ntro: it is that time of year again where football in Alabama becomes a big subject around the state. I only played one year of football in Tallassee and that was enough for me. Two a days in August are a one of a kind experience. I am glad that I did play that one year because every day of practice I wanted to quit. But my dad said, if you start quitting now you will quit the rest of your life, so I stuck it out.
Here are some of the sayings I do remember from that one year of football from the coaches.
No pain, no gain.
It isn’t the size of the man, but the size of the heart in the man.
You have got to want it more than the next guy.
The price of victory is high, but so are the rewards.
And of course, Winners never quit, and quitters never win.
Today, I would like to use that for our sermon, and realize to be a person of God, sometimes it is a matter of choosing to be a winner.
Winners never quit and quitters never Win
Ecclesiastes 9:11a
The race is not to the swift or the battle to the strong
*Solomon was saying something out of a coaches manual. He was saying, it isn’t always the strongest guy, it isn’t always the fastest guy, that wins in life. He made a observation that many times to be a winner, means you just won’t give up, you just won’t give in, and you won’t quit no matter how hard the race gets in life. Today, that is our message, don’t quit, don’t stop, don’t give up and don’t give in, and you will be a winner.
I. Noah—Genesis 6:14—make thee an ark- this seems like such a simple statement but what a monumental task. Noah was to build this ark, a giant boat to save his family from a flood. Here are some lessons we learn from Noah’s life.
· Noah had a long, hard task given to him, but he did exactly what God told him to do. This is the first step of a winner, doing exactly what God asks you to do. Even though Noah was ridiculed for it, even though he didn’t understand what it was he was building, he understood the one who had asked him to build it.
· He never gave up---the story of Noah isn’t about the ability to build, but the ability to keep on building. I am sure he felt like giving up, and I am sure there were many trials along the way.
· He realized at the end, better to be shut in with God than shut out. He desired God in his life more than friends, popularity and acceptance in this world. I am sure people tried to talk him out of the task, I am sure the devil tried to discourage him. But winners never quit, and quitters never win.
II. Job 1:21—I came into this world with nothing and with nothing I will leave, bless the name of the Lord. Here is a story of another winner. He has just lost everything, his prosperity, his family, everything he had in this world, but instead of getting bitter, he got better.
· His wife said give up, but when you are a winner you don’t let loser’s decide your destiny.
· Even though he was reduced to nothing he figured starting over with God is better than starting over without him.
· He realized his blessing wasn’t the things God gave him, but God was the blessing. He praised God in the hard times, so that he could praise God in the good times. Job got a double portion because he didn’t give up. Winners never quit and quitters never win.
III. Nehemiah—2:20—the God of heaven will prosper us, therefore we
His servants will arise and build. I love the story of Nehemiah because he was a winner.
· No matter how much opposition there was, he would not keep his eyes off the goal. The three biggest steps toward defeat are distraction, discouragement and depression. Nehemiah wouldn’t let the obstacle get in the way of the opportunity.
· He trusted God to build it not himself. He didn’t put his trust in his abilities but in his availability to God’s work. God doesn’t need golden vessels or silver vessels, but yielded vessels that he will pour through.
* Nehemiah completed the work, not because he was a
certified wall builded, but because he was a winner.
And winners never quit, and quitters never win.
IV. Jesus—Hebrews 12:2—for the joy set before him endured the cross. This is one of my favorite verses in the Word of God. Jesus didn’t give up his mission, because he could see past the pain, past the cross, past the grave, into the glory that awaited Him.
· As a Christian, you must realize that Jesus is the forerunner, the first one in. But just like he did, we must endure the cross for the joy that will be revealed in us.
· Jesus could have called 10,000 angels to rescue him, but then his mission would have been incomplete. So he endured, so he press forward, so he climb up Calvary’s hill.
· We will never fully know how much it cost to see his blood upon the cross. Jesus did it out of grace, He did it out of love, he said, no greater love has any man than this, than that he would lay down his love for his friends.
Jesus did it, because winners never quit and quitters never win.
Close: Noah was a winner because the task wasn’t bigger than his faith in God, Job was a winner because having God was more than having anything else in life, Nehemiah was a winner because the obstacles weren’t as big as the opportunity, and Jesus was the greatest winner of all, because beyond the cross was a crown, beyond the tomb was a throne, and the motto of heaven is that winners never quit, and quitters never win.