Summary: This sermon is the First and Foundational sermon in the second half (Part 2) of the series, "Living the Life" which is based on the General Heading of the Natural and Spiritual work of the Holy Spirit.

The Natural and Spiritual

Work of the Holy Spirit

A Practical Doctrine on the Holy Spirit

Living the Life Sermon Series II

The Fruit of the Spirit

The Foundation Sermon

The Un-Forbidden Fruit!

July 16, 2006

Text: Galatians 5:13-26

Key Texts: Psalm 1:1/Galatians 5:16, 22-23

Psalm 1:1(NRSV)

Happy are those who do not

follow the advice of the wicked,

or take the path that sinners tread

or sit in the seat of scoffers.

Galatians 5:16, 22-23 (NRSV)

Live by the Spirit, I say, and do not

gratify the desires of the flesh…

By contrast, the fruit of the Spirit

is love, joy, peace, patience,

kindness, generosity, faithfulness,

gentleness, and self-control.


As an introductory hymn for the Hebrew (Israelite) Hymnal the Hebrew writer writes the song, Psalm 1 as a warning and admonition. Admonishing the worshippers not to do what are forbidden, those things not pleasing in God’s sight. The Lyricist is especially advising the Israelites not to follow the lifestyles of wicked people, those who continually sin. He adds that they should not sit in the seat of judgment or act like arrogant judges. Here, this hymnist simply cautions and then informs the worshippers that the end result of doing such is the destruction of those who live wickedly.

“Contrarily”, the author comments, “Be like those who obey the law and are deemed righteous.” Those who aren’t living a forbidden life, doing or practicing forbidden actions. Thus, those who do not their end is destructive—death! Eating like Adam and Eve, the forbidden fruit. To do so means death and a departure from God. However, those who live a lawful—law abiding life would prosper; in simple terms, be blessed by God.

I find how easy it is to follow our friends’ ways of living. Even believers are swayed quickly into thinking that the worldly life is exciting and fulfilling. We watch their nice cars and homes and their children attend the best school in the area. On the outset they seem to have a happy life—they have membership in the yacht club or part of the Lion’s Club, you know the elite groups. Again, from the outside or outer appearance they have a wonderful and joyous life.

We are so easily caught up in watching our friends or neighbors living a sinful lifestyle that soon we pick up their traits, we pick up their habits. But the Bible says those who live unholy shall fall like Adam and Eve our fore parents did and die in utter destruction! Hence, the author admonishes the law abiding citizens [of Israel], the worshippers of Yahweh not to follow their wicked ways. Rather, be holy and be planted by water; be nurtured, taught by God’s Law. For when trouble comes, the evil doers will surely blow away like chaff and wither. But, the Lord watches over the way of the righteous because they eat the nuggets of the Law.


Now we are Christians and we are on this side of grace. In effect, we are no longer nourished by the Law. The nuggets or fruit of the law we no longer eat. As redeemed—called out ones, we live solely by the Spirit; we are planted by the rivers of spiritual waters. That is to say, we drink and are nurtured by the Holy Spirit, the Lord, and the Giver of life. Thus the Apostle Paul says, “Live by the Spirit, [be fed by the Spirit] and do not gratify the desires of the flesh.”

Do you see the connection here? The connection with Psalm 1 and Galatians 5:13-26? Under the Old Covenant, the Law was the means by which believers lived. Conversely, in our Gospel Covenant the Holy Spirit is the means, the avenue by which we live. Still the common thought of both is that the wicked perish. Moreover, the wicked will not inherit the Kingdom of God. Consequently, Paul, as he inscribes this letter lists what can be labeled as nuggets or fruit of the world and of Satan of which Paul actually names ‘works of the flesh’. These are fornication, sex before marriage; adultery, sex with someone other than your spouse—extramarital; filth, impure lewdness; sexual perversion; witchcraft—sorcery, roots, divination; contention, fighting; jealousy; anger; divisions; factions, believing whatever; drunkenness; and obscenity, riotous living.

In Paul’s argument these forbidden fruit lead to total wickedness which results in eternal loss of life and damnation to the soul. In fact, Paul spells out what the Psalmist says about wickedness and in essence says the Church cannot be lukewarm. [Break it down preacher]—well, we cannot live by the Spirit and still sneak away behind closed doors and practice sinful pleasures. In my terms, “we cannot taste and eat forbidden fruit—wickedness and at the same time live life in the Spirit. It is either one or the other but not both.” Jesus calls that ‘lukewarm-ness’.

