How can I know him and the power of his resurrection?
A friend of my one SUNDAY SERVICE ask me this question.
Then Came This Sermon
The Cross is a very unique symbol of the Christian faith.
Christ died in order to resurrect again. So, NO DEATH NO RESURRECTION. And is just that.
For instance when a seed is put into the soil the seed rot in order to germinate.
That is exactly should happen to anyone who what to every believer who desire to HIM and the power of HIS resurrection.
In the book of Philippians chapter 3:7-10 Paul said: All that I counted rich, good joy happiness peace and defiance to me are lost for the sake of Christ. He has thrown all away in order to know Christ and the power of his resurrection. Paul came to the realization that there is no way to know Christ but if he should combine his own interest and that of the world, He can not serve both (God and world) therefore came to the point of surrendering to the faithful one in order to know HIM and the power of HIS resurrection.
Our dear brother Paul understood that certain things in his life must be given up. He must let something go out of his life in other to have a place for Christ to dwell in.
This and many more are the very things that pull us far away from the knowledge of Christ But people (believers) sometimes think that is really what makes us who we are, we feel that constitute our being that we ignorantly cling on to them such that we become desensitized to them. And we feel we are also somebody when we do that; we are hard, we too are persons. JESUS CONFIRMS WHAT PAUL SAID Who ever what to follow me must denial himself. One ought to put himself behind him in order to know Christ and HIS resurrection power. In John 12:24-26 Jesus Christ told us on the need for us to die to our self seeking things in order to arise and get enlightened in the knowledge of him and his resurrection power. Jesus had already told us, that we cannot serve two masters at the same time, we can’t love the world and HIM, but we ought to live the things of the world behind us as we have chosen to follow HIM. Again in Matt. 10:39 Jesus emphasized on how we can find HIM (to know him) by losing that of our life in order to gain it. What does it mean to die? One may ask. That death is not physical neither is any property or dignity we are going to lose. Nay! We, but rather put to death the old man, in us our old nature, our past self, ( That is our attitude, our reaction towards others etc.). The very wrong things that we were doing before we came to know Christ are those that must be put to death before we can know Christ better. Lets put to death those act and doing which do not please God . NO DAEF NO RESURRECTION. GOD BLESS YOU.