Transformed by God’s Word
Our passage implies that Jesus’ desire was to see a transformed life as a person hears the Word of God. He wants to see our transformed character and conviction as a result of learning God’s Word. Every Sunday morning millions of people listen to the preaching and teaching of God’s Word. But why are the majority of people’s lives remain unchanged despite of being bombarded by the teaching and preaching of God’s Word? Mark 4:1-20 will reveal to us the reasons for having minimal number of changed lives. Let us read the passage.
Our parable shows that 75% of people who listen to the teaching and preaching of God’s Word will remain unchanged in their lifestyle. Jesus explained that how a person respond to the preaching of God’s Word determine its influence in one’s life. The Seed represents the Word of God and the Sower is the teacher or preacher of God’s Word. What kind of response to God’s Word would have a significant effect in a person’s life?
1. Not by indifferent response to God’s Word (vv. 4, 15)
The Pathway soil is the segment in the field where the farmer walked as he sows and plows the field. Obviously this soil is hard and the seed will not penetrate in it. When the birds come, they will just eat up the seed.
Spiritually speaking, there are men and women who hear the Word of God but indifferent or unresponsive. Thus when the Devil comes, he will just take away the message sown in their heart and leave them empty-handed. Indifferent response will make no difference in the life of a listener of God’s Word.
Why are they indifferent or unresponsive? Maybe they are not interested or unwilling to give up their tradition and previous knowledge. Others think that God’s Word is irrelevant and unrealistic. Or maybe they don’t want to get out of their comfort zone and they don’t new challenges and responsibilities. In some cases, they are unresponsive because they were discouraged by others who hear the message and yet irresponsible.
2. Not by superficial response To God’s Word (vv. 5-6, 16-17)
The Rocky Soil is the soil over a rock stratum. When a seed is sown in this type of soil, the seed would quickly germinate. But because the soil is shallow, the seed will not develop deeper roots. Thus when the sun is up, the plants were burned up and they withered.
Some hearers of God’s Word are similar to that soil on top of a rock. When they hear the Word of God, they were so excited and received it with joy. However, the reception of God’s Word is superficial and emotional that it has no roots. Thus when troubles or persecutions come because of the Word, they quickly fall away.
Troubles/tribulation means pressure--the distress that comes from being caught in a crushing squeeze. You know the Word of God may sometimes places us in a situation where we are being squeezed from both sides by the principles of the world and the principles of God’s word.
Persecution means harassment, to be pursued or chased by someone. Meaning, one’s commitment to God’s Word may result to harassment by the world. The people around you will begin to bother and criticize you because of your commitment to God.
The Word of God is only attractive to them as long as it is beneficial. They immediately affirmed gospel and appear to be promising citizens of God’s kingdom and yet totally unprepared for the challenges of God’s Word.
Now, if we are a type of hearer where God’s Word does not sink deep in our heart or is not rooted in our heart, we may eventually give up our Christian conviction. It appears that our convictions are superficial and temporary. In Pilipino we call it, “ningas cogon.”
The question is what makes the reception of God’s Word superficial? Why didn’t the Word of God sink deep in the heart of its hearers?
(1) Lack of Understanding -- we may never have the total understanding of God’s message. We are only looking at the promises and not on the responsibilities. We may be focusing on its prestige and not on its consequences.
(2) Lack of Consistency -- occasional application may not have a lasting effect. Like exercise, if we are not consistent, it will not do us any good. It will not have a lasting effect. After a while, the fats are still there growing.
ILLUSTRATION If a farmer doesn’t plant seeds, he will never harvest a crop. It doesn’t matter how weed-free his ground is; he must also plant and cultivate good seed.
In the same way, we can only reap a harvest of purity and integrity by planting the good seed of God’s Word into our lives. I’m not talking about merely reading the Bible. I’m talking about allowing the Holy Spirit to plant the truths of Scripture deep into our hearts and minds through consistent Bible reading and memorization, meditation and prayer. To be effective, and to remain pure, truth must be planted in our hearts daily. --Gary Oliver, clinical director of Southwest Counseling Associates in Denver.
