisonment there in Rome.

-also wanted to address a few other things in the letter including the importance of unity in the body.

2 areas where they are encouraged to stand united.

1:27-Paul’s encouragement To “stand firm in one spirit” contending for the gospel together.

1:27-30 Standing united against Opposition from the outside

2:1-4 Standing united against dissension from within. Read.

Phil. 2:1-4-“If you have any encouragement from being united with X, if any comfort from His love, if any fellowship with the Spirit, if any tenderness and compassion, then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and purpose. Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves. Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others.” (NIV)

3 main points Paul makes in this passage.

Foundations of Unity (1)

-4 things that are our unity as the body of X are built upon.

all four are indisputable facts-certainties not maybes, reminders of what God has done for us.

-“if”-Can be accurately translated “If such and such is true-and I know that it is”

So These make up the foundation of the unity that he is calling them to.

Encouragement in Christ-Websters-the act of inspiring with courage or giving one support, confidence or hope.

Every believer has received encouragement from X. He has come alongside each of us and gives us courage, confidence and hope

B. Comfort of Love or consolation of His Love

Consolation/comort-Greek compound word-towards & to speak.

-coming close to someone’s side as we speak to them. Not only is X our encourager, giving us hope and confidence, He is coming close to us and giving us the comfort that we need.

C. Fellowship of the Spirit

-koinonia-common, shared by all- joint business partnerships, marriage contracts, any relationship where the people shared things in common

In the Christian community, it was used for everything that believers could share -- Christ, the Word, prayer, the Lord’s Supper, and material gifts. Koinonia or fellowship is not just saying Hi on Sunday and talking about the weather or having a potluck and drinking red punch, for a believer, koinonia, true biblical fellowship is sharing the things of Christ.

MacArthur Quote

"Paul is reminding them that the fellowship of the HS is a reality, not simply a beautiful ideal.

Each and every believer has personal fellowship with the HS in his or her private life and in turn all believers are united by the same spirit in fellowship. The practical application of this truth is that factions or divisiveness should have no place in the body of X." (John MacArthur)

D. Any Affection and Compassion

Affection--KJV-bowels Gk.splagchnon In classical Greek used to describe the upper abdominal area, heart, lungs, liver, etc- the Greeks regarded as the seat of affections and emotions, such as anger and love. splagchnon refers to deep, internal caring “I feel it in the pit of my stomach” “broken-hearted” or “gut-wrenching”

That is the level of love and affection that God has for us, loves us deeply

Compassion-Quite simply, not only does God love us deeply, but He has shown that love for us, through action. He sees our needs and takes action.

So, the ‘if’s’ of vs. 1 express truths that the Phil. Obviously agree to: Yes, they had been encouraged by their union with X, Yes, they had experienced God’s love, Yes, they had enjoyed the fellowship of God’s Spirit. Yes, they had received an outpouring of mercy from God.”

That’s the foundation for our unity. So, in light of all that you have received from God, it shouldn’t be such a great thing to ask that you maintain the unity that God has given you.

Vs. 2-Make my joy complete-what was needed to make his joy “complete” was for the church there to maintain unity, work together harmoniously and clear up their petty quarrels.

-most likely referring to Euodia and Syntyche.

So what should it look like?

Marks of Unity in the Church (2)

-4 marks of spiritual unity in the present tense-calling for continuous action by continually following these instructions. continually living in unity-oneness of mind, common cause, common purpose, common love.

A. One Mind-Lit. thinking the same thing. Right thinking is essential to spiritual unity. Being like-minded touches what we believe. Unity begins with a shared statement of faith. We can be of the same mind because of the truths Paul has just stated. Paul is calling for unity-not at the expense of truth, but because of truth.

Also, Paul is calling for unity not uniformity. Don’t always have to agree on everything, but even in our disagreement we can still demonstrate unity by working together and serving one another.

Even in the midst of disagreement what we share in God, through X, and because of the indwelling of the HS does not change.

B. One in love-Keep holding on to mutual love. Though the opinions of saints may differ on certain points, they are to be continually united in love, which “endures all things” (I Cor. 13:7)

Love others with the love that God has poured out on us.

This is what X taught would set us apart (Jn. 13:35)

-not a sentimental or emotional love, but an obedient act of choosing to love

-It is unconditional

-if given and not returned the ‘giver’ doesn’t stop giving. Agape gives and gives and gives.

-Agape love is a love of decision, the love of the will, not preference or attraction. It is based on an intentional, conscious choice to seek the welfare of its object. Because it is based on the will, it can be commanded.

Tertullian (early church father) described this agape love as “our care for the helpless, our practice of lovingkindness, that brands us in the eyes of many of our opponents. ‘Look!’ they say ‘How they love one another!’ Look how they are prepared to die for one another.”

C. One in spirit

United in Spirit “joined together in soul”

Lit. together, harmonious, all working together as one.

D. One purpose

Intent on one purpose- “your minds set on one thing” (Barclay),

Lit. one thing thinking or think the one thing.

KJV Bible commentary “Unity of thought and purpose. A unity of heart, soul, and mind. This is what X can and will do.” Make us all one together.

Marks of unity for the individual-Each of us has responsibilities on a personal level to preserve the unity of the body.

Application questions

A. No selfish ambition– hireling vs. shepherd-someone who does his work simply for money,

-Everything he does is for the purpose of serving and pleasing himself.

Only use outside the NT by Aristotle-he uses it to describe the self-seeking pursuit of political office by unfair means.

-sometimes translated “strife” (KJV) because it refers to factionalism, rivalry, and partisanship & speaks of the pride that prompts people to push for their own way.

Most vivid example today? Our government-more concerned about maintaining position of power getting reelected than doing the right thing.

In a gracious way, Paul is saying to the church, “Your disagreements reveal that there is a spiritual problem in your fellowship. It isn’t going to be solved by rules or threats. It’s going to be solved when your hearts are right with Christ and with each other.” Paul wanted them to see that the basic cause of disunity was selfishness, and the cause of selfishness is pride

-Why are you doing what you are doing? Is it for personal gain, to get what you want or to build up the body of Christ?

B. No empty praise-compound Greek word lit. meaning empty/hollow glory or praise. The opposite of humility.

-attitude of personal vanity and self-promotion,

For example someone in a position of leadership, who was trying to build a personal following, not trying to build up the body, but to promote themselves. Gain praise, honor, status from men.

Contrast w/ selfish ambition- selfish ambition pursues personal goals, empty praise seeks personal glory and acclaim.(MacArthur)

Are you overly concerned with making sure that you are recognized and/or praised for what you do? Do you want to make sure that people know what you did, how hard you worked, or tell you that you did a good job?

-final 2 go together opposite of selfish ambition and empty praise. C. Humble-at it’s core the recognition of one’s insufficiency but the powerful sufficiency of God. Not putting ourselves down, but building others up.

Ill.-you may be a better singer than someone else. Paul is not saying to think of yourself as an inferior singer but to consider the other person as deserving of preferential treatment in general.

-Our consideration for others must precede our concern for ourselves.

D. Watch out for the interests of others

Paul is explaining how humility can be expressed as he encourages the Phil. not to make looking out for number one their top priority but to keep their focus on those things which are for the good of others. This action is not natural but only supernaturally possible