Summary: Depression has many roots and takes mant forms. The Bible gives us account of how to handle depression.


Acts 18:1-18

OPEN: Psychiatry students were in their college class one day when their professor began a discussion to prove a point. "What we’re going to talk about today," the professor said, "are the emotional extremes that many mentally disturbed people go through… for example

“What’s the opposite of joy?" he asked one student. "Sadness" the student answered.

"The opposite of depression?" he asked a young lady. "Elation," she replied.

Turning to a young man from Texas he asked "the opposite of woe?"

"Well, now," the Texan replied "I suppose the opposite of woe, would be giddy up."

Depression can hit anyone

Many years ago a young mid western lawyer suffered from such deep depression that his friends thought it best to keep all knives and razors out of his reach. He questioned his life’s calling and the wisdom of even attempting to follow it through. During this time he wrote, "I am now the most miserable man living. Whether I shall ever be better, I cannot tell." That lawyer was Abraham Lincoln who became our 16th President.

Bible gives insight to why believers get depressed

6 Really stand out.

I. Physical Conditions

a. In today’s world we go at such a high pace!

b. Depression creeps in when we get run down.

c. 1 Kings 19:1-19 (18) Elijah

d. From this text we find that Elijah experienced many of the classic symptoms…

e. Fear - “Elijah was afraid and ran for his life….” 1 Kings 19:3 (ran +100 miles Beersheba afraid of Jez)

f. Suicidal tendencies – “(Elijah) prayed that he might die. ‘I have had enough, LORD,’ he said. ‘Take my life; I am no better than my ancestors.’ 1 Kings 19:4

g. Excessive tiredness – “Then he lay down under the tree and fell asleep…” 1 Kings 19:5 slept for a couple of days… maybe longer

h. Feelings of rejection – “I have been very zealous for the LORD God Almighty. The Israelites have rejected your covenant, broken down your altars, and put your prophets to death with the sword. I am the only one left, and now they are trying to kill me too.” 1 Kings 19:10

i. AND he experienced this depression for a long time – nearly 2 months

j. Bizarre is (just days before) Elijah preached one of the greatest sermons of his life.

k. Confronted 400 prophets of Baal on Mt. Carmel -exposed false prophets.

l. Because of Elijah’s faith & obedience God literally sent fire down out of heavens to consume the sacrifice he’d placed on the altar

m. Then few hours later sent a downpour of rain on a land that hadn’t had rain for 3 years.

n. Why would a man who had preached a impressive message & experienced some of the most powerful displays of God’s power…

o. Why would he suddenly be crippled by fear, hopelessness and despair? Why would he run away to a desolate corner of the world and seek to die?


Probably all kinds of reasons, but the fact is – he did.

And what this tells us is that even God’s most dynamic servants can suffer from depression.

It’s not necessarily a mark of a lack of faith.

It’s not necessarily a mark of an immoral lifestyle.

Not necessarily a demonic attack.

p. Elijah was THE man of God in his day. And now he’s so far DOWN in the depths of despair – even UP looks wrong to him.

q. But that’s not where God left him

Elijah wore himself out & did not get replenished

He had time to hear from God for everybody else, but himself!

God sent angel w/food, while he slept.

Then as spiraled down further, got alone in a dark deep place finally was to a pl ace he could hear God’s voice, “Your noy alone I have 700 others”

(Same thing happened to Moses, finally Jethro said get some help, Aaron & Hur armor bearers

II. 2nd cause a Sense of Loss

a. Whenever you have a BIG change

b. Loss of a close loved one

c. Move where your ALL ALONE!

a. Empty nest syndrome

f. Marriage of a kid

g. Infidelity or abandonment of a spouse

h. Jeremiah sobbed over the loss of his homeland

i. Read Lamentations some of Psalms

j. When Judas betrayed Jesus Lk 22:48 but Jesus asked him, “Judas, are you betraying the Son of Man with a kiss?”

III. 3rd A Depressive Environment

a. Look at Job

b. Lost 10 children & wealth 1 day

c. His health –Sore scrapped w/broken pottery

d. Nagging wife -curse God & die!

e. Taunting friends na- na Job’s got cooties

f. No wonder he said Job 3:11 “Why did I not perish at birth, and die as I came from the womb?

g. Job’s life was falling apart, he became discouraged

h. Just think if he would have listened to his wife & buddies?

i. He pressed through in spite of his feelings & God gave him double back!

j. Where & how you live-work makes a difference

k. If you are in depressing environment change it!

l. If you hate your job, out resumes!

m. House is a wreck, clean it up!

n. In depression even washing dishes can be a daunting task, seems like moving a mountain

o. You HAVE to begin somewhere, step by step.

p. Friends bringing you down – change them, or ditch them!

