Summary: This morning we are going to pause to take a look at “The Path Before Us” as found in Psalm 16:11 to help us get off to a good start for our journey down the road of 2006. We will look at three simple truths that the psalmist has shown us: [1] The Path

THE PATH BEFORE US – New Year’s 2006

Psalm 16:11


January 1, 2006, who can believe it? 2006 now lay before us as an open road. We are at the beginning of a journey—a long journey! What will the next 365 days hold for us? To be sure there will be some ups and some downs in the road named 2006; sometimes we will encounter potholes along the way and the unexpected detours caused by road construction. It may sometimes appear that the road is a dead end and we are going no where fast, while at other times 2006 will be like an expressway with life flying by at high speed. Every road will have it’s twists and turns. Every path it’s unseen dangers and unexpected surprises.

One thing is certain; the road 2006 must be traveled by each of us one day at a time. None can rush ahead nor can we linger where we are. We must all take the journey and walk the path before us. It is not a question of whether we will take the journey, the only decision for us to make is what road will we travel? God has given each one of us the choice as to the street we will travel; essentially you and I can choose between two different highways: GOD’S WAY or MY WAY.

This morning we are going to pause to take a look at “The Path Before Us” as found in Psalm 16:11 to help us get off to a good start for our journey down the road of 2006. We will look at three simple truths that the psalmist has shown us: [1] The Path of Life is before us; [2] Along the path of life we have the joy of God’s presence and [3] The path of life leads us to eternal pleasures.

1. The Path of Life is before us!

• Psalm 16:11 (NIV)

You have made known to me the path of life. . .

It used to be said “All roads lead to Rome.” Some have mistakenly assumed that “All roads lead to heaven.” Many people believe that when it comes to your ultimate spiritual destination we will all make it to heaven if we just live a good life because “all paths lead to God.”

Such thinking is contrary to the teaching of the Bible. The Bible makes it clear that there is only one path that leads to God, only one road to heaven.

• John 14:6 (NIV)

Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

• John 10:9 (NIV)

I am the gate; whoever enters through me will be saved.

In the KJV, Jesus says, “I am the door.” Entrance to heaven is possible through only one door. Jesus is the way, the only way! Here’s the good news: God has made the way known to us! God has not left us to grope around in the dark searching and hoping to find the way; God has shown us the way through His Son Jesus.

The psalmist said, “You have made known to me the path of life.”

GOD WANTS TO BE OUR GUIDE! God is not indifferent or unresponsive to us. God loves us and hears us when we cry out for help. God is not aloof or unfriendly turning us away; God has opened His heart to us and calls us to be with Him. God is not angry at us or holding a grudge. God is patient and willing to forgive.

God wants to be our guide and lead us in the path of life, BUT WILL WE LET GOD LEAD US? Will we accept God’s direction for our lives or do we think we know the path we should follow?

Many paths lie before us; which will we choose to follow? People pick a path to follow for all kinds of different reasons.

o Does it feel good? Is the road smooth and straight?

o What’s in it for me? How much money is to be made? Are the streets paved with gold?

o Will I gain recognition or fame? Is the walkway covered with red carpet and lined with people to congratulate me?

o Will it make me happy? If I follow easy street will I find the things that satisfy me?

o Will friends or family approve? Will I find acceptance? Is this the broad way that everyone is walking on?

People make decisions for these and other reasons often giving no thought to the way that God would have them go, nor do they think about the effect their choices may have upon family or others. As you set your course for 2006 BE CAREFUL. Choose wisely the path you will follow.

• Proverbs 14:12 and 16:25 (NIV)

There is a way that seems right to a man, but in the end it leads to death.

What will we do when we discover that we have gone down the wrong path? Will we continue going that way with the mistaken belief that we can make it right and improve our course?

Or will we make a U-turn and change the direction of our life before it is too late? GOD ALLOWS U-TURNS! Let God set you upon the right path!

• Isaiah 53:6 (NIV)

We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to his own way . . .

God is not surprised when we start off down the wrong path. We have all wondered down the path that leads to death; we have all thought we knew better than God, but God allows U-Turns! God wants to lead us down the right path, the path of life!

• Isaiah 53:6 (NIV)

We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to his own way; and the Lord has laid on him the iniquity of us all.

Jesus has taken our punishment! He has paid the price for our sin by dying in our place upon the cross! We don’t have to continue to walk down the path that leads to death because God has made the way for us to turn to Him and find the path of life!

