Summary: This sermon is a call from the life and practice of Nehemiah to be men and women of God.

Nehemiah a man of prayer and action.

His name means “Yahweh has comforted”


The book of Nehemiah takes us back to 445-432 BC. Nehemiah was probably born in exile and had never visited his homeland of Judah. Jerusalem was over 1000 miles away.

140 years previous Jerusalem was destroyed and the people exiled by Nebucanezer to Babylon finally in 586 BC (2 King.25:10.) The place was in ruins.

Nehemiah wasn’t the first of the exiles to return to Jerusalem, already there had been two previous returns.

1.Zerubbabel had led the first group back 90 years earlier. 538BC. (Ezra 1v2) and had rebuilt the temple in 516BC..

2. Ezra followed with a second group in 458BC (Ezra 7) but the walls were still torn down and the city was vulnerable to the people groups around.

3.Nehemiah was with the third group to return in 445BC.

Nehemiah the cupbearer.

He is living in exile in Medo Persian empire. He was cupbearer to king Artaxerxes a very prominent role with much influence and great wealth, much like a Prime Minister today.

His Character would be outstanding skilled and trained art and literature of the day, Intelligent, and fluent in several languages.

He held a comfortable and responsible position, yet he never forgot his own country and people. Could it be that we are in comfort here in the west and it prevents us doing great things for God?

What sort of person was Nehemiah? Consecrated to God or an Armchair adviser (He was not!) He was a man consecrted to God and a man with a vision.

Did he just sit back complaining about the whole affair or did he take action?

Behind all his power and opulence he was a man who was concerned about others especially his own people. Nehemiah was a man of action. God calls us to be people of action to do great exploits for God.

C.T. Studd; gave up a vast fortune for Christ said "God is not looking for nibblers of the possible, but for grabbers of the impossible." (He went to China, India and Africa to reach people for Christ)

Just one encounter, v2

It was during his time at the Kings citadel of Susa, it was located 150 miles north of the Persian Gulf around 600 miles east of Jerusalem, it was one of the five capitals of the Persian Empire.

He meets his brother Hanni with other men whom came from Judah. With this one encounter his life would change and God would use him to make a difference to a whole nation.

V3 Hanni a man with a message the truth one of his brothers returns from Judah and Nehemiah questions him about the Jewish remnant in Jerusalem.

V3.The news is bad, the people are in trouble and disgrace and the walls surrounding the city are still broken down and its gates have been burnt. ( Ezra 4.7-23 not chronological)

Despite the fact that the returned exiles had returned and the temple had been built, the walls of the city remained in ruins and the people were in great trouble and disgrace.

We also have a message to tell its good news;

Rom 10.14 How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them?

1. Nehemiah was a concerned man of God.

Concerned about the ruined walls V2 @ V4

What is your greatest concern? The European election, family issues, Sunday dinner. Get real with God.

A place he never been a people he never meet yet he was really concerned v4.It was the Jewish holy City. It represented their identity and it was blessed with Gods special presence in the temple. Even though the temple had been rebuilt 516BC the city walls still lay in ruins. (due to an edict by Artaxerxes Ezra 4.6-23. Not chronological)The walls represented a vital line of defence for Jerusalem; They were a sign of strength and peace.

Throughout the years they had faced ridicule

Neh 2;19 .4;1-3.a people who were ridiculed and mocked

Ezra.4;4, discouragement and fear under Zerubabbabel v6 also received opposition v7 calling Jerusalem a rebellious and wicked city.

Nehemiah was concerned for Gods honour he desired to remove the shame of the broken walls. He wanted to restore the reality and power of Gods presence amongst his people. Whilst the walls were down they were vulnerable to attack.

J.C.Ryle wrote, about Gods people “see only one thing”- care for one thing, live for one thing, are swallowed up in one thing and that one thing that is “to please God.”


1.Are we concerned for Gods honour? As we look upon Gods Church in our nation? Are there any parts of it which lie in ruins? Today she is still an item of ridicule and mocking by the masses we need to be people who rise above the scorn and ridicule and begin to rebuild the ruined walls. (Building up struggling Churches and planting Churches)

2.This building started as a tent, this building is an important place. It represents who we are, I wonder are we prepared to sacrifice our time our money our resources into the building project ahead of us as we see it move into its next stage of its life for the Glory of God.

Concerned about the ruined lives v3 in great trouble and disgrace. V 6-7

v6 He was concerned for his people they had become spiritually lethargic and had entered into sin (inter marriage Ezra 9 @ neglected the law of God v7) v6 Concerned also for his own sin through his prayer of repentance. The people had become unconcerned in regard to Gods commands.

Are we concerned about our nation and our own sin?

Is it not true we have disregarded Gods law and made his Ten commandments have become the mere Ten suggestions to many?

Are we concerned about morality and ethical issues in our nation? (Christian institute)

1801/1875; Lord Shaftsbury 60 years helping the poor /women and children down mines/boys climbing up chimneys/ built orphanages/ working conditions for the poor

In the UK today “A Child of 14 this week had an abortion without the parents knowledge, and yet that same child can not be given an aspirin in school without the parents consent.” its utter madness.


Are we really concerned for those lives that are ruined by sin are we prepared to move forward from our prayers into action for God in seeking to rebuild these lives with the gospel in our community?