Here in Paul’s concluding assertion he is [sort of] taking the listeners back to the Garden of Eden where there were many trees to choose from. Thus, Paul says, “Eat, ‘taste and see’ the fruit of the Spirit, the Un-forbidden fruit. Fruit that is good for you, good tasting and long lasting.

These Un-forbidden Fruit are quite the opposite of forbidden fruit or the works of the flesh! These Un-forbidden Fruit, when watered by the Spirit, produces holy people, righteous folk; furthermore, eternal life! And the Fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. This, for Paul, and for us means spiritual living. ‘None but the Righteous’ ‘Judgment Day is Drawing Nigh!’


I come to say, ‘Eat, drink, taste and see’ the Fruit of the Spirit, the Un-forbidden Fruit! You might ask, “Well, Reverend, how can we have or eat the Un-forbidden Fruit? How can we receive this spiritual food this water of life?” It is really simple. First, ‘You’ve got to be Planted’. Note, the Psalmist writes so eloquently, that those who delight in—joy over the Law and study God’s Law day and night “Shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water.”

No, we are not under the Law; rather, we are under grace and grace says and means we are studying the Good News. We delight in the fact that by Jesus dying for us we are saved. So, then, if we study God’s word day and night, we will be planted—we will become stable. In other words, sober minded. Sure, we may shake, we may bend. But because we are planted we will not break, Hallelujah! We’ve got to be planted, have a sure foundation. We’ve got to be sure Who we are leaning on, “I’m leaning, depending on Jesus every step of the way.” I found that Jesus is my Rock and I am planted on Jesus. I am locked in, bolted down, my ‘Anchor holds and grips the solid Rock, and this Rock is Jesus’! I don’t know about you, you, and you, but I am leaning on Jesus!

My friends, by sisters and brothers, ‘we’ve got to be Planted’. Rooted in the Word embedded in Jesus the Rock of our Salvation. Second, You have to get out of the Middle’. The problem with Adam and Eve is that they kept hanging around the middle [of the Garden] (Genesis 2:17; Genesis 3:2). God commanded the man not to eat of the tree in the midst of the Garden, the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. And notice what the text says following that command, “The day you eat of the tree…you shall surely die.” Therefore, I come to say Get out of the Middle! Stay out of the middle! You see, the middle means lukewarm-ness; we cannot decide anything meaningful and are confused in regards to our spiritual journey. We try this and we try that. On this, the Bible says that God cannot stand lukewarm people and that God will spew those who are out of God’s mouth. We are living in the middle trying to satisfy our fleshy—carnal urges, that is, the forbidden fruit and trying to satisfy God at the same time. This was Eve’s situation, she saw, she liked, and she ate. In addition, when she tasted the forbidden fruit she died a double death—Spiritual death and subsequently, physical death.

Well, in order for us the stay planted we’ve got to get out of the middle. Don’t allow the devil to confuse us or lie to us. On the other hand, as Paul boldly proclaims, “Live by the Spirit.” Let God control us, we must get out of the middle. We cannot gratify the desires of our flesh, what we want. Get out of the middle and live totally by the Spirit—Judgment Day is coming!



Again, we’ve got to be planted, planted in and on Jesus; second, we’ve got to get out of the middle! Now here’s the joy of it all, here’s the good part. Ready to eat? Well, then, finally, just Taste and See! The Fruit [of the Spirit] is good and the fruit is holy. Taste and see, the Bible declares, “O taste and see that the Lord is good!” God is saying, “Try Me! Hunger for Me.” I am the Light of the World, God is saying, I am the Good Shepherd; God cries out, “I am the Resurrection and the Life!” O taste and see! But, today, God yells out to the Church—“I am the Bread of Life, whoever comes to Me will never be hungry!” Taste and see. Taste and see the goodness of Jesus. Taste and see the Tree of Life. For on that Tree is good food, the real Soul Food! I ain’t talkin’ bout no hog maw, chitlins, or collard greens. What I am talkin’ bout are love and joy—O Taste and See! Taste and see that God is good—some kindness and self-control. This is the Un-forbidden Fruit. Can you taste it, can you see it? The Lord is good! The feast of the Lord is going on, the table is spread! Come Holy Spirit; feed us until we want no more! Give us some manna. Manna far beyond the sky! The table is spread, Come Holy Spirit; feed us, won’t you feed us! Give us some life transforming nuggets. O taste and see, taste and see the everlasting manna! Amen.