Summary: This message compares the soil types of the ground with the soil types of the heart.

Message: “Four Soils”

Text: He said, “The knowledge of the secrets of the kingdom of God has been given to you, but to others I speak in parables, so that, though seeing, they may not see; though hearing, they may not understand”

(Luke 8:10).

What is a parable?

The American Heritage Dictionary states that “It is a simple story illustrating a moral or religious lesson.”

The Zondervan Pictorial Bible Dictionary states “A parable is thus a comparison of two objects for the purpose of teaching.”

A good teacher has the ability to use everyday items or occurrences to get the message across to his listeners. The illustrations used by the teacher helps keep the attention of the listener and at the same time, helps the listener, remember the important points of the message.

Jesus was very good at using items that people were acquainted. He also was very good at putting his message into a story form to keep the attention of the listeners. He used parables to bring to light spiritual truths. He knew that in order for people to understand the parable, they would really have to stop and think about it. His messages were not meant for everyone, but they were meant for those who would listen and discover the truth for themselves. This is well illustrated in the Scripture reading for today.

Jesus often talked about the shepherd and his sheep. He did this because the shepherd and the sheep were well-known figures. He likened the shepherd to himself and the sheep to the people and in this way he could draw people into a thinking frame of mind. Those who wanted to know the truth would discover it and those who did not want to know would simply not understand and would not even care. In other words, the story or parable would pass over their heads.

He talked about the wise and the foolish virgins who took their lamps out to meet the bridegroom. Five were wise and took extra oil for their lamps and five were foolish and did not take extra oil. He was indicating to the listeners that he was the bridegroom and the virgins were people of the day. We do not know when Jesus will return and carry us into his kingdom, so we must always be prepared.

Jesus told a story about two sons. One son rejected his father, but later changed his mind and obeyed. The other son said yes to his father, but then did not follow through. Jesus was telling people that those who repent and see the light will appear in the kingdom of heaven. Those people who are like the second son, religious pretenders, who put on a good front, but fail to follow through after making a commitment, will not enter the kingdom of God, but will spend eternity in hell.

Our Scripture lesson talks about the sower, the seed, and the soil. When Jesus told this story or parable, people knew about sowing because there were many farmers. The people knew about seeds because seeds had to be planted if there was to be a harvest. They also knew about the soil because that is where the seeds were buried, but before they could be buried, the soil had to be prepared.

What is soil? You might say it is dirt. Soil is made up of beaten weathered rocks, animal matter, plant matter, and minerals. The basic types of soil include clay, sand, and silt. Soil is formed over a long period of time. Also, soil type varies depending what part of the country you are in. The types of vegetation, the weather conditions, and the animal life play a role in the type of soil present.

Here in the State of Florida, we have sandy soil. In the hills of Southern Ohio where I lived, the soil was clay and it was very hard.

Jesus talks about four different types of soil. They are:

1. hard soil – those who refuse to believe God’s Word

2. rocky soil – those who just believed God’s Word

3. thorny soil – materialistic worrying people

4. good soil – dedicated followers of God’s Word

1. Let’s consider the hard soil.

If we continuously walk on the same ground day after day, week after week and month after month, it will be packed down and become very hard. I am sure that most of us have walked on a dirt path. If you hike through the mountains or through the woods, you will be walking on dirt paths. I remember living in the country. The only paths we had were dirt paths. It was a real treat to go into town and walk on a concrete sidewalk.

In Jesus’ day, and probably many years after that, farmers would walk through the field and toss seeds from a bag they carried on their shoulder. The farmer was not ignorant or irresponsible, but this was the accepted way to sow seed. The farmer did not have equipment like we have today. So, what he really intended to do was to get enough seed on the ground in hopes that it would take root and produce a decent harvest.

The farmer or sower really had no control over where the seed was going to fall. Some would fall on the ground alongside the path the farmer was walking on and some would actually fall on the hard path. The seeds that fell on the hard path would be stepped on or the birds would come and eat the seeds.

The seed that Jesus is talking about is the Word of God. The farmer or the sower is the preacher, the minister, the evangelist, the Sunday school teacher, the Christian worker, the Christian witness or any child of God sharing the God’s Word with other people.

