Lot’s Living Large.
In our Scripture this morning the account of Sodom and Gomorra a fantastic story. One that always struck me as….kind of, unusual -Angels visiting, Lives threatened, Lot gets away by the skin of his teeth
and this curious thing of his wife (who is never named) turning into a pillar of salt.
You know, it is stories like these that get the Bible banned in school libraries. The Bible doesn’t white wash things. It addresses real issues – things we would rather…not talk about. Interesting, fascinating – but does it mean anything for us in the modern world? Sure thing . It is all about faith, or lack of it. Trust in the things of God, r than in lifestyle.
Hope, that God is right in the end.
Today we have seen a comical look at this story, but it has serious implications on how we understand who God is and how we live out our faith – let’s take a look at this wonderful passage.
For years some said, this has to be a fairy tail, a fter all, there is no Sodom, there is no Gomorra. Well a few years ago – they found them – twin cities, under the dead sea, destruction pretty much matching what we read today.
What Lot doing there? Chapter 13 Abraham & Lot separate. Herdsman – each had own flocks, land difficult to support both. Abraham gives Lot the choice. He picks Sodom and Gomorra. Very fertile land...he’s thinking town life, nice weather – especially in winter, it would make a good retirement village. Pretty easy life. Lot is living large. Not only a sweet place to live but he has become politically powerful. We see him sitting at the gate of the city (verse 1) which means he has influence perhaps even makes judgments.
Let’s make one thing clear upfront – this is not a scripture about hospitality. Abraham offered hospitality so he was blessed. Sodom did not so they were cursed - this is what some folks try to throw at us. Lot was very hospitable. To say that this is about hospitality isto really miss the point of what is happening and makes light of what it is really about and is just lousy biblical interpretation. This is about faith, trust and hope…..amid accepted sinful lifestyles, a lot like America.
Lot is living in a very permissive society and enjoying life. Sound familiar? He probably gets along well with everyone. He lives in a beautiful area, with reat weather - probably lives in shorts and Hawaiian shirts. Everything is plentiful and the people of the town seem to like and respect him. Let’s not forget Chapter 14. Sodom & Gomorra are attacked. Women and children, some men taken are away
along with Lot. Uncle Abraham – gets them back. Lot has to have a reputation.
We Can’t Control Those Around Us – Can We?
Now let’s be fair to Lot. Chances are if given the choice he was given. Many of us would choose the same way he did. Lot is who he is, even if those around him are living….alternative lifestyles. The Scripture describes the people as wicked, really meaning that their lives were overtaken by sin. When we think wicked we probably think lurking, nasty, horrible people. You know them when you see them. But that is not necessarily so. We might describe them differently today:Sexually addicted, Abusive in relationships, Anarchist, Without a conscience.. Maybe….. they have their own sense of morality. Perhaps they might have a “question authority” bumper sticker on their chariot. But all that doesn’t mean they weren’t pleasant to get along with. Fun at times even loyal and helpful.
People who are abusive in relationships, hurt their spouse, damage their children and most of the time people never suspect it – do they?
BTK Killer – in Wichita. He was a Coach, a Deacon in the church. He is described as Very “faithful”, Clean, Good to his family. Who would suspect? But – all these years, he was evil. NT – bound to his sin, a slave to it.
You have to wonder, how much did Lot suspect? How much did Lot know? He knew something. When the angels arrive he pleads with them not to stay outside (verse 3). I’ve lived in places like that. That’s what you did then, camp in the square. Sodom probably wasn’t large enough to have an inn plus there weren’t many at that time. So folks just camped where there was space.
Then the weirdness begins (verse 5). Gen. 19:5 They called to Lot, “Where are the men who came to you tonight? Bring them out to us so that we can have sex with them.”
I don’t care how you cut it – these are not nice men. What is amazing is that they are very upfront about it. Where are the police? Where are the laws? And Lot is a respected citizen – what about those who are everyday folks? Here is clear evidence that either this is accepted behavior or people are going to look the other way.
