Summary: Part 2 of Sermon about the evidence for believing in Christ

The Christ Question Part 2

John 14: 1-14

Jesus talking with disciples because about to be crucified. Trying to comfort them.

What mean by many mansions? Means there is a heaven

Can a thinking person believe Christ is our only hope, our only way to heaven?

Arguments people give when we say Jesus is the only way

5 arguments people use to oppose us when we say Christ is the only way

Show these carry no merit

1. Sincerity argument

Doesn’t matter what you believe as long as you are sincere in what you believe

Implies that sincerity is the issue with God.

2. Diversity Argument

All religions are a diverse expression of some core truth.

All say the same thing about God and Life

All other religions are based on merit.


Other religions---what we do

Christianity----what God has already done.

3. Relativity Argument

Doesn’t matter if all religions teach different things, truth is relevant.

What’s true for you may not be true for me.

Post-modern mindset : OK for you to find your truth, I’ll find my truth.

Ex: law of gravity.

4. Bigotry argument

Can’t accept Christ is the only way, if you do you are prejudiced and bigoted.

No tolerance of others beliefs.

Have to accept any body’s view.

5. Exclusivity argument

If Jesus is the only way, some are already excluded.

Those who never heard of Jesus are already lost.

What about those who have never heard of Christ??


1. All people everywhere already have the knowledge of God

Bible says the knowledge of God is in heart of every man

2. Knowledge received results in greater revelations

Knowledge of Gods grows.

3. God judges according to how much knowledge we have

Bible says to whom much is given much is expected.

4. God is a holy, righteous, fair, loving, kind, compassionate, merciful God

In the end. God will always do what is right.

** Argument carry no weight.

Jesus is the answer for the world today

You know the truth. That’s why you are here.

Question: what are you doing with the truth you say you believe????