Summary: The Psalmist God’s steadfast love in our lives. The truth of God’s steadfast love empowers us, and provides us comfort and hope

Psalm 136:1-26 “Discover Love”


Thanksgiving will soon be upon us. This day, which has become encased in over eating and college football, has giving thanks for God’s blessings at its core. I want to take the month of November and examine the great blessings that God has poured into our lives, and why we can rejoice, give thanks, and praise not only on Thanksgiving Day, but every day in our lives. During the month of November, I’ll be speaking on the gifts of love, purpose, peace, and eternity.

Love seems like such a simple gift. We often go through our days oblivious to God’s love for us, and other people’s love for us. For most of us love is so common that we take it for granted and we don’t realize what a powerful force love is in our lives and in our world. Imagine for a moment what the world would be like if love were absent. Imagine what your life would be like without love. One of God’s greatest gifts to us is the gift of love and God’s love for us.


It seems to be a fact of life that the more rich, successful or famous a person becomes, the more aloof and inaccessible her or she becomes. Lottery winners lose friends, Best selling authors have many fans, but few close friends. In the lives of CEO’s and other leaders that old adage that “it is lonely at the top,” proves all too true.

The psalmist celebrates that fact that this is not what happens in God’s relationship with us or with God’s creation. The God of all creation is a good God and loves us.

At the very core of the Christian gospel is the truth that the God of all creation still loves us individually. God knows us by name, hears our prayers, is intimately involved in our lives, and has promised never to forsake us. Not only does God love us, but also this love is an enduring love.


The psalmist reflects on God’s love during the years of slavery in Egypt. There were terrible years, when the Israelites felt abandoned by God. But God never abandoned his people. He moved powerfully to save them.

God moved powerfully in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus to save us from our slavery and separation.

In our daily lives, God moves to save us from the disasters, failures, catastrophes that befall us.

God’s love for us is expressed not only in God’s words of love and comfort, but also in God moving to save us from difficult times.


The psalmist rejoices in the love of God expressed to the Israelites in the wilderness. They wandered in the wilderness for 40 years, but God never forsook them.

God took care of their every need—food, clothing, and shelter. God was present and God was guiding them everyday.

God protected them and gave them victory over their enemies.

God moves in the same way in our lives. God provides and protects. God’s goodness and God’s love is expressed in the small, simple things of daily life.


God’s love is awesome. We can rejoice in it, and “bask” in it.

God challenges us to take the love that we have received from him and love others—to see how he has loved us and to love others in that same way.

Love is a precious gift to both receive and to give.
