Summary: Examines the spiritual riches of the child of God.

“HOW TO GET RICH” Gal. 4:1-7

INTRO – Everywhere you look, you’ll find a “get rich quick” scheme that someone has cooked up. Went online just to see what was out there in this area of getting rich:

- How to be a “one minute millionaire”

- There’s a “free secret website” for the Online Ultimate Success System

- Sell “good soap” from home and make $800,000+ a month

I want you to know that even those of us in the ministry struggle with issues of money and wealth. When our daughter, Rachel, was just a little girl, she answered the phone one day when a telemarketer called our home. Telemarketer asked if the man of the house was home. Rachel answered, “My daddy is a minister and he’s just been offered a church in another town that wants to pay him a lot more money than he makes here. So he’s in his study praying.” Salesman then asked if her mother was available. Rachel replied, “No, she’s packing.”

There’s nothing inherently wrong with being wealthy as long as the person with the wealth is able to keep their perspective and stay humble before the Lord, which apparently is a difficult thing to do when a person is rich. Billy Graham once said, “There is nothing wrong w/ men possessing riches. The wrong comes when riches possess men.” Scriptures teach us this truth:

- Prov. 30:8-9 – “Give me neither poverty nor riches, but give me only my daily bread. Otherwise, I may have too much and disown you and say, ‘Who is the Lord?’ Or I may become poor and steal, and so dishonor the name of my G.”

- Matt. 6:24 – “You cannot serve both God and money.”

- 1 Tim. 6:9-10 – “People who long to be rich fall into temptation and are trapped by many foolish and harmful desire that plunge them into ruin and destruction. For the love of money is at the root of all kinds of evil. And some people, craving money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many sorrows.” (NLT)

- Heb. 13:5 – “Stay away from the love of money; be satisfied with what you have. For G has said, ‘I will never fail you. I will never forsake you.’” (NLT)

DJ article, “Mission Possible: First Steps Toward Financial Freedom.” Author Stephen Sorenson gave some practical steps on trusting G with our money. Said he and his wife knew they needed some help when, early in their marriage, a bent can of sauerkraut that they got free at the grocery store exploded inside their cupboard! As he cleaned up the sauerkraut, he thought to himself, “If this is what life is going to be like w/out money, it’s time to figure things out.”

1. Ask G for help instead of trying to handle financial challenges on your own.

2. Face your situation. Takes courage to do this.

3. Set a goal. Save some money each month? Pay off certain debts? Build retirement account? Set money back for child’s college? Simply make ends meet?

4. Recognize that your choices are significant. Every dollar-related decision has consequences. Especially your tithes and offerings to G’s work through the church. “Every spending decision is a spiritual decision.” (PK speaker and pastor James Ryle)

5. Seek wise counsel. There are a lot of godly people out there who delight in serving G by helping others in this area.

6. Work hard. No substitute for this.

7. Learn contentment. Verse in Hebrews above – “Be satisfied w/ what you have.” 1 Tim 6:8 – “If we have enough food and clothing, let us be content.”

This morning, I would like for us to consider how to get rich, only I’m not referring to material wealth. I am talking about how to get spiritually rich. While it is important for us to know how to handle our money wisely and in a godly manner, it is even more important for us to know the importance of our spiritual wealth. Someone once said, “He is rich indeed whom G loves.” (J. de la Veprie, Les Proverbes Commun)

In Gal. 4, P is still trying to help the Galatians understand how ridiculous it would be for them to return to a life of legalism after they had been saved by G’s grace through faith in X alone. Remember some of the things that he has already said to them?

- 1:6

- 2:15-16

- 2:21

- 3:1-3

- 3:10-11

- 3:23-24

As we move into chapter 4, P uses the analogy of a child and a slave to start this portion of his discussion. And this is where we can see the 3 steps we need to know if we want to get rich spiritually.


