Summary: Defining our mission, or reason for being, as individuals and as a church, is the first step toward living a fulfilled life in Christ. How can we discover our God given mission and where can we look for the answer? What was Christ’s mission statement?




- Video clip: interview of people on the street about their purpose in life, their reason for being.

- What would you answer? Have you thought about it? What is your reason for being? What is our reason for being as a church?

Ill.1. Last summer I have been working on our mission statement with our staff, and it was an awesome experience. We looked at our reason for being as individuals, and our reason for being as a church. I believe that was a turning point in our lives and our ministry in Romania.

Quote: H. Rick Warren in His Book “The Purpose Driven Life” says,

“Philosophy is an important subject and has its uses, but when it comes to determining the purpose of life, even the wisest philosophers are just guessing.

Dr. Hugh Moorhead, a philosophy professor at Northwestern Illinois University, once wrote to 250 of the best-known philosophers, scientists, writers, and intellectuals in the world, asking them, “What is the meaning of life?” He then published their responses in a book. Some offered their best guesses, some admitted that they just made up a purpose for life, and others were honest enough to say they were clueless. In fact, a number of famous intellectuals asked Professor Moorhead to write back and tell them if he discovered the purpose of life”.


You are not an accident. Even before the universe was created, it was God’s intention that we be brought into this world for His purposes. These purposes go far beyond the few years that we live on earth. We were made for eternity.

A. How can you find your Purpose?

1. Where shall we look for the answer?

Self-help books often suggest that we try to discover the meaning and purpose of our life by looking within ourselves.

Others say, no. “That is the wrong place to start. You must begin with God, your Creator, and his reasons for creating you. You were made by God and for God, and until you understand that, life will never make sense” (Dick Warren).

So, whom should you listen to? Where should you look for the answer? Well, that depends on where is God to you? Is He up there? Or is He in here? The Bible says that those of us, who received Christ as our Lord and Savior, have been born by the Spirit of God, who came inside of us. He leads us, and teaches, us and comforts us, and convicts us. He communes with us. In one word, He talks to us. He talks to us constantly. So, whether you look up there or in here, what is important is that you talk with God. Then, how is He going to answer is up to Him. You may see the answer out there or in here; that’s a matter of how each of us is wired by God.

Ill.1. A few weeks ago, when I was praying for God’s vision for our ministry in Romania, I asked the Lord: “Lord, what do You want to see happen in Severin?” Instantly, I saw in the spirit a beautiful church building in one of the populated areas of Severin, and I knew deep down, in here, the rest of God’s answer. The picture I saw was out there, but the answer came from in here. That is the place where the Holy Spirit communes with our spirit and, when we dialogue with God, that’s where the dialogue takes place. At least, that is my experience.

Now, some people may experience God differently, and that’s ok. We are all wired differently, and God is both able and willing to talk with everyone of us in on our own “language”.

So, I believe it’s ok to look inside for the answer, because I strongly believe that God has written our reason for being deep in our hearts. In fact, I believe He carved the answer in on hearts. And He carved it so deeply, that the only way we would ever be fulfilled is to fully fill our God given purpose in life. That’s our mission. That’s our destiny.

2. How can you find what that purpose or mission is?

a) Well, if you are not a follower of Christ yet, I would suggest that you start by asking and seeking the answer to questions such as “What is the meaning of life? Where do I come from? Where am I going? What is the life all about?” No matter where you start your search for answers, if you truly seek for truth with all your heart, you will find it – and you will find it in Christ. Because that’s where the answer is… I was on that journey… I sought for those answers… And, the only answer that satisfied my heart and put an end to my search is Jesus Christ.

b) Now, if you are a follower of Christ, you need to go deeper than that. You need to find your reason for being as a Christian. So, for you, I’d like to suggest that you look deep inside and ask yourself and God, “What is that something that, if it were to be taken from you, you would lose your reason for being?” Let me illustrate this:

