Summary: This sermon takes the three promises of Jesus in Acts 1 and focuses on the fact that we can Rely on His Promise to REturn. We can be assured that Jesus will come back Personally, Visibly and Suddenly!

Jesus Promises: I will be Back

Acts 1:1-11


A. There are some passages in Scripture that as you read them and study them, you really wish you could have been there personally! I would have loved to been there to witness Jesus’ Baptism when God spoke in an audible voice saying this is my Son, whom I love and am well please with (Mt. 4); or the time that Peter went out to Jesus walking on the Water; or even the Last Supper – WOW. Think about it. What that would have been like – or the time when Doubting Thomas met the Resurrected Jesus personally and saw the places where He was pierced and nailed to the Cross.

B. Well, our passage of Acts 1 is another one that I would love to have been there personally to witness.

1. Setting vs. 1-5; Luke reminds Theophilus about his former book – The Gospel of Luke that was about:

the things Jesus began to do

the things Jesus taught.

Vs. 2 – Until the day Jesus was taken up to Heaven – His Ascension back to the Father as He prayed in John 17.

And He is gave these instructions through the HS.

Vs. 3 – After his suffering (Death on the Cross)

- He showed himself to these men (Apostles) and gave many convincing proofs that he was alive. His Rez.

Vs. 4 – On one occasion he told them to wait in Jerusalem for the gift promised by the Father.

Vs. 5 – As John baptized with water – in a few days you will be baptized with the HS.

2. Now, vs. 6-7

- Vs. 6, they ask Jesus, “Lord, are you at this time going to restore the Kingdom to Israel?” They still didn’t completely understand, even after all that Jesus did, taught, and after His death and Rez. They thought Jesus came to be a political savior.

- Vs. 7, Jesus responds, “It is not for you to know the times or dates the Father has set by His own authority.” I.E. The Kingdom will be established but it is not through Israel and you do not when it is going to happen.

3. Jesus’ final time with the Disciples, vs. 8-11

- Vs. 8; Jesus teaches them further about the Holy Spirit going to be sent to them and that they would be empowered to be Witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea, and Samaria and to the ends of the earth.

- Vs. 9-11; Jesus ascends into heaven.

• After He – Jesus said this

• He was taken up before their very eyes.

• A cloud hid him from their sight

• Vs. 10; They were looking intently up into the sky as he was going

• When suddenly two men dressed in white stood beside them (Angels).

• Vs. 11 – the Angels said: “Men of Galilee – why do you stand here looking into the sky?

• This same Jesus

• Who has been taken from you into heaven,

• Will come back

• In the same way you have seen him go into heaven.

C. Can you imagine what that must have been like? You are there with Jesus – He is teaching you after His Rez. about the coming of the HS and repeating His call to them be Witnesses (sharing who He is and what He has done for all people) to those in Jerusalem, Judea, and Samaria and to the entire world.

You are there – it is a beautiful day – you are with the Rez. Lord, Jesus – He is teaching you and then Suddenly…

Jesus begins to Ascend back into Heaven.

You are looking Intently as Jesus is going up.

Two Angels ask you why you are looking up at him.

Why? Because they say, don’t you know that this same Jesus will come back in the same way?

D. WOW – what a Day – what an experience. I bet those disciples never forgot those days. I bet they would tell their kids and grandkids, everyone about that day!

But another important part of that Day that these Disciples held on to and that changed their lives involved the PROMISES that Jesus made to them and us on that day!

WE know the importance of Promises and the disappointments from when Promises are not kept. I am sure the Disciples then as well as all of us today can bank on Jesus’ promises here. I mean, the Disciples knew that Jesus kept His promise that He would be handed over and crucified. He kept His promise that He would rise from the Dead and He did! So, now they can be assured that when Jesus makes a Promise – He will keep it! And so can we!

So what Promises does Jesus give to us here in this passage?


A. Jesus Promises to Send and Baptize us with the Holy Spirit, vs. 5

- Mk. 1:8, John the Baptist told people that He was going to baptize them for the forgiveness of sins but Jesus would come to Baptize you with the HS.

- John 16:7, Jesus – “But I tell you the truth: It is for your own good that I go away. Unless I go away (Ascend back into Heaven), the Counselor (Comforter) will not come to you; but if I go, I will send Him to you” - The Spirit of Truth.

- The Fulfillment of this Promise, Acts 2 Pentecost.

- Baptized = Immersed in the presence of God through the HS.

What difference has the Promised HS made in your life?