W. Booth said “Soup, soap and salvation. While women weep as they do now, I’ll fight. While little children go hungry as they do now, I’ll fight. While men go to prison, in and out, in and out I’ll fight. While there is a poor lost girl upon the street I’ll fight. While their remains one dark soul without the light of God I’ll fight, I’ll fight to the very end.

Appeal: Outside of Jesus Christ and before God you are in great trouble and disgrace. You may be middle class and comfortable, rich and successful, poor and destitute. But if you’re still in your sin you are in ruins and in great trouble and disgrace before God.

2. Nehemiah was a contrite man of God.

V4 when I heard these things, I sat down and wept. For some days I mourned and fasted and prayed before the God of heaven. Although Nehemiah had a high position in the citadal of Susa, here was a man in a low position. He wept for his people and for Jerusalem.

Matt.5;3 Blessed are the poor in Spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven

I believe where there is real weeping there is honesty and a heart for God that He can use. Do you share the heart of God? Do you weep as you look upon those who are heading for a lost eternity, even your own family members?

Luke 19v41 Jesus wept over Jerusalem,

Salvation Army workers returned to William Booth from mission without success he replied to them, “Try tears


True vision is only born when we share God’s heart for a particular situation. It comes to the point your heartaches for something to be done about it. Having a burden for something will drive you to tears and prayer and fasting. His mourning and fasting lead to Prayer…

Persistent Prayer

Before he approached the King of Persia he first approached the King of Kings.

From Kislev v1Dec - Nisan 2v1 March. For 4 months, he prayed with fasting and mourning.

Nehemiah was patient and persistent in prayer on this particular issue he came to God. For a whole 4 months before he would approach the King of Persia on the matter.

Luke 11..5-10. Jesus taught us to be persistent friend Ask, seek; and knock;

Here we see his faith in action through persistent

and the reality of his commitment and call

Prayer is the engine house. Many people look at prayer as a Last resort. / first response

Martin Luther said. “If I should neglect prayer for a single day I would lose a great fire of the faith.” Don’t give God instructions- just report for duty.

Penitent prayer v6 v7 psalm; 66:18

As Nehemiah reflects on the holy character of God, and his covenant of love it makes him realise the deep unholy nature of himself and his own people before God. He realises that their sins are against this Holy and awesome God.

V6 I confess the sins of we Israelites Here he is inclusive of himself and his family Like Ezra. before him he identifies himself with his people. Ezra10v1

Here we see a deep penitent prayer before God these are the prayers that God will answer. We need to return to the Lord in repentance confessing our national sins, and our individual sins.

All our lives have been ruined by sin and we need to confess. Ray Dunning writes, “Somebody has observed that the doctrine of original sin is the most empirical verifiable of all Christian doctrines.”

Dunning also writes The doctrine of original and universal sin refers to each human being as a whole, to the inner being essentially and to the outer visible behaviour consequently.”

Luke 18.9 -14 (Ineffective / effective praying)

Who had they sinned against? God

V7 we have acted wickedly towards you.

The greatest commandment is “To love God ”

Maybe you don’t know God today friend have you seen the holiness of God and your own sinfulness? You‘ve not loved God in your life you’ve always put yourself first and its got you nowhere come to God in confession of all your sin he will save you, he has made it possible.

3. Nehemiah was a confident man of God.v5

Nehemiah confidence never lied in who he was or even what he had achieved you would think it just might lie there. (Confident in our own abilities)

His confidence rested in God alone we see this through his prayer

God’s Power v5 (Dan 9v4) Similar prayer

O’ Lord God of heaven the great and awesome God.

He comes to God in acknowledgement of how Powerful God is (Creation/control) and awesome in holiness and as he does this He is comforted as he reflects on the greatness of God his problem becomes small.

Child’s chorus; My God is so big so strong and so mighty there’s nothing that he cannot do…Our God is.

Are we facing problems and distress today look up to the heavens to where your help comes from to our great and awesome God.

God’s Promise v5

Live in a world of broken promises; marriage families’ friendships and us if were honest.

Who keeps his covenant of love with those who love him and keep his commands. Refers to (Deut. 7 v7-9.)

His Covenant of love has never been broken but has been kept from Abraham and opened up to the whole world through Jesus Christ (Jhn 3.16)

Our love towards him NEVER merits his love towards us, but proves we are objects of his grace

Rom.5v8. God Demonstrates/ while we are still sinners.

God’s Word v8, v9.

Recalls God’s promise to Moses through the books of the law.

That if they broke Gods covenant they would be scattered among the nations, but that if they renounce their sin he would gather them again. Deut.30v1-5

As if God needs to be reminded, but we do!

Gods Provision Deut. 9:29.

Moses pleaded for Israel on mount Sinai. 40 days

V10 He reminds God that they are his servants, His chosen people, and the great act of God in redemption from slavery out of Egypt. Are we not His chosen people have we not been redeemed from slavery/sin we need to turn to his perfect Word and pray for Gods mercy in our day.

Nehemiah’s Plea v6 v11.

Psalm 34v15, The eyes of the Lord are on the righteous and his ears are attentive to their cry. He prays day and night before God to be attentive to his plea. It is reassuring to know if we pray in this manner God will hear us.

Nehemiah prayed for success in this venture. It was not for personal advantage, position or acclaim. He already had that position as cupbearer but it was for Gods work. When Gods purposes are being worked out don’t hesitate to ask for success.

What we need are more men and women like Nehemiah people who are full of passion prayer and power are going to take action then start by prayer today.