Summary: Communion Meditation for June 4, 2006

how a worship service comes together as our service has today. As I considered this past week the various elements of today’s service, Janyce’s presentation about the community ministry of Common Grace which was scheduled back in February, Lindsey’s solo that again reminds us of the importance of remembering which was scheduled back in March, the time of year we are in with graduations, Mother’s Day, Memorial Day, and Father’s Day, and the fact that it is both communion Sunday as well as Pentecost Sunday, (And which of us can forget Joe Church and his Rocky like walk.) I began to see a link that only the Spirit could make happen. For all this, I thank the Lord for His movement through His Holy Spirit to make this happen.

(2) The title of my meditation for this morning is also a link to our summer sermon series entitled “Being God’s People by Serving, Obeying, and Giving.” We are going to walk through segments of the New Testament and look at the importance of serving, obeying, and giving as a way of fulfilling our vision of being a ‘fully following and faithfully functioning church.’

This morning though, we are going to spend a few minutes in Acts 2 and look at how serving, obeying, and giving became key values and key expressions of faith as the church came to life on Pentecost Sunday. However, an important first stop at Acts 1:4 and 5 needs to be made where Jesus said to the remaining disciples, “Do not leave Jerusalem until the Father sends you what he promised. Remember, I have told you about this before. John baptized with water, but in just a few days you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit.”

What did the disciples do with this directive from the Lord? They waited! They obeyed! As we read the rest of chapter 1, we read that they came together and they thought about what needed to be done next and they did something very important. They strengthened their emerging leadership by picking a successor to Judas.

And in their waiting they did something else of vital importance – they prayed and they studied the scriptures that they had together and they obeyed what they read and pondered together in prayer, as evidenced from the second half of Psalm 109:8 that is quoted in Acts 1:20 by Peter, “let his position be given to someone else.” They followed through on some important things.

(3) A key value in becoming ‘a fully following and faithfully functioning church’ as well as evidence of our Pentecostal purpose is to be obedient to God’s direction and purpose for us. We discern this purpose and direction through corporate prayer and corporate Bible study as well as through corporate worship and corporate service.

As we pray together, read, and study the Bible together, we gain important insights and directions that we need to obediently apply. When was the last time we asked one another, ‘What have you been learning from your Bible study and prayer time?’

This period of waiting was essential and necessary for the disciples because as they obeyed Jesus’ command, they grew in their ability and desire to obey, which helped them move forward in the ministry and mission that God had for them.

As we prepare for communion, I would remind us that among Jesus’ last words to the disciples before His death and resurrection were these, “When you obey me, you remain in my love, just as I obey my Father and remain in his love.” Our obedience comes out of our love for Christ.

(4) (4a)If then obedience is a foundational value that allows ministry and mission to occur as God intends it to, then (4b) serving is a motivational value that empowers our corporate ministry to move forward and outward beyond the walls of our building and fellowship and into our community.

When we read the gospel accounts at various places, we read Jesus’ emphasis on action in practical ways. The most notable being Matthew 10:42 where Jesus says, “And if you give even a cup of cold water to one of the least of my followers, you will surely be rewarded.”

There is also the Matthew 25 passage in which Jesus indicated that true believers will be identified by their practice of service and ministry to those in need. As Jesus would say in Matthew 25:34, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father, inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world. For I was hungry, and you fed me. I was thirsty, and you gave me a drink. I was a stranger, and you invited me into your home. I was naked, and you gave me clothing. I was sick, and you cared for me. I was in prison, and you visited me.’

One of the ways that we serve is by our support of Common Grace. We are one of a handful of churches that actively support Common Grace and, I believe, have done so since its inception in the early 90’s. And this morning we have heard about a new ministry, Grace Guides, in which may be the Lord, is calling some of you to get involved in this year.

When the Holy Spirit came on Pentecost Sunday, as we read in our main text for this morning, we need to notice that His arrival was not limited to those in the room. It was not for their own benefit and ‘Holy Club.’

The Spirit moved outward and began to make the Gospel known in other languages to those who He wanted to hear His good news! And then as we read in the closing and oft quote verses of chapter 2, verses 43 through 47 we read that practical acts of service resulted through this outpouring of the Spirit. “And all the believers met together constantly and shared everything they had. They sold their possessions and shared the proceeds with those in need.”

As we prepare for communion, I would remind us that among His last words were “I am praying not only for these disciples but also for all who will ever believe in me because of their testimony.” And part of their testimony, and ours, is our service to others in Jesus’ name.

(5)Now, (5a) if obedience is a foundational value and (5b) serving is a motivational value, then (5c) giving is an operational value. The church is at is best when it is giving itself away to its community as Christ’s representatives.

(By the way, that is a picture of this sanctuary as it was being built in 1963 looking from the northeast corner of our property toward the southwest corner.)

We see this value in our main text and in those “end of chapter 2” verses. Everything that took place was designed to give away the forgiveness of Jesus Christ. Out of love, gratitude, and care, those first believers gave deeply and well.

The coming of the Holy Spirit, I would remind us, was to, as Jesus would say in John 16:8 “convince the world of its sin, and of God’s righteousness, and of the coming judgment.” Our giving, financially and with our time and talents make it possible for us to work with the Holy Spirit in helping people find life and forgiveness through Jesus Christ.

In the giving of the Great Commission to ‘go and make disciples,’ Jesus made it clear that by going and making through teaching and baptizing requires us to give. How well are we giving in this regard?

As we prepare for communion, I would remind us that among Jesus’ final words were “As you sent me into the world, I am sending them into the world. And I give myself entirely to you so they also might be entirely yours.”

Jesus gave Himself, at great cost, for each one of us. In going into the world, we go to give, our money, our time, our talent to help others find life and hope through Jesus Christ and, at times, it greatly costs us.

So, what I am trying to say, in one complete and coherent sentence (or maybe two complete and coherent sentences.) More important, what is Jesus saying to us from these verses?

Here it is…”As you remember my sacrifice and my example today, also remember not just the coming of the Spirit but the power of the Spirit and let the Spirit invade your heart and soul either all over again, or for the first time, and allow the Spirit to transform you and empower you to obey, serve, and give in my name.”

If we have been ‘born again’ we have an assignment to obey, serve, and give. All of us have a ministry in the church and a mission in the world. One that God has for you and wants you to know. Are you willing and able to find out?

(6)I also think something else. I think that God has some assignments for a few people in this congregation to become ‘bridge-builders’ from our congregation to our community. What do you mean Jim?

Well, I think that there are perhaps three or four of you that God either wants to plant in some community group or function this year or have you start a new ministry group ‘outside the four walls of this church,’ as a way of making connections with people who God wants to reach through you. I have some ideas as to some of the ministry groups that could happen. And I am going to share some of them throughout this sermon series.

Because of what Jesus has done for us, let us now enter a time of prayerful reflection and confession as we prepare for communion. Amen.

Power Points for this sermon are available by e-mailing me at and asking for ‘060406svgs’ Please note that all slides for a particular presentation may not be available.