B. How I found my purpose, or mission in life

Ill.2. I was in my second year of walk with Christ. Those of you who know my testimony heard me saying that, soon after I accepted Christ I declared that my mission in life is to life for the same purpose Christ lived on earth: “to seek and to save the lost”. And that’s how I lived my life from the beginning of my Christian life. Every day, before I went to work, I knelt before the Lord and I prayed:” Lord, cleanse me with your blood, fill me with Your Holy Spirit, and bring in my life someone who needs you today…” And every day God brought in my life at least one person with whom I was able to share the love of Christ. But one day, when my husband and I were hiding from the Secret Police, I had an interesting experience. We spent about 10 days on the beach, by the Black Sea. We didn’t believe we could afford to pay for the lot, and rationalized it, claiming, “It ‘s God’s ground.” So we stayed without paying. The tenth day we were getting ready to leave, but as I looked back on my time there, I realized that for the first time in my Christian life I spent a whole ten day block of time without telling anyone at least “Jesus loves you”. I was having my quiet time with my husband inside the tent and I shared with him my concern. As we prayed together, I was crying and weeping, telling the Lord that, if He couldn’t or wouldn’t use me, I want Him to take me home, because, unless I share His love with people, my time on earth would be a big waist. Then my husband prayed, and I was struck by one of his sentences. He said, “Lord, please help me to be worthy of my wife’s calling”.

Well, God answered my cry. Before we left, I went on the beach one more time to say good bye to all our new friends whom we met there, and I was able to share Christ with every single one of them. I was SO happy! I left that place praising God for allowing me to redeem the lost days and share His love with people.

Now, I’d like to ask you:

- What do you suppose my mission, or reason for being in life is? To win the lost for Christ. That’s right. That’s my purpose. That’s my mission statement. In fact, the Lord has expanded that by I would like to save that part for the later.

- What is your mission statement? If we are to fulfill our reason for being, we need to define our mission in life.

- What is the mission statement of your church? Do you know it? As a member of this church you need to know and participate in the fulfillment of that mission. Every church has a mission.

C. The mission statement of our church in Romania is this:

We exist as a church for the purpose of glorifying God by winning the lost and transforming them into devoted and fruitful followers of Christ. (Repeat)

This is the mission statement of our church. This is our reason for being as a church.

In order to be fulfilled as individuals and as a church, we need to understand and define our reason for being, and become intentional in fulfilling our mission on earth.


What would you say was Jesus’ mission statement? What would you say was His reason for being, His purpose on earth?

Let’s look at some scriptures together. The first one is in Luke 19:1-10.

Luke 19:1-10 - Zacchaeus the Tax Collector

1 Jesus entered Jericho and was passing through. 2 A man was there by the name of Zacchaeus; he was a chief tax collector and was wealthy. 3 He wanted to see who Jesus was, but being a short man he could not, because of the crowd. 4 So he ran ahead and climbed a sycamore-fig tree to see him, since Jesus was coming that way.

5 When Jesus reached the spot, he looked up and said to him, "Zacchaeus, come down immediately. I must stay at your house today." 6 So he came down at once and welcomed him gladly. 7 All the people saw this and began to mutter, "He has gone to be the guest of a ’sinner.’ "

8 But Zacchaeus stood up and said to the Lord, "Look, Lord! Here and now I give half of my possessions to the poor, and if I have cheated anybody out of anything, I will pay back four times the amount."

9 Jesus said to him, "Today salvation has come to this house, because this man, too, is a son of Abraham. 10 For the Son of Man came to seek and to save what was lost." (Bold Italics, mine)

[courtesy of: Zondervan & International Bible Society]

A. Contextual Background

The event we just read about took place as Jesus was making His last trip to Jerusalem, where He was going to be crucified for the sins of the world.

Earlier, in ch.18: 31-34, we can see Jesus preparing his disciples for His death and resurrection. He was putting His house in order, so to speak.

Let’s look at that passage together (Luke 18:31-34):

”All the things that were written, will be fulfilled”:

- The son of man will be handed over to the gentiles

- They will mock, rebuke and spit on Him

- They will beat Him

- They will kill Him

- But…He will rise from the dead on the third day.