Many people have hearts like the hard path. They hear the Word of God, but they simply refuse to believe what they are hearing because they are worldly and the devil is in control of their lives. As the seed falls on the hard path and just lays there, so the Word of God falls upon the heart of some people, but is not able to penetrate and the devil, like the birds, takes away the Word.

The devil can’t prevent us from sowing God’s Word, but he can influence some people concerning the reception of the Word. We must continuously pray for those who are under the devil’s control. God hears our prayers and answers our prayers and because of this, many lives have been turned around and saved. The power of prayer cannot be underestimated and the devil knows it. The devil cannot stop our prayers.

Story: “The Power of Prayer”

J. Edgar Hoover said, “The spectacle of a nation praying is more awe-inspiring than the explosion of an atomic bomb. The force of prayer is greater than any possible combination of man-made or man-controlled powers, because prayer is man’s greatest means of tapping the infinite resources of God. Invoking by prayer the mercy and might of God is our most effective means of guaranteeing peace and security for the harassed and helpless peoples of the earth.”

The soil in the hard path can accept seed and become fruitful if the soil is first broken up or plowed. The same is true of the hard heart. We as Christian witnesses cannot force anyone to accept the Word of God, but we can pray earnestly that God will soften the hard hearts as a farmer softens the hard path by plowing and disking it. Prayer warriors are mighty powerful implements or tools to soften the hearts of God’s people, just as a tractor and plow are mighty powerful pieces of equipment to soften the ground for planting crop seeds.

2. Next, Jesus talks about the rocky soil.

If we take a flower pot and fill it with rocks about the size of marbles, threw a little dirt over the rocks, toss in some flower seeds, add a little water for moisture, and then set the pot out in the sunshine, what do you think will happen?

I believe that some of the seeds that land on the little bit of moist soil would soon break open and try to take root. The problem here is that there is not enough soil and moisture for the flower plants to really get a good root system established. In a short time, the plant would wither and die.

Jesus said, “Some fell on rocks, and when it came up, the plants withered because they had no moisture” (v.6).

Jesus was talking about people who follow him and believe his message, but for some reason never seem to get around to doing anything about it.

There are many people today who fall into this category. They call themselves Christians, they believe, God’s Word, they believe that Jesus was real and he died for their sins, but they never seem to get around to repenting of their sins and accepting the Lord as their own personal Savior. They haven’t done any works for Jesus. They don’t serve him in any capacity. They are always too busy to visit the sick, the elderly, the incarcerated, or the poor. They are not concerned about helping the homeless, the hungry, or the thirsty.

If they do anything at all, they are “lukewarm” about it. They don’t witness to others and their lives are not a positive witness for Christ. They are not the “light of the world” or the “salt of the earth.”

The people receive the Word of God and are excited, joyful, and happy when they receive it, but soon the devil comes by and takes away the moisture thus leaving the root to dry and the life to die. When storms of life pass their way, they have no deep roots for the Savior to uphold them; they have no limbs to reach upward him, and they have no leaves to draw in his loving tender care. They are like the plant on rocky soil in that they are withered, defeated, and on the road to destruction.

3. Jesus said, “Other seeds fell among the thorns” (v.7).

When we plant seeds in a flower bed or in a garden, we must be sure to pull up the weeds so that the plants won’t be in competition with them for moisture and soil nutrients. If we don’t pull the weeds away from the plants, the plants will not be able to reach their full potential. Weeds seem to grow so much faster than the seeds we plant.

Jesus said, “Other seed fell among thorns, which grew up with it and choked the plants” (v. 7). Jesus was referring to people who at one time meant well, but became too worldly. For example, there are people who live to acquire as many material possessions as possible. Some people strive for the biggest house, the fanciest and most expensive car, the finest of wearing apparel, extravagant furnishings for their house, the highest paying job, the best of foods, and all the latest gadgets.