As you make the journey down the road called 2006, will you choose to take the path of life that God sets before you, or will you choose to make your own road? God will let you set your course. If you choose to make your own way then God will let you go that way—alone, but if you choose the path of life, then God will go with you on your journey!

2. Along the path of life we have the joy of God’s presence.

• Psalm 16:11 (NIV)

You have made known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence. . .

You don’t have to make the journey alone; you can choose to let God walk with you along the way down the road of 2006. You can have the joy of God’s presence with you each and every day of the year as you choose to walk with God down the path of life.

• Psalm 5:5 (NIV)

The arrogant cannot stand in your presence; you hate all who do wrong.

God’s word is a double edge sword; it cuts both ways. If we look carefully, in Psalm 5:5 we can see both edges of this double edge sword. Along one edge of the sword of God’s word we can see that the arrogant and boastful cannot stand in God’s presence because their pride melts like a candle’s wax before a flame. I like how the Message Bible puts this thought: “Hot-Air-Boaster collapses in front of you.” It is impossible for the arrogant to stand before God.

But there is another edge to the sword of God’s word that reveals the heart of man. The arrogant cannot stand in God’s presence because whenever they sense God coming near they run away! Those who are arrogant and full of pride and self importance choose to turn their back upon God; they want to continue to walk down their own path separated from God. This is why God hates all who do evil; God despises them because they have choose again and again to reject God’s presence. Again I like how the Message Bible puts this part of the verse: “You shake your head over Mischief-Maker.”

Why would anyone choose to walk away from the God of love? Why would anyone refuse the joy of God’s presence? Makes you shake your head in disbelief doesn’t it?

ILLUSTRATION: The story is told of an old sailor who continually got lost at sea, so a friend gave him a compass to help the sailor find his way without getting lost. The next time the old sailor went to sea he followed the advice of his friend and took his compass with him. But as usual he again became hopelessly lost unable to find his the port. After many days of being lost at sea the old sailor was again rescued by his friends. Once found his friends asked him, “Why didn’t you use the compass we gave you? The compass would have kept you from being lost!” The old sailor responded, “I tried using the compass, but it wouldn’t work. I wanted to go north, but it continued to point southeast.”

That old sailor was certain he knew better than the compass, so rather than change direction he tried to force the compass to point in the direction he wanted it to go. When the compass failed to point the way he wanted it to he discarded it and was again lost because he refused to accept the guidance of the compass.

I have never done any sailing, and I don’t understand how it all works, but I know this much. While the wind fills the sail to set the boat in motion it is the rudder that sets the course for the ship.

The picture of a sailboat moving across the water is a picture of our lives. As Christians we can rest safe and secure in God’s hand upon the “waters life.” He will sustain us and keep us no matter what the condition of the sea; we are safe even when the waves crash around us because we are safe aboard the ship. Likewise the wind of God’s Spirit will fill our sails to empower us to move upon the sea. We do not just have to drift along God will energize our lives with His power. YET WE STILL CONTROL THE RUDDER!

God has given us His word to act as our compass. We can choose to follow His direction and make it safely into port, or we can ignore His guidance and find ourselves lost at sea, or worse shipwrecked upon the hidden rocks beneath the surface of the sea.

God does not want us to make the journey alone! We can have the joy of His presence as we walk along the path of life, but the choice is ours.

• Joshua 24:15 (MsgB)

"If you decide that it’s a bad thing to worship God, then choose a god you’d rather serve—and do it today. Choose one of the gods your ancestors worshiped from the country beyond The River, or one of the gods of the Amorites, on whose land you’re now living. As for me and my family, we’ll worship God."

People look for joy and happiness in all kinds of different places. Joshua challenged the people to choose to worship God and to stop looking to false gods to give them what they were looking for. Real joy can only be found in God’s presence.

• Exodus 33:14-16 (NIV)

[14] The Lord replied, "My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest."

[15] Then Moses said to him, "If your Presence does not go with us, do not send us up from here. [16] How will anyone know that you are pleased with me and with your people unless you go with us? What else will distinguish me and your people from all the other people on the face of the earth?"

Moses would be satisfied with nothing less than having God’s presence with him. It would be God’s presence that would set Moses and the people apart from all other nations of the earth. I MUST HAVE GOD’S PRESENCE!