A. 2 things we need to remember:

i. Remember that we are not a slave anymore – v. 1

ii. Remember that we are not a child anymore – v. 2

B. One of the tragedies of legalism is that it gives the appearance of spiritual maturity when, in fact, it leads the believer back into what Warren Wiersbe calls a “second childhood of Xn experience.” (Wiersbe, p. 705)

i. Galatian Xns, like most believers, wanted to grow and go forward in their rel. w/ X, but they were going about it in the wrong way.

ii. They had been misled into thinking that if they kept the Law they would be better Xns.

iii. Their old nature was attracted to the Law b/c they could DO things and measure the EXTERNAL results.

iv. Unfortunately as they measured themselves and their external results, they became prideful and thus moved spiritually backwards rather than spiritually forward.

C. As long as they were trying to grow spiritually by making sure that they were keeping the external rules and regulations, they were still slaves and children.

i. They were still slaves who were being ruled by the Law.

ii. They were still children who were subject to the rules and regulations of their guardian, the Law.

D. If we want to get rich spiritually, we need to remember that we are no longer a slave to the rules and regulations of the Law.

i. So many people get caught in the trap of making sure that they are keeping all the external rules and regulations so that they will “look” good on the outside when they are empty on the inside.

1. Can be especially dangerous here in a community that is as “churched” as ours.

2. We can be a church member, a SS class member, a deacon, a choir member, a preacher or staff member – all make us look good externally. And yet, internally, we can still be lost, enslaved to sin, empty and dry spiritually.

ii. Yes, we should be a church member, a SS class member, a deacon, a choir member, a preacher or staff member.

1. And we ought to do all the things that go along with those things.

2. But we DO the external things out of an internal heart of gratitude, love, and passion for G. We Do them only to glorify Him and to build up His Body.

E. If we want to get rich spiritually, we need to remember that we are no longer children.

i. Yes, we are children of G. Don’t misunderstand.

1. We enter G’s family by spiritual birth.

a. We are “born again” – Jn. 3:3

b. Become a child of G when we are born into His family.

i. Kirk & Laura Bass. Kenneth & Catherine Bailey.

ii. But the moment we are born into G’s family as a child of G, we are adopted as a “son of G.”

1. NT word for “adoption” means “to place as an adult son.”

2. We are an adult “son of G” with all the privileges and benefits that go along with that position.

3. “When a sinner trusts X and is saved, as far as his condition is concerned, he is a spiritual babe who needs to grow; but as far as his position is concerned, he is an adult son who can draw on the Father’s wealth and who can exercise all the wonderful privileges of sonship. We enter G’s family by regeneration; we enjoy G’s family by adoption.” (Ibid)

iii. How tragic when a child of G remains a baby in X when he/she has all the riches, privileges, joys, and benefits of sonship at their disposal!


A. 2 places we need to move:

i. Move beyond our ABC’s – v. 3

ii. Move into our full redemption – v. 4-5

B. In v. 3, P says that we when we were children, we were still enslaved to the “basic principles of the world.”

i. NAS – “we were held in bondage under the elemental things of the world.”

C. The word for “elemental things” signifies basic rudimentary principles – the ABC’s.

i. For some 15 centuries, the Jews had been learning their “spiritual ABC’s”, so they would be ready when X came.

1. He was and is the “Alpha & the Omega” – He encompasses the entire alphabet of G’s revelation to man!

ii. So when Jesus came and fulfilled all the Law, it was ridiculous for them to continue to try to get right w/ G by continuing to keep the Law.

1. It would be like a man sitting in a library reciting his ABC’s when all around him there is great literature that he could be reading.

a. Shows his immaturity and ignorance.

