Summary: Discussion of how we can know the will of God for our lives and follow God’s leading.

Hearing God: Three Dynamics

Series: Hearing God #1

Romans 1:8-15[1]


About ten years ago Jeanie and I were at an International Foursquare Conference where we met an absolutely delightful couple named Howard and Vaneda Courtney. At that time I did not know the strategic role they had played in the Foursquare movement. But I was struck with two things: their love for one another and their genuine interest in others. They are an outstanding example of how to grow old gracefully. I want to introduce you to them by sharing a small portion of their testimony in this clip. We are going to talk about hearing God. So let’s begin with their experience.

“Clip-Interview with Drs. Howard & Vaneda Courtney (0:33:21 to 0:38:01)”[2]

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if God would speak to us that clearly every time? In reality those kinds of testimonies are the exception rather than the rule. The reason that story is included in the interview is that it was a highlight in their experience. Why did God speak so profoundly and clearly to them in that instance? Well it was a pivotal decision in their life’s work. It was an interruption in what the circumstances seemed to be indicating. Perhaps in the days ahead when it got real rough they would need to know without a doubt that God had put them in that place of service. My experience has been that if God gives awesome dreams and visions it’s because you’re going to need them. Saul of Tarsus was knocked off his horse and heard the voice of the risen Christ. God was speaking to him loud and clear. But later the Lord told Ananias this concerning Paul, Acts 9:16 “ I will show him how much he must suffer for my name.” Experiences with God are not entertainment. They are not badges of spirituality. They are according to God’s divine purposes. God was turning Paul around and equipping him for the ministry ahead.

For those rare occasions when the leading of God is that strong you will probably not need this sermon. But for the hundreds of times when you’re not sure what God is saying—those times when the leading of the Lord is not all that clear—you may find this helpful.

I first heard these principles about 30 years ago during the Charismatic Movement of the early 70’s. Multitudes of people were being filled with the Holy Spirit. Most of them had come out of dry, dead ritual and tradition. For the first time in their lives they were discovering that God is speaking in the now! How wonderful it was—how refreshing it was to hear the living God speaking in their hearts. But at the same time all kinds of flakey things began to happen as well. It’s one thing to have some experiences where you hear God. It’s another to learn how to hear Him with some reliable consistency.

That idea that popped into my mind—was it God or was it just me? That open door of opportunity—did God open it or did the Devil? How can I know in a given situation whether the voice I hear is the voice of God or the voice of the Devil or just my own thoughts? The assurance comes when we learn to examine three essentials in the process.

There is a harbor in Italy which can be reached only by sailing up a narrow channel between rocks and shoals. Over the years many ships have been wrecked in the channel it was so hazardous. To guide the ships safely to port, three lights were mounted on three huge poles in the harbor. When the three lights are perfectly lined up and seen as one, the ship can safely proceed up the channel. If the pilot sees two or three lights separately, he knows he is off course and in danger.[3]

In that same way, God has given us three beacons to help us navigate life. When the three are lined up we can proceed with assurance. Together they provide direction. If we rely upon only one or even two of them without the other we will eventually get off course.

I. The Subjective Leading of the Holy Spirit.

Aren’t you glad that God is speaking today? Jesus is risen from the dead. He is alive and well. He has sent the Holy Spirit into our hearts crying “Abba, Father.” His Spirit bears witness with our spirit that we are the children of God.[4]

There are a number of ways the Holy Spirit can communicate with us and the way He speaks to you may be a little different from the way He speaks to me. In fact, the way He speaks to you today may be a little different than the way He spoke to you yesterday. Do not put God in a box because He has lots of ways to speak to our hearts. But as Pentecostal Christians we believe strongly that God still speaks to His children in supernatural ways. We believe in the gifts of the Holy Spirit. We believe and encourage the operation of tongues and interpretation of tongues. We believe in prophecy. We believe in dreams and visions. God may use any one of these ways to speak to His people today.[5]

