Summary: How can we be prepared for Jesus’ return? This message looks at the importance of being a Faithful and Fruitful servant for the Lord.

Being Prepared for Jesus’ Return as a Faithful Servant

Matthew 25:14-30


A. I can remember when I was about 17 and my parents were going away for the weekend and so they sat Darlene and I down and explained their expectations to us and reminded us that they would be coming Home soon. We were going to be held accountable for the house.

We had telephone numbers of Adults to call.

We had the number to where they were staying.

We were told that the neighbor would be looking in on us.

We were told that we were trusted with the Family Home and possessions – but with that Trust came Responsibility.

B. Well, I started to think about what we have been talking about recently: Jesus is Coming Again. We are told to Keep Watch and be Ready. We don’t know exactly when Jesus will Appear but we know that when He does, He is coming back Personally, Visibly and Suddenly! He could come back Now… Maybe Today!

How can we be Ready for that time when Jesus Returns?

Answer: Last week we learned from Jesus’ teaching that to be Prepared we need to Develop a Personal and Persevering Faith in Him!

Today as we look at the Parable of the Talents, Jesus wants to show us how to be ready by being Responsible for that which the Lord has entrusted us with.

Even like my parents when they went away, they entrusted me with the care of our family and home. When they came back they expected me to be Responsible.

C. Let’s Read Matthew 25:14-30

You see:

1. The Lord is the Master. Jesus walked and served on earth – He died and was Raised from the Dead. But He left and One Day – Maybe Today – Jesus is coming Back.

Now we know from other teachings in the Bible that Jesus didn’t leave us alone – He gives us the HS as we trust our lives in Him as Savior and Lord (that is why we need to develop a Personal and Persevering Faith in Him).

2. The Lord Entrusts those within His Household (i.e. His Church, His People) with certain talents (Resources).

3. The Lord Expects:

a. Faithfulness – by Using what He has entrusted to you for His Will.

c. Fruitfulness – by investing, even taking risk for an increase for the Master.

C. The Main Point: Jesus is Coming Back! He wants you to be Ready when He does by being His Faithful and Fruitful Servant!

So the question for us today is How can we be that Faithful and Fruitful Servant for the Lord?


A. Truth to Know: The Lord has given you Talents.

Talents =

Resources: Time, Money, Abilities, spiritual gifts, possessions.

Action to take: List what “Talents” has the Lord given you?

B. Truth to Know: Everything belongs to the Lord.

- He gave them each “talents”

- They used what belonged to Him.

- the man who didn’t use what the Master gave him had an inaccurate view of the Master.

Action to Take: What is your View of God?

A.W. Tozer said: “What we think about God is the most important thing about us.”

The wicked servant thought the Master to be “Hard”. So he was afraid and didn’t do anything with his talent.

If you have an inappropriate view of God as the Master it will lead to FEAR - Fear is not of God. That is why Jesus said over and over again: Don’t be Afraid.

Do you see God as a Loving, Merciful, Grace giving?

Are you angry with God for any reason – even secretly?

What fears do you have in using your Talents for the Lord?

Remember: How you view God will affect if and how you use the Talents God has given you. So take some time to reflect on your view of God and seek Him.

C. Truth to Know: You will Give an Account for what you have done with the Talents the Lord has given you!

It may seem like a long time before Jesus – the Master returns to Household (the church, vs. 19) but He is Coming and when He does we will have to give an Account.

Action to Take:

1. If you are already using your “Talents” for the Lord, look for opportunities to expand your use. The Lord gave to those who were faithful more (vs. 21, & 23).

2. If you are not faithfully using your “Talents” then look for ways you can. Talk to me – an Elder – there are plenty of ways for you to use the Resources God has given you.

D. Truth to Know: The Master desires a Growing Household.

He desires more people to come to a personal relationship with Jesus. He desires people to grow in their faith. He desires His church to be Light Houses for others to see Him.

That takes God’s people working together, tithing, using their gifts and abilities to help the body of Christ Grow.

The faithful servants knew what would please the Lord.

Action to Take: Discover what the Lord desires (not necessarily your desires) and use your Talents to meet that Desire!

E. Truth to Know: The Lord will Reward you for your faithfulness.

Notice that the Lord rewards the faithful servants:


1. Jesus says: Verbal Approval - Well done, good and faithful servant.

2. Blessed: I will put you in charge of many things.

3. Presence: Come and share your master’s happiness.

Action to Take: Visualize what the day will be like when you are before Jesus to hear Him say and call you to be with Him.


A. That weekend my parents left Darlene and I responsible for the household went well. I’m not saying we were perfect, but come Sunday evening – after a couple quick hours of really cleaning up – we were Ready for them to return!

We weren’t perfect but we were Ready and Prepared for that time when my Parents returned.

B. Jesus has entrusted the Kingdom Ministry to those who call Him Lord. He has given us Talents and we are responsible for using them for the Lord, in and thru His Household!

Unlike my parents returned – we don’t know when Jesus will return.

My parents spelled out exactly what they expected of us when they returned.

Jesus has done the same thing: He wants us to use the Talents (Resources) He has given us for His desires!

He teaches us this lesson through this parable of the Talents:

1. The two servants were willing to work hard and take risks.

The one man was determined not to take a loss.

2. The two servants Received the talents as a gift from the Lord. The one man refused the gift.

3. The two servants wanted to advance the Master’s Household. The one man had no interest in what mattered to the Master.

4. The two servants viewed the gifts as an opportunity. The one man, saw the gift as a problem.

5. The two servants allowed the gifts of the Master to change their lives. The one man refused to let the gift touch his life.

6. The two servants invested the Master’s gifts. The one man wasted/hid his gift.

7. The two servants saw the Master’s gift as a blessing. The one man saw the gift as a burden.

8. The two servants knew the Master and His desires. The one man had no clue.

C. Jesus is coming! Are you Ready? You can have the confidence you are prepared as you follow Jesus’ teachings here to be a Faithful and Fruitful Servant of His!

As a child of God - Know the Truths and take the Action Steps from this passage and you will be Ready!

Jesus is looking for us to be Faithful and Fruitful Servants – not Lazy, Lukewarm and Laidback.