How a church is to be organized
Titus 1
Scripture reading: Hebrews 13
For the last month, at his school, my son has been learning about how Canada is organized and run. In the world there are 6 different systems of government: anarchy, monarchy’s, republics, dictatorships, democracies, and constitutional monarchy’s.
In Canada the system of government that we employ is a constitutional monarchy. This means that we have a Monarch (Queen Elizabeth) as our symbolic head of state. The queen, however, does not dictate how Canada runs. Instead, we elect people to represent us and make decisions and laws on our behalf.
Our church, and every church has a system of government. The reason is because our God is a God of order and His command to us is to do everything in an orderly manner (1 Corinthians 14:40). In regards to the system of government that is to be in church, God has not left us to our own devices. The Scriptures clearly reveal for us how a church is be organized.
1. Many people have asked me is Sue and I own the church.
2. Some confusion exists regarding how decisions are made and how we are funded
Sue and I do not own the church.
The church is a registered charity, it’s legal name being: Islington Baptist Church. Islington Baptist Church is held in trust by the Trustees that the members of Islington Baptist have elected. The Trustees do not own the church either. By direction only, the Trustees carry out various legal activities on behalf of the church. For example, by the direction of the Members the Trustees sold the house next door on behalf of Islington Baptist Church. If the church were ever to close due, the assets of the church would not go to the members or the Trustees. By law the assets of the church would have to be distributed to another charity of like kind i.e the money would be given to another local Baptist Church in the area.
How are decisions made at Islington?
As far as decision making goes here at the church the decision making process is shared between me, as your Pastor and the members of the church.
On a day-to-day basis I make all sorts of decisions—sometimes independently, most often in consultation. The reason I make all sorts of decisions is because, while I am legally an employee of the church, when you called me to serve here, you called me – according to the Scriptures-- to be your leader.
While I make a fair number of decisions on my own that does not mean that I am not accountable. Accountability is very important to me. Our Constitution ensures this, as it requires that periodic members meetings take place. At these members meetings what happens at the church is reviewed. In addition to this future initiatives and projects are discussed, prayed, and voted on. At these meetings I have one vote on whatever issue is at hand, just as any other person does.
No matter who you are, if you have ministry idea that fits with our purpose of Telling others about Jesus, Learning more about God and how to follow Him, Worshipping the Lord, or Serving each other and our community, your input is welcome.
How is Islington Baptist funded?
Primarily, by you and me.
When I was a child my parents taught me what the Bible calls tithing. Tithing involves giving 10% of what you earn or receive by gift, inheritance, etc towards to the work of the Lord. When done with a right and willing heart it is a way of worshipping God. The practice of tithing is what kept the Temple of the Lord and priests and Levitical staff maintained. When the people the unfaithful the Temple of the Lord fell into disrepair and the Levites and priests abandoned their posts.
I firmly believe that tithing is for today. To give 10% of what crosses our palms ought not to be considered a burden by us. To give this small amount to the work of the Gospel is the least we can do for the greatest venture that there is on earth: telling others about Jesus and then helping those who are followers of Jesus live faithfully. For more info read Malachi 3:6-12.
Before reading note
1. Written by Paul to Titus (a close associate of Paul’s in the work of church planting). As you will notice in a moment: Paul had a job for Titus to do. Titus’ job was to identify and then ordain elders in every church on the island of Crete.
2. The church situation that Paul was writing to reflected churches that seem to be i. smaller in size and 2. relatively new.
My rationale for saying this is:
a. There is no mention of choosing Deacons (whose appearance on the church scene only happened as the church got big and the work load exceeded the abilities of the Apostles)
b. The churches on Crete had no ordained/set apart men who were serving as Elders/Pastors. This indicates the newness of the congregations.
Practical application:
The first priority of a church is the setting apart of some men to serve as the spiritual leaders/Elders of the church. It is only later, as the church grows and expands that Deacons come into play. The first priority is to identify and ordain qualified men to lead/shepherd/ and direct the church. In short, a plurality of elders is required in the church, Deacons, as honorable as they are, are not required—yet as the church grows they become necessary.
1. Additional information can be found in 1 Timothy 3
2. The term “Elder” is equivalent to Pastor, Bishop, Overseer
3. The Scriptures teach that the goal is to have a plurality of Elders in any given church
4. While most churches hire their Pastor’s from outside, if it is at all possible it’s best to home grow them.
5. The Bible requires that those who serve as Pastor/Elder/Bishop/Overseer be men.
Evidence to this is the exclusive use of the masculine in the text, the example Jesus set in his choosing of the 12 disciples, and the fact that from the days of the Patriarchs through the New Testament Elders have always been men.