These people have heard “God’s Word.” They know Jesus is more concerned about heavenly things than earthly things. They know Jesus is loving, kind, compassionate, considerate, understanding, and gave his life so that all believers could spend eternity with him, but for some reason, they ignore what they know and lean toward worldly possessions. The seed, the Word of God has fallen among the thorns and the “thorny devil” and his helpers have choked the seed from this person’s life.

Story: “Out of Bounds”

The old shepherd who offered prayer in a Welsh revival meeting put it exactly right when he expressed grief for his backsliding in these words: “Lord, I got among the thorns and briars, and was scratched and torn and bleeding; but, Lord, it is only fair to say that it was not on Thy ground; I had wandered out of Thy pasture.” (Lawson)

It is a fact that when we wander away from the “refreshing Word of God” we will undoubtedly end up in the “thorn patch” cultivated by the devil himself.

4. Jesus said, “Still other seeds fell on good soil” (v8).

If we plant seeds in good rich moist soil they are sure to grow. They will form extensive root systems that will absorb the moisture and nutrients to nourish the plant. There is little else we have to do except clear out the weeds and keep adding a little water now and then.

When God’s Word fall upon good soil, in this case, a soft receptive open heart, that is kept moist by the fountain of love, the yield will be a hundred times more than was sown. “Good soil” people share the Word with all those they meet. They constantly thirst for the rich nourishment provided by God’s Word. They reach out with open arms to help in a myriad of situations.

“Good soil” people tend to take part in the activities of the church. They live by what the Word of God says. They look to Jesus in good times as well as bad times. These people have a constant open relationship with Jesus through their prayer mode. Their everyday activities are such that other people know they are Christians. These “Good soil” people hear or read the Word of God and it takes root in the rich fertile inners of their heart.

Every bit of the shining love of Jesus is absorbed into the rich soil of these hearts and is carried to the entire body by the branches of the circulatory system and shared with other people through the leaves of words, thoughts, actions, deeds, and love.

The Word of God is never lost, trampled down, or taken from the “Good soil” person by the devil. Neither does the Word fall on rocks because there are no rocks in the good soil. Furthermore the Word need not be concerned about the thorns because the good soil has been prepared by the person to whom it belongs. In other words, the person has formed a personal relationship with Jesus through confession, repentance, and acceptance of Jesus’ offer to enter through the open door of the heart. Jesus said, “Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me” (Revelation 3:20).

The “Good soil” person can say, “He who is in you (me) is greater than he who is in the world” (I John 4:4). This person need not be worried about the devil because the devil is of the world, but the Spirit and Word live within the heart which is the “good soil.”


Jesus talked about the Word of God falling on cold calloused hearts of people who were non-receptive and compared it to the sower or farmer who sowed seed on the hard packed path. These people did not believe the Word so the devil came by and picked up the Word just like the birds picked up the seed.

Next, Jesus talked about the people who appeared to be true followers by accepting his message and believing it, but not doing anything with it, thus no fruit was produced. He compared these people to the sower sowing seed on the rocky soil that had little moisture and good soil to maintain a healthy root system; consequently, the plant came up, but withered and died.

Then Jesus talked about the people who were too worldly. These people worry about how to acquire more and more material possessions. There are so consumed by these worries that they have no time for the Word of God. He compared these people to the seeds sown in the thorn patch and choked by the thorn bushes because the thorn bushes used the moisture and multiplied more rapidly than the seed.

Lastly, Jesus talks about people who are very receptive to the Word of God. The hearts of these people are like the “good soil” which is rich in moisture and minerals and free of weeds and thorns. These hearts are filled with the love of God because of confession of sin, repentance of sin, and the open door through which the Holy Spirit was invited to enter and make residence.

The question is: What type of soil are you?

I want to close with this little poem:

“My Best”

There is an urge within my breast,

To give the Lord my very best,

In thought, in action, word and deed,

This has become my whole life’s creed.

I want to fit into His plan

Be of help to my fellow-man.

Plan the things that I should do

Before my work on earth is through.

It may be out in the darkest night,

Somewhere in the thick of a dangerous fight

That He will send me, ere I’m through,

With all the things I’m supposed to do.

This I know, if I do His will

He will abide and keep me still;

I shall not fear wherever I be

If Jesus, my Savior, pilots me.