But the most common way God speaks to us is by that still small voice in our inner man. God impresses upon our spirit a thought or a truth. Sometimes it is a prompting to take a certain action or perhaps speak something to an individual. Sometimes it is a caution or what we used to refer to as “a check”. In other words, you begin to proceed in a certain direction and there is a disturbance in the pit of your stomach. You just know something is not right. That is a call to prayer. That is the time when we need to stop and say, “God what are you trying to tell me?” I remember a time right after Jeanie and I were married that the Associate Pastor at our church and his wife invited us to their house for supper. While there they began to tell us how special we were in God’s plan—that God had been speaking to them about us—and that we were to join their discipleship group which was limited to only highly committed young couples like us. It was all very flattering and on the surface sounded exciting. But in the pit of my stomach I felt the grieving of the Holy Spirit. Jeanie and I declined their offer. Later they split their group off from the rest of the church (because the rest of the church wasn’t spiritual enough). All the families eventually uprooted and together moved from Texas to California. I don’t know all the details of the chaos that followed; but we later learned that the whole thing had gone bad and the leaders were completely out of the ministry. The subjective leading of the Holy Spirit saved us from a lot of heartache in that situation.

We should nurture a sensitivity to God by being filled with the Spirit and living in prayerful intimacy with God. The more we obey the promptings of the Spirit the easier it is to hear His voice. The more we ignore or disobey the Spirit the more difficult it becomes to hear Him.

This communication comes out of relationship with God. I have lived with Jeanie long enough that sometimes I can just look at her and know what she’s thinking. And she can do the same with me. As we come to know God more and more it becomes easier to discern His voice. When Jeanie calls me on the phone she doesn’t have to say, “This is Jeanie Kay—your wife.” The moment I hear her speak I recognize her voice. Jesus said, “My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me.”[6] The more time we spend communing with God the more familiar His voice becomes for us.[7]

What disrupt our hearing in the Spirit? Hebrews 3 warns about the deceitfulness of sin and then says in verse 15 “Today, if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts as you did in the rebellion.” Disobedience will harden our hearts and make us insensitive to the voice of God. We should live in regular communion with God so that when God speaks to us it is supernatural—but there is also naturalness to it because that is the way we live our daily lives. The more experienced a person is in hearing God the less spectacular they make it because it is something that is happening on a regular basis in their lives.

As wonderful as the subjective leading of the Holy Spirit is—God has not designed that to be the only source of guidance in our lives.

II. Objective Teaching of the Word of God

Ps 119:105 “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path.” Peter refers to Scripture as “a more sure word of prophecy.”[8] Over the years I have seen many lives shipwrecked because they tried to rely on the subjective leading of the Holy Spirit alone for guidance. You’re not that spiritual—neither am I! In fact, God has designed this in such a way that nobody is.

How many know what “progressive revelation” is? Progressive revelation essentially means that God builds upon what He has already said. He is not going to say something to me today that is contrary to what He has revealed in His word. Even the revelation in the Bible was progressive. The Old Testament laid the foundation for New Testament revelation. The New Testament builds upon the Old Testament. So the Scripture provides a plumbline for us to test the spirits to see whether they are of God or not.[9] Was that thought I had from me or from God? What was God saying to me in that dream? I need some foundational knowledge of God’s word to help me sort those things out.

The Pharisees tried to discern God’s will by a dry, intellectual study of the Scriptures and missed it by a mile. They didn’t even recognize their Messiah when He came on the scene. In fact, some thought they were doing God a service to resist and crucify Jesus. The Scribes and Pharisees are proof that study of the Bible without the Spirit of God is not a reliable source of guidance. The natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit.[10]

But without the word we are in just as much trouble. David Korash was spiritual. Jim Jones was spiritual. In fact, all kind of miracles were happening through him. Mary Eddy Baker who founded the Christian Science cult was spiritual. Being spiritual without submission to the revelation in Scripture is a formula for disaster.

It’s not enough to just recognize the Bible as a good source. We must recognize the authority God has placed on His word. We must see the truth in Scripture as absolute truths—not just something you take or leave according to your own opinions. We are not authorized to shape God’s word. God’s word is to shape our thinking. The value of the Word of God is only realized when we submit ourselves to its authority.

So how does the Bible actually help us get guidance? Do I just open it up—point to something—and hope it will tell me what I need to know? Do I learn a few proof texts and use them to test the subjective leadings of the Spirit? No, it takes a lot more discipline and commitment than that. I must hide God’s word in my heart. I must learn broad principles from the whole council of God—not just a few isolated texts. I must get a sense of the ways of God[11] and the character of God as revealed in Scripture. Because most of the time I’m not going to be able to point to a specific verse that tells me I’m hearing God. What I have to know is whether the guidance is consistent or contrary to God’s way of doing things and what He has already revealed about Himself. I know of no way of doing that without having a sound knowledge of what is in this book as a whole.

