Summary: Does God answer prayer? Does He keep His promises of old?

TITLE: Milk & Honey pm102206

TEXT: Exodus 3:7,8 The LORD said, “I have indeed seen the misery of my people in Egypt. I have heard them crying out because of their slave drivers, and I am concerned about their suffering. 8So I have come down to rescue them from the hand of the Egyptians and to bring them up out of that land into a good and spacious land, a land flowing with milk and honey


A. Does God answer prayer? Does He keep His promises of old? These

are questions I have attempted to answer many times as I have stood

before you on Sunday night.

1. Sometimes I have felt like an apologist explaining the fine print to

the saint who feels she/he has been slighted by the hand of God—

the one who says, “Preacher I didn’t get my answer.”

2. You see the answer to the to the age long question often depends

on who you ask and at what point in their lives have you asked it.

3. If you were to ask the person on the mountain top of spiritual

experience you would get the answer, “Absolutely! Praise His


4. If you were to ask someone struggling right now like Annette... She

may give you the pat Christian answer. But what she feels to be

the truth is gnawing at her soul as much as her infirmity is gnawing

at her body.

5. Ask the Duponts and unless they are feeling especially vulnerable

at the moment you may get the pre-prepared answer. But down

inside can they really help but wonder if God is going to come

through this time.

6. Does God answer prayer? Does He keep His promises of old?

Does He see the state that I’m currently in? Does He feel my pain?

Or is He a god who doesn’t care who lives a way up there?

7. Is He so far removed—detached from the affairs of this world and

it’s people that He is unable to hear their cries of agony and faith.

8. Or, is Jesus really that friend who sticks closer than a brother.

9. Will He really Eph 4:19 meet all your needs according to his

glorious riches in Christ Jesus.

10. Will the prayer offered in faith accompanied by the oil of anointing

really make the sick person well.

11. Do we really have no cause for worry? –for food, shelter, clothing.

Does the Heavenly Father really know in advance that we need


12. I could go on and on. Does God really answer prayer? Does He

keep His promises? Does He know what I am going through?


A. At a time when the people of God were at their lowest—when they

were asking similar questions to the ones we ask today, God gives

this promise. He promises to lead them to a land flowing with milk

and honey. What did He mean. As a young child in Sunday School I

have often wondered what this really meant.

1. The Israelites found themselves lamenting their situation just like

we do when the seasons of our lives turn from sunny to cloudy,

from warm to frigid.

2. Hear them again. Can you relate? They were literally groaning

under the tyrannical hand of their oppressors. The word says,

Exodus 2:23 The Israelites groaned in their slavery and cried

out, and their cry for help because of their slavery went up to


3. And the word gives us God’s response I have indeed seen the

misery of my people in Egypt. I have heard them crying out

because of their slave drivers, and I am concerned about their


B. And then He promises to lead them to a land flowing with milk and

honey. What sort of promise was this?

1. Let me see if I can explain the concept to you. First of all the milk.

Ask farmers in Wisconsin. When do you have to milk cows. Does

anyone know? The answer is every morning.

a. On dairy farms all over the world this is a constant. They milk

those cows early in the morning and a couple of times a day

after that.

b. There is no letting up. Winter, summer, spring, autumn. Those

cows are going to give milk.

c. If they don’t give milk it’s off to the slaughter house and later to

McDonalds. Milk is a symbol of a constant source of provision.

2. I believe that God is communicating I will always be there for you.

When you feel the warmth of my presence and when you don’t. In

the summer in the winter. I am you constant source of provision.

I’m as reliable as the milk cow that gives milk every day.

3. Second let me see if I can communicate to you what Honey

means. Honey is a seasonal blessing. When do bees produce

honey? Spring and summer. By the fall they are preparing their

store for winter.

4. If you have taken all the honey from the bees all season long and

not fed them a sugary mixture they will starve to death during the


5. I believe God is communicating that you will go through seasons in

your life when you have a super abundance—you have more than

you need

6. Luke 6:38 gives the measure Give, and it will be given to you. A

good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running

over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you

use, it will be measured to you.”

7. The Milk and honey are two sure constants—two things the child of

God can count on in their journey. #1. You will always have what

you really need. #2 You will have seasons that will fill your heart

with gratitude toward God because He has given you more than

you need, and you will have seasons which will try your faith.

C. God promised them a land of milk and honey, but when they arrived

there 40 years later, the same giants that possessed the land nearly

4 decades earlier still occupied their land.

1. They were going to have to fight for the land of milk and honey.

2. They were going to have to trust God to work miracles before them

as they launched out certainly with fear but also with faithful



A. You all know what Annette and I are going through right now. Yet

here I stand in the land of milk and honey.

1. We don’t face a financial struggle. Some of you make more money

than me, but I don’t see that as a financial crisis for me. Some

years ago God allowed us to be tested financially. I believe that we

passed the test and that victory has allowed me a reprieve from

other such tests in the here and now. Here we stand, a little

battered but no worse for wear. Moneywise I’m in the land of milk

and honey.

2. We are not facing a crisis today with Clint. For a couple of years

now you have helped me pray for the boy when we were being

tested with a failed college attempt and marijuana. But God has

heard our cry and he is making good grades (impossible if he were

still smoking), going to class every day. Why Annette even spied

him reading the Bible. We have had seasons of want, but here we

stand no worse for the wear in the land of milk and honey. God

has been faithful.

3. I could stand and testify of season after season, situation after

situation when we have been tried and tested, endured seasons of

lack and sometimes fear—times when I have been sick in body, on

a couple of occasions even sick unto death. But miraculously, as

sure as the spring time flowers and the buzzing of the bees, the

honey has started flowing again.

4. No, we are facing Annette’s serious kidney/bladder situation.

Please don’t think I’m trying to garnish sympathy—you all know

her problem well. I’m not exaggerating the situation when I say

that this could lead to kidney failure and death.

a. I tell you the milk is hear and the honey will start flowing again.

We haven’t received her healing yet, but I’m still believing for it.

b. Some might think, “She’s still young...the odds are on her

side...she’ll likely get better on her own.”

c. But I tell you it will be God who causes the milk to be provided

everyday and the blessed honey to flow again.

5. I say this knowing full well that one day I will be an old man—I’m

now in between middle age and just plain old---what do you call

this season of life anyway?

6. There will come the day for all of us when our health begins failing

us, when our sight will begin to grow dim. What can we expect

from God?

7. I tell you we should still expect milk and honey. God is just as

faithful to supply our needs no matter what season of life we may

be in.

8. Its milk! Its honey! That’s what God has promised! You can count

on it.


A. I don’t know what you may have on your heart this evening. I don’t

suppose to know every struggle you are enduring—I’m willing to

listen anytime.

1. But I challenge you to take God at His word. He’ll provide what you

need. He’ll bring you through.

2. And when your time comes and you leave this old world what can

you expect? Milk and honey. Honey all the time.

3. Don’t give up on God—He’ll bring you home—He’ll provide—He’ll

bring you through!