Summary: Description of the Church of Jesus Christ

Why I Love The Church

Part 3

March 19, 2000 AM – Danny L. Williams

1 Peter 2:4-8

Thursday evening I took my dog for a walk in a field behind our house. And I like those times when I can get away and just enjoy the air and see the sunset. Not to mention chase my dog and keep demanding for him to come back…

Some of you are saying your Dog? Man my kid’s do that to me….. I understand….but we must have walked for about 2 miles from the house and I noticed in the middle of this creek bottom was a huge pile of Stones(Rock’s) and most of them looked like the next. But as I looked closer I saw a stone that really stood out. Man I mean this stone was beautiful. But I began to wonder why it was so different that the others..

1 Peter 2:5 says that we are living stones….

I want to tell you this morning what makes living stones different.

Aspect # 2: Stones can be Shattered , smashed and sawn into.

It is a painful process, Not for the stone,

I took another stone and smashed it also to see what was in side…. but I want you to know I didn’t hear it say Ouch and ooh..

But can I tell you that there are times in our lives when things are not going like we want them to go and it is pretty painful…..

But I want to tell you something this morning,

“For the real Jewel to come out, God is going to have to get rid of the junk that is all around us.

And sometimes it is a very painful process…

In Matt.21:44 – Jesus said that on who ever he falls, it will break that individual… he refers to himself as a stone.

“And he who falls on this Stone will be broken to pieces”

Matthew 21:44

I want you to know that when I was preparing this aspect of my message This portion really hit home with me.

Because I feel like there are so many people who feel like

their lives are being shattered. Your being smashed and cut into.

But I want to tell you this morning that as livley stones God loves us so much that he will cut away everything in your life that is not of him….

And it is painful……and it hurts…….

But in your notes there are three things that happens as God shatters and smashes us to bring out our real beauty….

· Recognize His greatness

Can I tell you this morning that if Jesus is the Lord of your life, He is in control……

Number Two….

We need to

· Realize who I am In Christ – I’m a stone.

And I want to tell you that there are some rough edges in my life….and there are things in our lives that God has to cut away…that is not of him..

You know things I try to hold on to, We need to realize that we are a stone…..

Now we are a precious stone , an important stone, we are valuable to God but we are a stone….and some times I even think like a stone, I’m about as hard headed as a stone….

Thirdly as we recognize who God is and realize who we are and .

You understand in your notes that God is

· Refining me.

There is a refining process that takes place

And something beautiful like this comes out…

But can I tell you? You never get beauty until you are broken.

And I want to tell you this morning that God loves you enough to let you break….

In fact God loves you enough to break you..

So that he can produce, a beautiful stone out of your life…

See: it is only after a stone has been broken that we can enjoy the benefits and allow others to enjoy them also….

Do you remember what Jesus did when he feed the 5000?

The bible say’s that he took the bread before he gave it to his

Disciple and he looked up to heaven and bless it and then he ____??? Broke it.

SEE: Multiplication takes place after breaking…

Do you remember Peter’s rejection and denial of Jesus? Do you remember what happened to him after? He was broken and then later we read that he stood up and preached and 3000 were saved, but can I tell you he had to be broken first..

He loves you enough church to break you and to strip away the areas that hinder us from being all that God has called us to.

It is painful, See we all want to look like this , but it is so stinking HARD!!!!

Can I be honest ?

When ever God begins to work on me I say “Okay God would you stop? Haven’t I learned enough for today? I then try to get him to look at others , God look at David he need’s help, I’m okay…..

Or I pick on my spouse Look at her God sickem’,

And you know he says no you.. I want you…

And I love you so much I want to smash and shatter all the troubles, so out of your life beautiful Jewel’s can come forth.

You know what???

I have seen fake jewel’s

Okay this is not the time to look at your ring’s bracelets or necklaces.

And don’t be looking at your neighbors….ok.

Look right at me…

Some of you have on fake jewels this morning. And there is nothing wrong with that unless it is in the wedding ring….but any way

But hear me this morning,

Those fake Jewels’s have not gone through the same process. That the real Jewels have….