B. Jesus Promises us Power to live for Christ, vs. 8

- the HS Convicts us of Sin and our need for His Righteousness, Jn. 16:8-11

- the HS draws us to confess Jesus Christ as Lord.

- the HS helps us to understand Scripture, 1Cor. 2

- the HS reminds us and teaches us the Words of Jesus, Jn. 14:26

- the HS works Sanctification (to make us holy and set us apart for His service) in us as we believe and trust in Jesus as Savior and Lord, 2Thess. 2:13

But the HS is also necessary in our lives to give us POWER to Be a Witness for Christ to others.

Witness = one who tells people what they have experienced in Jesus as Savior and Lord. It is about giving an answer for the HOPE that we have in Christ (1Peter. 3:14). It is about living a life that is Transformed by the HS before those we know.

Where: Jerusalem – those closest to you, even as the Disciples were in Jerusalem = Family and friends. Judea – those that we live next to = neighbors, co-workers, associates. Samaria – those that are different from us; those that if don’t hang out with regularly, in fact, we may even try to avoid them – yet, Jesus wants to empower us to Share Him with them. Ends of the Earth - every single person in the world would hear about Jesus. The Power of the HS not only helps us individually with this call but also empowers us to Partner to reach the world.

How is the HS Empowered You to be a Witness for Him to people in near you, around you, and even to others in our World?

C. Jesus Promises to Come Back, vs. 9-11

Here, the two men (Angels) are the ones who actually say that Jesus will return. But they are only communicating Jesus’ Promises for us. Matt. 16:27, Jesus, “For the Son of Man is going to come in his Father’s glory with his angels, and then he will reward each person according to what he has done.”

John 14:3, Jesus, “If I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am.”

What do we learn about His Return from this passage?

1. Jesus will Come Back Personally - “this same Jesus…will come back” vs. 11

- There isn’t going to be someone like Jesus who comes. - It is going to be “This Same Jesus” The one the Disciples saw then – we will see too.

- That is why in Matt. 24 and other places we are called to watch out for those who will claim to be Jesus – claim to be the Messiah, the Christ – they are not. This same Jesus is personally going to Come Back!

2. Jesus will Come Back Visibly - vs. 9, “before their very eyes… vs. 11, Jesus will come back in the same way you have seen him go into heaven.”

- Just as the Disciples then saw Him ascend with their very own eyes, so we – everyone will see Jesus break through the clouds to Return.

- Rev. 1:7, “Look, He – Jesus – is Coming with the clouds, and every eye will see Him…”

3. Jesus will Come Back Suddenly.

- Just as Jesus went up before them suddenly right before their eyes. It says that “after he said this, he was taken up…” vs9. So it will be when He returns.

- Matt. 24 says no one knows the day or hour.

- Jesus could come back Now – right after service – tonight - or tomorrow …


That is why the Lord calls us to be Ready and be Prepared!


A. History is an important teacher in life. One of the things History teaches us is lessons for the future. One of those lessons that of reliability: what and whom we can trust and have confidence in. E.G. A friend who over time has shown that you can confide in them and talk with them – you learn that if you needed to confide in someone tomorrow they would be a person to go to.

History proves Jesus’ Reliability – He keeps His Promises!

He said – I will send you the HS – He did, Acts 2! As we believe and confess Jesus as Savior and Lord, He sends to live with us – the HS even today.

He said – The HS will give you Power – He does! Scripture records the Power of the Spirit to change and transform people’s lives in the way they live and as a Witness for Him. E.G. Peter, Stephen, The Samaritan Woman,

How has God, through the Power of the HS, transformed you? Jesus keeps His promises.

B. Jesus also said; I will come Again. He hasn’t yet, but we know that He is reliable and we can trust Him to keep this Promise Too.

One Day – MAYBE TODAY - Jesus is Coming back.

- He will break through those Clouds Personally

- He will Come Visibly

- He is going to Come Suddenly – Maybe Today!

C. When Jesus Comes Back – History, will be His Story!

Maybe Today – Jesus is Coming!

Are you Ready?

1. Have you made a personal Commitment to Jesus Christ as your Savior and Lord?

A – acknowledge your need for a Savior.

B – believe that Jesus died for your sins and was raised from the dead.

C – confess your sins and Jesus as Lord – master, ruler of your life.

2. Is there any area in your life that the HS needs to transform you through His Power?

Who do you know that isn’t Ready for Jesus’ Return?

1. Write them down on a list and Pray for them daily.

2. Ask the Lord to Empower you with the HS to be a Witness to them!