IV. 4th A Poor self Image

a. Naomi & Ruth

b. Lost her husband & sons- said don’t call me Naomi, call me Mara- which means bitter

c. Naomi (means pleasant, lovely, delightful)

d. She based her identity on those around her,

e. Not WHO she was in the Lord.

f. You cannot soley base your being anyone other than Jesus

g. Know who you are in Christ!

V. Spiritual Failure Psalm 32:1--5

a. Back slid –Fake Christians are miserable

b. Conviction -condemnation

2Co 7:8 Even if I caused you sorrow by my letter, I do not regret it. Though I did regret it—I see that my letter hurt you, but only for a little while— 9 yet now I am happy, not because you were made sorry, but because your sorrow led you to repentance. For you became sorrowful as God intended and so were not harmed in any way by us. 10 Godly sorrow brings repentance that leads to salvation and leaves no regret, but worldly sorrow brings death. 11 See what this godly sorrow has produced in you: what earnestness, what eagerness to clear yourselves, what indignation, what alarm, what longing, what concern, what readiness to see justice done. At every point you have proved yourselves to be innocent in this matter.

c. Romans 7:25 -8:6

d. If you have knowing unrepented sin in your life you won’t enjoy the blessings found in V6.

e. Thank God for this misery sin can bring on us!

f. Must utilize it for what God intended it for.

g. Not like Judas who “sorrowed” over his sin. But he could not, perhaps because of pride, turn to God and submit his life in obedience

VI. Spiritual Warfare

a. Greatest example Jesus garden Gethsemane

b. Told his disciples” Mk 14:34 “My soul is overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death,” he said to them. “Stay here and keep watch.”

c. Depression is not always a lack of faith, a sin or lack of trust.

d. It can be a DEEP sadness, that is very real

e. Luke 22:44 And being in anguish, he prayed more earnestly, and his sweat was like drops of blood falling to the ground. 45 When he rose from prayer and went back to the disciples, he found them asleep, exhausted from sorrow.

f. The flesh is affected by the spirit

g. (Jeremiah- weeping prophet)

h. Fall out – shake – cry-

i. Weep over a city, loved one not saved.

Gone over 6 reasons why Biblically a believer could be depressed.

Must ask yourself am I dealing w/any of these situations in my life?

It helps to identify the source before getting to the solution.

Let’s look at how Jesus handled His DEEP Sorrow

I. Jesus did not isolate himself from trusted loved ones

1) He knew who to let in on it – who not to.

2) Too many believers isolate themselves for fear of shame

3) Feel it has to be some deep dark secret

4) Jesus OPENLY revealed His feelings to Peter- James & John

5) Does good to talk – to verbalize

6) It helps us sort out our thoughts

1) Jesus did not put on a mask by saying, I am the Son of God hence I am….

2) If you are depressed – find someone Godly


a. Jesus did not try and handle His situation w/out direction from God the Father!

b. Neither should you.

c. When you can’t change your circumstances, pray & God will give you strength to get through them

III. Jesus didn’t allow his friends failure to care to keep Him from praying

a. He went back to them & said are asleep again

b. I’m going to die for you – you can’t even stay awake & pray with me?

c. He knew the REAL Source of Strength was God Alone!

IV. Jesus moved on into action

a. Event in life can paralyze us, cause us to run away, hide, strike out or cry

b. He took action and did what He knew He was supposed to do despite His feelings

a. Ask yourself. What would I be doing right now if I weren’t depressed, then DO IT!

b. You feel better when you give – do for others!

If you go through this entire list find THERE IS NO REASON, I should be depressed.

It is possible to have a chemical imbalance

Jesus can heal that too!

Nothing wrong w/ going to a doctor for help IF

IF it is not a spiritual matter

Don’t be content to have sin running wild in your life, feel guilty about it, then get on mediation because of a SIN issue. (That is wrong.)

Paul told Timothy take a little wine because of your frequent illness.

If someone is anemic they take iron

If someone has a head ache – take aspirin

If a man or woman has a hormone problem nothing shameful about getting help from a doctor