Summary: How can we be Prepared for that day when Jesus returns? We may not know when, but Jesus clearly teaches us how we can be prepared. This 3rd sermon talks about our need to Serve others as Jesus Himself.

Being Prepared by Sharing Jesus with Others

Matt. 25:31-46


A. There’s a story that I read years ago about a Small College that trained Nurses. It was the Sr. Class and they were taking their Finals.

This Final was the Final of all finals. It was comprehensive, it was going to cover everything they learned about Caring for people as a Nurse. It was like a prep test for their Board Exams to be a Certified nurse.

The Class was taking the exam and the last question was a little odd – it wasn’t about the Human body or any Nursing procedure. It asked; What is the Name of the Lady who has cleaned our room for the last 4 years of your schooling?

After class, some students talked to the Professor and protested. That is not a fair question – what kind of question is that? What does that have to do with Nursing?

The Professor responded: You are in the business to Care for People, to Take care of them. If you are not observant to the person you will never effectively Care for them!

B. Wow. That is kind of what Jesus is teaching us here in this Parable about the Sheep and the Goats.

To Really Know Jesus – To truly be Ready for the Time when He returns – we Must Notice and Care for People!

Read Matt. 25:31-46

C. Jesus has been teaching us about His return. Ch. 24 He teaches us some of the signs that will be occurring to warn us that His return is Soon. He also teaches us that we need to be READY/Prepared because no one knows exactly when He will return.

Ch. 25 Jesus teaches 3 parables, all of them relate to being Prepared for that time when Jesus Comes Back.

Remember: MAYBE TODAY!

Parable of the 10 Virgins/Maidens = We are to be Prepared for Jesus’ return with a Personal and Persevering Faith.

Parable of the talents = We, those in the Household of God, are to be Faithful and Fruitful Servants with the Talents (Resources) that He has given to us!

Now – the Parable of the Sheep and Goats = We are Prepared for Jesus’ return as we Care, Share, Help, Love (whatever term you want to use), that REFLECTS Jesus to others!

D. What do we learn from this passage regarding Jesus the Son of Man?

- He is Coming In Glory, vs. 31

- He is coming to Gather Nations (peoples) to Judge, vs.32-33

- His Judgment is final – eternal, vs. 46

- He loves, has compassion, on people in need (sick, hungry, thirsty, in prison, strangers, etc.).

E. What do we learn from this parable about those who claim Jesus as their Savior and Lord?

- The Lord has called His People to serve and care for people outside the Household of Faith.

- Our Faith in the Lord are to accompanied by godly actions.

- We must care and seek to serve Jesus by serving Other’s, the least as unto Him.

- We don’t know when Jesus will come so we need to be Prepared!

F. What do we learn about People in general?

- People all around us are hurting and are in need!

- People are loved by Jesus.

- People need to the Lord.

- People need to see Jesus through us.

Body: The Big Question: How can we Serve/ Help/Love people as Jesus calls us to?

A. Know Jesus personally.

B. Let the Heart/Compassion of Jesus be your heart and compassion.

C. See people through the eyes of Jesus – John 4:35, “Open your eyes the harvest is ripe.”

D. Know that people see Jesus primarily through You/us. You are the only Bible that people read – the only Jesus that people see!

E. Know that all people have needs. Jesus illustrates his point here with people who are strangers - sick - in prison - hungry/thirsty, etc. People around us are lonely – tired -(physically, spiritually, emotionally sick) - bound in prisons of fear, hurt, addictions, etc. They need Jesus!

Song: People need the Lord - #534

“People need the Lord.. at the end of broken dreams, He’s the open door. People need the Lord… when will we realize, people need the Lord.”

F. Understand that Offering yourself will meet the most important needs in People.

- You don’t have to have a lot of special training to visit, provide a meal, a drink, clothes, etc. to a person.

- It is the little things that help people in big ways!

ILL> Email about a woman and daughter at the airport. They heard a lot of clapping and turned around to see a lot of soldiers coming off a plane. As people saw them, they clapped and cheered them.

The little girl stood and watched these soldiers go by with her mom.

She began to cry, when one soldier stopped and asked her what was wrong. The little girl and mom began to explain that the girl’s father was a Marine in Iraq and that they really missed him as a father and husband.

The soldier got together with some of the other soldiers in his unit – opened up some of their equipment as they huddled together. After he was on his Army phone with antenna high – he came back over to the little girl and said:

I just talked to your dad – he told me to give you a hug – tell you that he loves you and he will come home as soon as he can.

You don’t think that ministered to that girl and the mom as they missed the father and husband?

G. Make time – don’t try to find the time – to do what you can to meet the needs of people around you.

Family, Fun, Fellowship, Friends, Work, and neighbors.

H. Check your paradigm:

Serve Us vs Service

Church vs. Government responsibility.

I. Pray and watch the Lord work in and through you!


A. Chuck Colson told about a time that he spoke in a traditional Christian Church. He began by saying: “I believe in the literal, truth of Scripture as God’s Word. People in the sanctuary responded with Amen’s. Then after reading Matthew 25:31-46; he said, “I believe God calls you and me to Visit those in Prison.” He said there was silence in the Sanctuary.

We don’t often like to stretched, to taken out of our comfort zones – but the truth is, God loves all people and as we know His as Savior and Lord – we must Serve Others in His name.

The Lord’s will is that you would be READY when Jesus comes and so would others know Him and be ready too.

B. Jesus is Coming Back – Maybe Today! Though He hasn’t told us when He is coming back, He has told us how we can be Ready!

1. Develop a Personal, Persevering Faith in Jesus.

2. Use your talents in and through the Household of God.

3. Serve others in the name of Jesus so that they might see Him in you and us! Prayer – Care – Share - people in our paths are in need and need Jesus!

C. Prayer – Hymnal #732 “Lord Jesus Christ: Help us to plan our lives as if you will never return. Help us to live our lives as if your coming is but a second away. So may our Vision stretch into the future, seeing all the great things we can do on your behalf. In our work we seek to extend the boundaries of your Kingdom. We long for you, our King to come. AMEN.