- His presence will strengthen you in your times of weakness

- His presence will guide you in the times of indecision

- His presence will comfort you in times of grief and loss

- His presence will assure you in the times of uncertainty

- His presence will empower you in the moment of doubt

As we travel the road of 2006 God sets the path of life before us; the Lord makes the way of life known to us, but the choice is ours. For all who chose to follow the path of life God goes with them; the Lord will set us apart with the joy of His presence as we walk the path of life.

3. The path of life leads us to eternal rewards.

• Psalm 16:11 (NIV)

You have made known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand.

When we follow the path of life we will receive God’s eternal and abundant reward! You can’t lose when you choose to follow Jesus!

Many people think it isn’t worth it to be a Christian; that you have to give up too much. Contrary to the popular opinion of the day “godliness with contentment is great gain” (1 Timothy 6:6 NIV).

o You won’t find happiness, joy or contentment in the abundance of things.

o You won’t find what you are looking for with a bigger house a new car or a bigger bank account.

o You won’t find what you are looking for by getting a new husband, or wife – or a new boyfriend or girlfriend.

o You won’t attain anything of lasting value by getting a promotion and moving up the corporate latter, or by changing jobs, or by firing your boss so you can work from home.

If you are going to find what you are looking for, if you are going to fill the emptiness within you heart, YOU MUST CHOOSE THE PATH OF LIFE.

• John 10:10 (NIV)

I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.

Many Christians only settle for half of what Jesus wants to give them. They believe Jesus died for their sins and will tell you that they are now “alive in Christ,” but they go on and live their lives like nothing has really changed. Moreover many often feel like they have been shortchanged in the process; that somehow they have given up more than they gained.

Who do you know that is always talking about the cost of following Jesus; they are quick to point out what they gave up to be a Christian. They continue to struggle with living for Christ; they want to walk the path of life, but they find it so hard. Again and again they find themselves on the wrong path and have to start all over again. They pray, “Lord forgive me; I surrender to you. I give up this habit or relationship so I can follow you.” The only problem is they find themselves right back at the same place time after time.

The problem is their focus is all wrong. Instead of looking forward and seeing the riches of God’s abundant blessing and provision in their lives, they are looking back at what they have left behind.

I’ve learned a simple lesson through the years. It’s hard to walk backwards! You can’t look one direction and move in the other. What ever direction you are facing is the direction you will be inclined to move, so stop looking at the past; stop looking at what you gave up to be a Christian and begin to look down to path of life and see all that God has ahead of you!

• Matthew 13:44 (NIV)

The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field.

What would happen to this man if he forgot about the treasure he had found? What if his focus was upon everything he had sold in order to be able to buy the field? Instead of returning with joy, he would have gone to his field with regret for all he had lost. Yet he didn’t forget! His focus was upon the treasure hidden within his field, a treasure far greater than all the wealth he had given up to buy the field.

ILLUSTRATION: Three prospectors found a rich gold vein during the California gold rush. They realized what they had found would make them all very rich. They agreed to tell no one about what they had found, but to go into town, stake their claim, purchase the supplies they needed and return to dig up their treasure. While none of these prospectors told anyone about what they had found, when they left town a crowd of people followed them to their claim because the smile on their face and the joy in their eyes had given them away. They couldn’t keep what they had found to themselves.

We must look forward to the great reward that God has prepared for us. The path of life leads us to an eternal reward far greater than anything this world could ever offer us; much more than anything we might give up in order to obtain it.

• Hebrews 11:24-26 (NIV)

[24] By faith Moses, when he had grown up, refused to be known as the son of Pharaoh’s daughter. [25] He chose to be mistreated along with the people of God rather than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a short time. [26] He regarded disgrace for the sake of Christ as of greater value than the treasures of Egypt, because he was looking ahead to his reward.

God offers ETERNAL PLEASURES, an eternal reward. What God gives us will not rust or lose its value. What we receive through Christ has permanent value; our reward endures; it lasts forever!

• Matthew 16:25-26 (NIV)

[25] For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me will find it. [26] What good will it be for a man if he gains the whole world, yet forfeits his soul? Or what can a man give in exchange for his soul?

• God has made the path of life known to us.

• The path of life brings us the joy of God’s presence.

• The path of life leads us to eternal rewards.

Some ideas for this message found in Determining Your Path by David Quackenbush