There are really no shortcuts to hearing God consistently. I have to take time for prayer and intimacy with God. I have to take time studying and meditating upon the Word of God. To some extent we can draw from the strengths of one another as a community of believers. But each and every one of us is called to pray and to search the Scriptures.

What’s at stake? (Everything—our future—our kid’s future) Christianity is not a hobby. It is a lifestyle!

About a year after we founded our first church back in Texas, we outgrew the building and word got around that we were looking for a larger building to buy. I was approached by a local pastor who had previously pastored an independent Charismatic church in town and was currently on staff at a different church. He told me that he would sell me the building that he used to pastor and give me the congregation as well. I didn’t understand and said, “I thought that congregation already had a pastor.” He said, “It does but I can get rid of him and give you the church.” He went on to tell me how the church was in his name so it would not require any vote to sell it to me, etc., etc. It doesn’t matter how good of price that man is offering. Everything about that opportunity stunk and was contrary to the principles of justice and honesty taught in the Bible. I use an extreme example to make the point. Most of the time, the situation is more gray and difficult to sort out. But knowing God’s ways from Scripture helps us sort it out.[12]

So we have talked about two beacons: the subjective leading of the Holy Spirit and the objective teaching of the Bible. The third beacon is perhaps the most difficult to apply in this process of hearing God.

III. Circumstances: the Providence of God Surrounding the Situation.

In 1988 I was asked to take a church in northeast Iowa that was having some problems. I decided that it would be better to get out of the ministry for awhile and make some money and then get back in at a later time. So I told the leaders in Iowa I would not be coming even though they felt God had said that I was to be the next pastor. I made up my resume and began applying for jobs as a CPA. I had a good work record so I felt it would not take long at all to find the job. To my dismay every door closed in my face. Miraculously I did not get one offer. I couldn’t believe it. I rebuked the Devil. I took authority in prayer. I got others to agree with me in prayer. Nothing worked. This went on for months. The leaders in Iowa called and said that God was still speaking to them and they did not feel a release to ask anyone else to come. To make a long story short I went and pastored that church for the next three years. God used circumstances to speak His will into my life.

What does it mean when the direction we are sensing in our heart is consistent with Scripture (so that the first two beacons are lined up) but the circumstances are not falling into place? It may mean that we have confused our own desire with the leading of the Holy Spirit. Can you face that possibility? It takes humility to do that. But distinguishing our own emotions and thoughts from the promptings of the Holy Spirit is not always an easy thing to do.[13] Remember this: God is sovereign. The Devil has not found some new trick to outsmart God and get control of the Universe. If you have committed your life to God and surrendered to Him your steps are ordered of the Lord.[14] You can trust Him to go before you and prepare the way. You can trust Him to make a way even when there seems to be no way.[15] He is able to open the right doors and close others. And sometimes a closed door is an important part of His guidance in our lives.

A closed door may just mean that the timing is wrong. It was an awesome day in the life of David when the prophet Samuel came and prophesied that he was to be king of Israel. That was a true word from God. But circumstances did not open for it to be a reality in his life for many years. The same was true of Joseph’s dream. Sometimes we must prayerfully wait for God’s timing.

In Romans 1:8-15 that we read at the beginning of the service. Paul felt it was right for him to visit the Christians at Rome and minister to them. That direction was certainly consistent with his calling and with the Great Commission Jesus had given His followers. But circumstances at that time were such that Paul could not go to Rome. Paul continued to pray about the matter. But he also rested in God’s guidance over his life.

God is able to arrange the circumstances for His will to be done. Of course we pray and we cooperate with Him. But ultimately He is the One Who has to put the pieces together. And until all three beacons line up (the subjective leading of the Spirit, the principles of God’s word, and the providential circumstances that open the door)—until all three are lined up we do not have a green light to proceed in that direction.