6. The list of qualifications given is not exceptional in the sense that the qualities listed are to be exclusive to Elders. Almost every quality noted is to mark every believer. This leads to the conclusion that the men who attain to the office of Elder- rather than being exceptional individuals, are simply mature Christians who serve as true examples of what it means to be a Christian.
1. He must be blameless
This is a covering term that is also used in v.8 to refer to a bundle of moral standards. Basically the point is that those who hold the office of elder in a church are to have moral standards that are beyond reproach (this does not mean perfect either)
2. He must be the husband of but one wife
While the Bible details many a polygamous marriage, it is actually frowned upon. Hence an Elder of the church must have only 1 wife.
3. His children must believe and must not be open to the charge of being wild and disobedient
Some Pastors and church leaders have really struggled with this one
4. He must not be overbearing
Pastor’s are not to be bullies who are always coming down on people and trying to control every detail of their peoples lives.
5. He must not be quick tempered
6. He must not be given to drunkness
7. He must not be violent
8. Like everyone else, the money an Elder of the church earns, is to be earned honestly and by hard work
9. He must be hospitable
No matter who you are, this is a requirement of you. Romans 12:9-13 says “Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good. 10 Be devoted to one another in brotherly love. Honor one another above yourselves. 11 Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord. 12 Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. 13 Share with God’s people who are in need. Practice hospitality.”
10. He must love what is good
11. He must be self controlled.
Note: This is a key phrase and instruction in the remainder of Titus.
12. He must be upright
13. He must be holy
14. He must be a man of discipline and order ---in his pursuit of God, in the carrying out of his work, in regards to all matters of his life.
15. He must hold firmly to the message of Jesus and the way of salvation that the Scriptures teach
While being an Elder is not for everyone the question is: How mature are you?
We ought to use this list as a measuring stick against ourselves in regards to our spiritual maturity. Take a look at the list, how are you doing? Is growth happening? Are you slipping somewhere?
In the book of Titus, Paul identifies 2 key things that Elders are to be doing
1. They are to teach others how to follow Jesus and do what is right
2. They are to refuting and silence those who teach falsely about Jesus and how to follow him.
1. Elders are to teach the brothers and sisters how to follow Jesus.
-In Chapter 2 Paul tells Titus what he is teach.
-the only source for what is taught is to be Bible
-The ability to teach God’s word is a must for the office of Elder.
-We all need teaching.
-we need to be good students and that means being doers of God’s Word.
-the proof of the genuineness of our faith is our being doers of the Word of God.
2. Those who are elders are to refute and silence those who teach falsely about Jesus and how to follow him.
In Paul’s farewell speech in Acts 20:28-31, he says to the leaders of the local church “Keep watch over yourselves and all the flock of which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers. Be shepherds of the church of God, which he bought with his own blood. 29 I know that after I leave, savage wolves will come in among you and will not spare the flock. 30 Even from your own number men will arise and distort the truth in order to draw away disciples after them. 31 So be on your guard! Remember that for three years I never stopped warning each of you night and day with tears.”
False teachers from within and without are a constant danger to the church. This is why it is so important that a church have established Elders. As under shepherds of the Great Shepherd, Elders are to care for the flock under their care and likewise to protect the flock from the wolves from the outside and from errant sheep in the midst.
The key to refuting and silencing those who are in the wrong: Time in God’s word, prayer, the wisdom of the Lord
Our God is a God of order. As such He has given us clear instructions for how a church is to function and organize.
In any given church the most important office is that of Elder.
The first task of a church is the appointment of spiritually mature and willing men to the position of elder. The required commitment of such men is that they dedicate themselves to the care, protection, help, and building up of the local body of believers.
One of the chief functions of Elders is to teach the people under their care how to follow Jesus. Another chief function is to guard the flock under their care from false teachers.
In terms of elders here at Islington, a short while ago there were 2 of us. As you know, Keith and Marg have moved to Guelph. Our concern and really priority as a church is to get to the point where once again we have a plurality of elders. This requires prayer, not hastiness, on our parts. Please pray to this end and while you are at it, do not forget to pray for me that I would stay true to the Lord and his Word and be a good example for you.
While the office of Elder/Overseer/Pastor/Bishop is not for everybody, spiritual maturity is. How are doing? Are you growing? The Bible provides measurable guideposts i.e the qualifications of v.5-9. Our collective goal is to grow in maturity in Christ.
God bless you all.