D. If we want to get rich spiritually, we will move beyond our spiritual ABC’s and move into the fullness of our redemption – v. 4-5

i. These 2 verses are chock full of spiritual & doctrinal truths that are precious to us:

1. “But when the time had fully come…” – Was not by chance, but this was “G’s sovereign timetable of redemption.” (MacArthur, p. 107)

a. The world was ready in every way:

i. The Law had done its work in showing man his utter sinfulness and inability to live up to G’s standard of holiness.

ii. There was “spiritual starvation” all over the world.

iii. World was at peace under Roman law. Political and economic stability would allow apostles and other early preachers travel freely and safely.

2. “G sent His Son…”

a. No more beautiful words have ever been written.

i. No truth more precious!

ii. No gift more valuable!

iii. No sacrifice more incredible!

3. “born of a woman, under the law…”

a. Fully man, able to relate to everything we as humans face in our lives.

b. Yet fully G, able to keep the whole law, so that He could bring us our salvation.

4. “to redeem those under the law…”

a. He literally bought us out of our slavery and gave us spiritual freedom.

5. “that we might receive the full rights of sons.”

a. We are adopted as a son of G.

i. When a child was adopted, 3 legal steps were taken:

1. Adopted son was adopted permanently – eternal security.

2. Adopted son immediately had all the rights of a legitimate son in his new family.

3. Adopted son completely lost all rights in his old family. He was looked upon as a new person.

E. Why remain spiritually poor when we can move out of our immaturity – our ABC’s – and into all the fullness of our redemption and adoption as sons of G?


A. 2 ways for us to live:

i. Live by the Spirit – v. 6

ii. Live as an heir – v. 7

B. One of the tremendous benefits of being a son of G is that the HS comes in and takes control of our lives.

i. Jesus promised that He would send the HS

1. “But I tell you the truth, it is to your advantage that I go away; for if I do not go away, the Helper shall not come to you; but if I go, I will send Him to you.” (Jn. 16:7)

ii. Word for “helper” is parakletos – means one who comes alongside to help.

1. That’s exactly what HS does in our lives. Comes alongside to help us:

a. In times of sorrow, He comforts us.

b. In times of temptation, He strengthens us.

c. In times of sin, He convicts us.

d. In times of prayer, He leads us.

e. In times of trouble, He encourages us.

f. In times of confusion, He gives us wisdom.

g. In times of service, He empowers us.

h. In times of worship, He speaks to us.

i. In times of study, He teaches us.

iii. How rich we are b/c we have the HS! We need to live by the Spirit!

C. And the ultimate result of our being a son of G is that we have been made an heir in G’s estate!

i. When we gave ourselves to Jesus X in faith, G gave us everything that Jesus possesses!

1. All the riches of His grace – “In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance w/ the riches of G’s grace that He lavished on us w/ all wisdom & understanding.” (Eph. 1:7-8)

2. All the riches of His glory – “And my G will meet all your needs according to His riches in glory in X Jesus.” (Phil. 4:19)

3. All the riches of His kindness – “Do you show contempt for the riches of His kindness, tolerance, and patience, not realizing that G’s kindness leads you toward repentance?” (Rom. 2:4)

4. All the riches of His wisdom – “Oh, the depth of the riches of the wisdom and knowledge of G!” (Rom. 11:33)

ii. What a waste it is when all the riches of G are ours as His sons and we still continue to live as immature children and slaves!

CONCLUSION – The school’s talent show.

- Kids all ready to dazzle and impress parents.

- 1st grader who had a unique talent. Stood on stage w/ accordion. Played one note. Few seconds passed, play same note again. Big finish, played same note again.

- Proudly told audience that he had written that song, “all by myself!”

Many of us get stuck on one note. Keep doing same thing over and over again, then brag about how wonderful we are doing. But it takes more than one note to make up a song. And it takes more than our best efforts to be set free from the bondage of our sin, and from the bondage of a legalistic pursuit of G. It took Jesus X, the New Song, and His completed work on the cross to release us.

But when He set us free, He made us rich, rich, rich!! So let’s remember that we are sons of G, move into the fullness of our rel. w/ X, and live a Spirit-filled life as a rich, rich, rich son of G!