Fake Jewel’s can’t stand up under the pressure; it can’t stand up under time.

But can I tell you a Diamond doesn’t happen over night…

That pearl came through time, pressure and refinement.

And that is what God want’s to do with us….

Stones can be shattered, smashed or sawn into


Aspect # 3: Stones can cause one to Stumble.

Have you ever met the type of people who are an accident waiting to happen?

It is like where ever they Go calamity follows them….

But can I tell you stones sometimes cause us to stumble.

There are

· Two responses to Jesus – Reception or Rejection.

Peter says in Vs. 7 if you receive Jesus he is very precious.

But in vs. 8 he becomes a stumbling stone to you a rock of offence.

· The World’s response to us as believers.

If fact, look at Vs. 8 You see the word disobedient there

And the word disobedient means: Not able to be fully persuaded…

Now hear me this morning we live in a society right now who says there are no absolutes

….they don’t want to serve our God they way we do.

The believe you can serve God and Live they way you want to.

Can I tell you this morning

That is an absolute…

.It is an absolute Lie from Satan…

God requires truth

and Holiness, Honesty and integrity.

Now Let me say this If you are a Christian the world should stumble over you…

Not over your personality but over the principles you espouse.

The should not stumble over your method but your message.

They should stumble over what you stand for not what you stand against.

The fourth aspect about stones

Aspect # 4: Stones are going to Survive!

We can go out and look around this church and find stones that are older than some of us.

Stones are going to Last..

Stones will be around ever when others are gone.


Look with me at 1 peter 2:6

“And He who believes in Him (Jesus) shall not be disappointed.” 1 Peter 2:6

The Greek says it like this He shall never be ashamed.

What is peter saying?

He is saying the church is going to survive and we are going to be victorious…


WE WIN Church…. We are living stones, we are a royal priest hood, I want you to know this morning regardless of what is happing to you WE WIN>>>>>> Hallelujah…

Can you say amen this morning?

Now I want to tell you three reasons the church is going to survive


· The Church is alive!

Say that with me “The church is alive..

In 1 Peter 2:4 our leader is alive, in 1 peter 2:5 we are alive. We are living stones not dead stones.

We are the living temple…Of Jesus Christ…

We are alive because he lives in us…Hallelujah

See: The church is not Dead…it is teaming with Life… This church is Alive..

Turn to your neighbor and tell them you are not dead…

So live…….

Your marriage may be dying this morning

Your job may be dying

Your hope may be dying but I want to tell you this morning,,,,,,,,

,,,,,,You are going to be okay because we are alive… LIVE>>>>>>>>>

Let me tell you the difference between a live stone and a dead stone.

Live stones are constantly learning. Dead stones already know enough.

Live stones spend everything that comes in and they want more

but dead stones have more money than they will ever spend..

Live stones improve for the future and expect for more

but dead stones just talk about how good the past was.

Live stones step out in faith and believe God for the impossible

but dead stones focus on programs.

Live stones are filled with tither’s

but Dead stones Just Tip…….


Live stones dream dreamers larger than themselves that only God can fulfill…

but dead stones relive old night mare’s

Live stones evangelize because they love the lost

But dead stones just wonder why it is not the way it use to be?

Live stones are constantly changing because they have to

but dead stones never change because there is no need to.

Sit down on the front row….


If you are not going to help me I will help my self….

Not only is the church alive but

· The Church is armed !

Eph. 6: says that we have a helmet of salvation that will guard your thought life.

We have the sword of the spirit to do battle with the enemy. We have the shield of faith to quench the fiery darts of the enemy. We are armed with the breastplate of righteousness…Because of the Blood of Jesus.

The church is armed, church we are in a battle so get armed and FIGHT LIFE THROUGH>

don’t quit. Fight life, you fall ? get back up, Fight Church Fight….

Lastly we will survive because we are

· The Church is advancing!

We are the Triple A club, Alive , armed and advancing.

We are a church that is Victorious and A Church that is a living stone for Jesus.


Bow your head’s

YOU are here this morning and you are not living,

What I mean is that your life is dying around you….

In just a few moment’s we are going to pray a prayer.