Jesus was heading to Jerusalem to fulfill (complete) His earthly mission, by dying for the sins of the world.

1. On His way to Jerusalem, He had to pass through Jericho – that was His route. At the entrance into the city, a blind beggar, Barhtimeus, was crying for help. He didn’t beg for money, or bred. He was begging for the thing that only God could give him: his sight.

2. Jesus had a lot on His mind. In a couple of days he was going to be tortured physically and tormented spiritually. He was going to be tortured to death. He could have said, “You had plenty of time to be healed in the years I have been ministering to you, people. Why didn’t you come then to be healed? I would have done it. But now, it is too late. I’ve got heavier things on my shoulders than this”.

But that’s not what Jesus said. He called the man and said: “Receive your sight.” After He healed him, he also affirmed him and said: “your faith has saved you”.

Not only has Jesus healed the blind man’s eyes, but he also saved his soul. And the newly saved man started to follow Jesus, and to glorify God.

B. Textual Observation

1. Zacchaeus’ search for meaning and purpose:

As Jesus continued His journey and entered the city of Jericho, another needy man came along. His needs were not physical. He was a very wealthy man, and, the passage doesn’t say, but I believe that He was pretty healthy, too.

He had money. He had wealth. He had a nice family. Yet, he was empty. Like many people in our days, he tried to fill his cup with people, places, positions and possessions, but instead of filling him up, they were eating him from inside and left him emptier than ever. I can almost hear his thoughts: “there has to be more to life than this. This life doesn’t make any sense as it is”. He was hungry for something deeper than what the things on earth could offer. We know what that is like, because we have been there. Maybe some of you still are where Zacchaeus was.

In his hunger for deeper things, Zacchaeus forgot all about his social status and position in life and ran ahead to climb on a tree, so that he may see who Jesus was. As Jesus reached the spot, He called Zacchaeus by his name: “Zacchaeus came down the tree, for today I will come into your house.”

Can you imagine? Zacchaeus never met Jesus before, yet Jesus knew him by name… He knew him intimately. He knows you by name. He knows your life…your past…your present…and yet He wants to honor you by coming into your house…

Zacchaeus came down and welcomed Jesus gladly. His life was instantly and forever changed. Everything about Zacchaeus has changed: His purpose in life, his values, his vision, everything.

- Before he met Christ, Zacchaeus’ focus was inward: “me and my family”. As soon as Christ came into his life, his focus was outward: the poor and the oppressed.

- Before He met Christ, Zacchaeus was lost. He was in bondage. When Jesus entered his life, Zacchaeus was saved.

“Today, salvation has come into this house… for the Son of God has come to seek and to save that which was lost”.

2. Jesus’ purpose and mission on earth.

That’s exactly why Jesus came on earth: to save people like Zacchaeus. To save people like you and me. His purpose on earth was, “to seek and save the lost”. To restore men and women to God’s intended condition and to give us a hope, a future, and a purpose in life.

On His way to the cross, Jesus took the time to save yet one more soul, because this was the reason He came into the world: to seek and to save the lost.

Now, what does that have to do with us as a church?


Illustration. As the members of our staff in Romania were sharing their personal mission statement, as they were sharing that “something that, if it were to be taken away from them, they would lose their reason for being” you could see that everyone of them, and I assume that every one of us, here, feels that our deepest desire is to make a difference in this world in which God has placed us.

It is a God given need that we all have, that by the time we leave this world, we would be able to look back and feel that we have made a difference. That we leave a legacy behind us that makes a difference in the lives of others; that the generations that succeed us will be better off because of our impact in their lives. How many of you identify with what I am describing right now?

A. Ambassadors of Christ: His purpose is our purpose. His mission is our mission.

If seeking and saving the lost was Christ’s mission on earth, what is our purpose, as saved people, and as a church?

In John 20:21, after His resurrection, Jesus said to His disciples:

“As the Father has sent Me, so I am sending you … Receive the Holy Spirit.”