Before I close, just one final thought concerning circumstances. Once all three beacons line up and we proceed according to the will of God, that does not mean we will meet no adversity along the way. In fact, we probably will. That’s why we need to make sure its God before we proceed. Once we know the will of God then we need to be tenacious and insistent upon God’s will being done. That’s the time to rebuke the Devil and endure hardness as a good soldier of Jesus Christ. That’s the time to be steadfast and unmovable in the work of the Lord. We don’t turn back just because it gets hard. Once I took the church in Iowa I took on the adversity involved and led the church out of its difficulties. Circumstances were no longer guiding me because I had already heard God.

Next week I’m going to talk some more on this subject because it is essential that we learn these principles. Jeanie and I have navigated through some rough waters and this simple teaching has helped us over and over again. Take the time to line up the three lights: (1) the subjective leading of the Holy Spirit (2) the objective teachings of the Bible (3) the providential arrangement of circumstances by Almighty God. It’s not something we can just do mechanically. It’s not a formula to be applied. But it is understanding guidance more as a process than an event. It is allowing the three dynamics to provide safety and confirmation when determining what to do next. It all must happen in the context of our relationship with God.

There are no doubt people here who are currently facing difficult decisions. Take a moment at this time and make sure you are taking all three dynamics into consideration. Is it time to act because all three signal a green light? Is it time to prayerfully wait for God to unfold His plan?

Let me assure you of this: it is your Father’s good pleasure to lead you in the right direction. You can trust His guidance. Listen to the assurance we are given in James 1:5

“If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him.” If you are needing His wisdom in a matter join with me in this prayer.

Pray & Invitation

TEXT: Rom 1:8-15

“First, I thank my God through Jesus Christ for all of you, because your faith is being reported all over the world. 9 God, whom I serve with my whole heart in preaching the gospel of his Son, is my witness how constantly I remember you 10 in my prayers at all times; and I pray that now at last by God’s will the way may be opened for me to come to you. 11 I long to see you so that I may impart to you some spiritual gift to make you strong- 12 that is, that you and I may be mutually encouraged by each other’s faith. 13 I do not want you to be unaware, brothers, that I planned many times to come to you (but have been prevented from doing so until now) in order that I might have a harvest among you, just as I have had among the other Gentiles. 14 I am obligated both to Greeks and non-Greeks, both to the wise and the foolish. 15 That is why I am so eager to preach the gospel also to you who are at Rome.”

Richard Tow

Grace Chapel Foursquare Church

Springfield, MO


[1] Text which was read at the beginning of the service is provided at the end of this manuscript. All quotes are from New International Version unless otherwise indicated.

[2] “Our Foursquare Legends: Interview with Drs. Howard and Vaneta Courtney, Sr.” is available at

[3] Bob Mumford, Take Another Look At Guidance (Plainfield, New Jersey: Logos, 1971) p.65. I am indebted to Bob Mumford for much of the content in this sermon. Some of his teaching during the “Shepherding Movement” on authority was extreme; but in 1987 he wrote a national apology for the injuries that resulted from that. Anyone familiar with revivals knows that along with all the good that comes there are often mistakes made as well. I greatly admire this man and have benefited significantly from his teachings. I personally recommend this book as extremely helpful to anyone wanting insight on how to consistently discern God’s direction for his/her life. The book may be ordered at

[4] Romans 8:15. Jesus words in Revelation 2 and 3, “He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.” continues to sound forth. Is your spiritual ear attuned to His voice?

[5] Henry and Richard Blackaby, Hearing God’s Voice (Nashville: Broadman, 2002) gives powerful teaching on this point from a Southern Baptist point of view. This book is full of great illustrations and godly counsel.

[6] John 10:27 NKJV

[7] Brother Lawrence’s book Practicing the Presence of God is a good resource on this subject.

[8] 2Peter 1:19-20

[9] I John 4:1; Isaiah 8:20; Psalms 12:6-7; 119:89

[10] I Corinthians 2:14

[11] Psalm 103:7

[12] Prov 11:3 “The integrity of the upright guides them, but the unfaithful are destroyed by their duplicity.” For an excellent illustration of this from J.C. Penny’s life see #1638 in Encyclopedia of 7700 Illustrations by Paul Lee Tan p. 433.

[13] For an extensive discussion on this see The Spiritual Man and The Latent Power of the Soul by Watchman Nee.

[14] Psalm 37:23

[15] Prov. 3:5-6; Isaiah 42:16; 51:10. In Isaiah 45:1-6 God talks about the way he will even work through an unbeliever, King Cyrus.