So the angels – being awesome and powerful say “we’ll take care of this” - BINK now you’re blind. My question is……Why didn’t the men just give up when they are struck with blindness? Why didn’t they fall back in amazement, fear? Why didn’t they stop? The physical blindness is symbolic of what is really going on inside their hearts -Spiritual blindness. We see in the book of Romans that God says that at some point he will let us succumb to our sin. If we pursue it so diligently. If that is they way you really want it – so be it.
God has given these folks a lot of time. He even sent a Godly man into their midst to help them see their sin by lifestyle contrast. But now they are so intent on their sin, in the case of these men sexual addiction – sexual perversion – sexual abuse. They threaten Lot. They continue their pursuit even though they are blind. Actually quite amazing.
What Influence Does Lot Really Have – If Any?
If a group of men demand to abuse his guests, how much of an honored citizen is he really? Even his future sons-in-laws mock him.
In Hebrew better translation – future. They have no respect for him. Not only do they blow him off – they make fun of his. From their point of view – what’s wrong with Sodom? Probably grew up here…difficult to see difference. Guys will be guys. So what if they go to the strip club - it is just beer, chicken wings and stuf they have seen before....
Daughters appear to be engaged, the ones he offers in the place of the visitors…
Gen. 19:7 and said, “No, my friends. Don’t do this wicked thing. 8 Look, I have two daughters who have never slept with a man. Let me bring them out to you, and you can do what you like with them. But don’t do anything to these men, for they have come under the protection of my roof.”
I’m sorry – but I can’t get past that. What is this all about?
I think we have Lot, called a righteous man caught up in the lifestyle around him. Perhaps he has seen so much he somehow doesn’t see what he is doing. There really is no excuse for it.
In light of this…..if Lot is considered righteous……How bad are the folks of Sodom?
Well….Lot has to go. Even In The Most Desperate Situations It Is Hard To Leave.
Lot hesitates – He seems to know that these men are for real, that what they say is true. This is the reality. But still he wants to stay.
Like Lot, it is hard to see past the door. And we are so like Lot in our lives for us it is not leaving a city bent of destruction, but…A bad habit,
A relationship…we know really isn’t right. This is about not only doing something – but also not doing something. Spending time with God – just praying for example some of us it is the lack of, rather than the doing of.
So God tells us: don’t look to the past what you have now – there is more to life. This here isn’t it.
When one goes on a short tem mission trip – like the youth. You realize God is calling us to a new life. One that isn’t like everyone else around us. Though we may have had memorable times God wants us to look forward – to trust him with what is next not just to trust what is familiar. Many times we don’t grow spiritually because, well, we like the familiar – hard to see what is better. Because all we can see is what is around us even if, it is not a great situation….it is familiar.
Eyes To The Future.
So they are told to flee to the mountains. In this area are found natural sulfur. Perhaps this was what was starting to happen an eruption of sulfur and Lot now sees it coming and panics. Angels – go to town of Zoar!
It is about a lack of faith, trust, hope. Gen. 19:26 But Lot’s wife looked back, and she became a pillar of salt.
We saw earlier that Lot, offering his daughters in place of the men so he has already started to take on some of his neighbors way of life. Life around them was starting to overtake them. For Lot’s wife – she knew what was going on. But that old life is hard to let go of – so she turns to look back probably more than a glance, but a lingering - one last look at the old life, one last experience...and she is overtaken by the destruction. There are natural salt pillars in the area - I gues she is one of them.
Bottom line for us. Taken all together, in many ways we live in a society like Lot lived in. People all around with "alternative lifestyles". God places us here like Lot. But he calls us to live for him, not to live like everyone else.
We all may have a situation w need to leave behind this morning: A bad habit; A relationship…we know really isn’t right - you know what I’m talking about - It could even be not doing what is right, just standing by. You know what it is. It is on your mind right now.
Let us pray that God gives us the urgency and strength to leave this behind.