What does that mean? It is Christ’s purpose and intention for us, as His followers, to extend His ministry on earth, by doing ... what? By seeking and saving the lost.

B. Descendants of Christ.

Let’s take a look at Isaiah 53:10

“Though the Lord makes His life a guilt offering, He will see His offspring (“a seed of followers”, “his descendents”) and prolong His days, and the will of the Lord will prosper in His hand”.

“He will see His offspring…” We know that this prophecy is about Christ’s suffering for the sins of the world, given by God 700 years before it had happened. It describes in great detail the sufferings and death of Christ.

“The Lord makes His life a guilt offering, and He will see His offspring” continuing to fulfill the will of the Lord, and prospering at it. Who are His “offspring”? Whom is He talking about in v.10? We know that Jesus did not have any physical children…

You are right. This prophecy is about us, the church… it is about you and me, as followers of Christ. You and I were in the mind of God when He determined to send His Son on earth. We were on His mind not only because we were lost, and needed to be sought and saved, but also because He has appointed us from eternity to carry on the work of salvation from one generation to another. It was all part of His plan for saving the world.

Somehow, throughout the millenniums, His Word found its way to your heart and mine, and we were saved. Who brought that Word to you? Who brought that word to me? His “offspring”! That’s right. Those who were saved before us, and passed on to us the message of His salvation. As you and I heard and believed the good news of the gospel, we received it, and our lives were forever changed.

And not only were our lives changed, but so was our purpose in life. Our lives received a new meaning, a new purpose. As the “offspring” of Christ, as His “descendents, as His “seed of followers”(as other Bible translations put it), we are called to fulfill the will of the Lord.

What is His will: “that no one should perish, but that all come to repentance” (2 Pet.3: 9). How can that happen? As we “seek and save the lost”. As we perpetuate Christ’s work on earth… “As the Father sent Me, I am sending you”. His mission is our mission. His purpose – our purpose.


The only way we can have a fulfilled life is by fulfilling our mission in life.

We started today’s message by looking at an interview of people on the street as they were inquired about their purpose, or reason for being. We saw that so many people never took time to think about it. They were too busy running around…Too busy being busy…

- What is your mission in life? Do you know it? What is your purpose in life? What is that one thing that gives meaning and purpose to your life? What is that something that, if it were to be taken away from you, you would loose you reason for being? I want you to think about that, and as you do, I’d like to encourage you to write it down and pray about it, because that “something” is God’s call for your life, it’s your mission, your God given purpose into this world.

- The next thing I want you to do is ask yourself: am I fulfilling my mission and calling in life? Am I willing to fulfill it? Am I willing to live my life in such a way that I will fulfill my reason for being?

Jesus wants your life to be fulfilled. He said:

“I came that My sheep may have life; and that they may have it abundantly” (Jn.10: 10).

This, too, is part of Christ’s mission statement.

Now, if Jesus Christ lives in your heart, you do have life and no one can take that from you. The question is: do you have abundant life?

I am asking this because I am convinced that the only way someone may have “abundant” life is by fulfilling his or her reason for being. The very word “abundant” means to abound, to be filled to the full… shaken together and pressed down… and still flowing over… To have an abundant life, a fulfilled life is to “fully fill” your life with that which matters.

Some people would say that their purpose in life is to be happy. But the question is: are they happy? Truly … Because I believe that the only way we can be truly happy, is to be truly fulfilled … and the only way we will be truly fulfilled in life is by fulfilling our God given purpose, or reason for being.

As Christians, and as a church, His reason for being is our reason for being…His purpose is our purpose…His mission is our mission…And that is to glorify God by seeking and saving the lost and by helping them be transformed into devoted and fruitful followers of Christ.

Is that your purpose in life? Is that your mission? Is that your reason for being? If not, I’d like to encourage you to really take time this afternoon, alone with God, and ask Him what is His purpose or reason for your life? What is your mission on earth? What is that something that, if it were to be taken away from you, you would loose your reason for being? This is your life… How do you want to spend it?

Let’s pray…