3. Not by inhibited response To God’s Word (vv. 7, 18-19)
The Thorny Soil is the soil, which still contains some roots of the previous plant residing in it. These thorns grow and tend to choke the germinating seed so that it may grow but not productive. To choke means to strangle, overpower, and kill. The new seed shares the nutrients and stamina it receives from the soil and nature with the existing thorns and roots.
Spiritually speaking, there are those who hear the Word of God but overpowered by their existing concerns in life. God’s Word will not have a significant influence in this person’s life because there are other concerns that prevent its influence. What are these concerns?
(1) The Worries of This Life -- Worry literally implies a mind being torn in different directions. Sometimes our minds are torn by the different concerns of life. Worry of the World vs. The Word of God. We worry too much of our material needs wherein God challenged us that if seek His kingdom first, he will meet our needs. (Matt. 6:33)
ILLUSTRATION Corrie ten boom, for the last two years of her life, spent it in our congregation in Fullerton, California. It was a wonderful experience to have this godly woman in our midst during that extended period of time as we literally watched her die. She said on one occasion, “Worry does not empty tomorrow of sorrows; it empties today of strength.” – Charles Swindoll
A woman worried for forty years that she would die of cancer. She finally died of pneumonia at age seventy. She wasted thirty-three years worrying about the wrong thing. —John Haggai, How to Win over Worry
(2) The Deceitfulness of Wealth -- Deceit means the distortion of the truth for the purpose of misleading. Many times, men were deceived by wealth regarding man’s security and destiny. Satan said that wealth is all we need to live and survive. So man gives priority in the accumulation of wealth regardless of the manner they got it.
There are instances that we do not only ignore the study of God’s Word but also openly defy the authority of God’s principles in acquiring wealth. Thus dishonesty, corruption, materialism, and the like prevail in the life of man. (Matt. 4:4)
(3) The Desires of Other Things -- This statement implies the personal interest and goal related to the acquisition of wealth. The desires of other things suggest discontentment. (See I Tim. 6:7-10) Discontentment prevents people from obeying God’s Word.
4. But by receptive response to God’s Word (vv. 8, 20)
The Good Soil hearers are those who possess what the other three soils lack. He is responsive, rooted in God’s Word -- full of conviction, and undivided commitment to His Word.
When we are interested in the Word of God, we open our lives to different possibilities of benefits and are spared from the different problems and agonies of life.
When we are convicted by the Word of God, we can minimize or withstand the influence of temptation and sin. We are able to resist the Devil and be at peace with our God and Master.
When we are committed to the Word of God, we see the fruits of our obedience. Positive characters are developed and peace and contentment are experienced.
Illustration: Warning: This Book is habit-forming, regular use causes loss of anxiety, decreased appetite for lying, cheating, stealing, hating. Symptoms: Increased sensations of love, peace, joy, and compassion.
The good soil pictures the true believer, because fruit—a changed life—is the evidence of true salvation (2 Cor. 5:17; Gal. 5:19-23). The other three types of soil produced no fruit, so we conclude that they belong to persons who have never been born again. Not all true believers are equally as productive; but from every genuine Christian’s life, there will be some evidence of spiritual fruit or changed life.
Each of the three fruitless soils is influenced by a different enemy: the hard soil—the devil himself snatches the seed; the shallow soil—the flesh counterfeits religious feelings; the thorny soil—the things of the world smother the growth and prevent a harvest. These are the three great enemies of the Christian: the world, the flesh, and the devil (Eph. 2:1-3).
How can we increase the receptivity of the other three types of soils?
1. Pathway Soil – Cultivation. Cultivate the heart of that person by building relationships, setting examples, ministering to his needs, and patiently responding to his inquiry.
2. Rock Soil – Deepen the roots. Follow up the instruction and explain carefully the meaning and implications of God’s Word. Don’t make false promises and deceptive expectations. Reveal the realities of Christian life. Expose the person to other stable and maturing Christians. Provide support and encouragement in times of troubles and persecutions.
3. Thorny Soil – Clearing away. Helping the person to establish the right priorities. Emphasize the trustworthiness of God. Share the faithfulness and promises of God. Testify how God meets your daily needs and personal desires. Explain that the real security and fulfillment is in God alone and not on things.
Jesus longed not only for intellectual followers but influential followers. Jesus’ followers will be influential if their lives are changed according to His character and principles. And change will take place if we are receptive to His Word. When people are receptive, possibilities are countless.