*In preparing for this sermon, I gleaned several thoughts from several sermons found on this site. Thank You to all who participate!
The Psalmist David gives us a great illustration of what true worship really is.
Read Psalms 111:1-2
Worship – English word that means: to ascribe the highest worth to.
When we worship we are saying, “God, you’re number one in my life. You come before anything else.”
Worship is not just a one-hour thing we do on Sunday, it’s a way of life.
Our worship on Sunday is nothing more than a reflection of the worship we do during our work seek.
Before we can learn from David on the me ans of worship, let’s talk about why we have to have messages on this subject.
This should be something that is automatic for the child of God. But yet, we have books upon books trying to teach us how to properly worship our God.
One reason why it is so hard for folks to worship:
It’s not a top priority in their life.
While priority maybe one reason for lack of worship, another could be that you just simply don’t know how to worship.
That is the focus of today’s message.
If there were ever a man in the Bible that could school us on worshipping God, it would be David.
Read Psalms 111:1-2
The Psalmist opens up this song with “Praise the Lord”
The Hebrew word for praise is: “Hallal”
The Hebrew word for the Lord: “Yahweh” or Yah for short
Put those together and you have Hallelujah or Praise the Lord.
David shows us that to truly worship we must know who to direct all this praise and that is to our Lord God.
Now that we know and understand who deserves our praise, let’s learn three key components that make up this thing we call “Worship”.
1. How are we to Worship –
David gives us the perfect illustration in verse 2.
“I will give thanks to the Lord with all of my heart…”
David brought nothing less than his whole heart.
Coming with your whole heart represents the whole being. David is worshiping God with every part of his being.
Many will stand and say that unless you are:
· Shedding tears – you’re not worshipping
· Raise your hands – you’re not worshipping
· Shout with joy – you’re not worshipping
We are told to worship with our heart!
You have to understand: All of those things that I mentioned are effects of worship not the basis of worship.
· I will raise my hand not to worship but because of my worship.
· I will shout for joy not to worship but because it’s a reaction to my worship
· I will shed tears not to worship but because they come running out with my assistance.
But just because I do that does not mean that I am worshipping God.
We can shed a tear over a lost puppy
We can shout for joy when our team wins
(Illus. Alabama/Auburn party)
That is not the basis of worship to our Heavenly Father but they can be the effects of worship.
Illus.-Person shedding a tear during service
I will worship the Lord with all my heart with everything that is inside of me.
If that causes me to shout – so be it!
If that causes me to cry – so be it!
Just as long as the worship comes before the reaction!
How will I worship? With my whole heart!
2. Where we are to Worship –
How many of you have ever heard the following statement when trying to get someone to come to church:
“I prefer to worship God on my boat at the lake. After all, I am surrounded by his creation.”
Taking nothing away from God’s creation:
The Rocky Mountains of Colorado
The Everglades of Florida
The Sandy White Beaches of Hawaii
The Smoky Mts. during the change of the seasons.
It’s all beautiful and great to admire. But it’s not the sole place to offer our worship.
David says, I will worship, “…in the company of the upright and in the assembly.”
Illus. – Being at a Huntsville Stars Game
I could watch it on T.V or listen on the radio but there is just something about being at the game.
· Sitting in the stands
· The smell of popcorn and hotdogs
· The crack of the bat when contact is made
· The sound of the crowd
When you are live at the game, you get motivated along with the others that you are around. It catches on!
There’s just something about being in church with fellow believers who all come “in one mind and one accord” and that is to worship the true and living God.
· It’s contagious.
· You get uplifted
· You rejoice with others over their accomplishments.
· You lift your voice in song with the choir
· You life your prayers with other believers
Why come together? You are able to see God in action
· If she can overcome cancer and testify about it, so can I.
· If he can rejoice after having the week he had, so can I.
· If I feel bad and discouraged, my spirits can be lifted because I am around others who are being used by God to encourage me.
But you can’t get this sitting at home on the couch.
Psalms 150:1 – “Praise God in the sanctuary..”
Why are we to Worship –
v. 2 – “Great are the works of the Lord…”
David exclaims with this opening drive that:
· I am honoring my Lord
· I am worshiping the One whom I adore
· I am Thanking the One from whom all blessing come
I am recognizing that it is the Lord:
· Who gives me strength
· Who provides for my every need
· Who puts food on my table
· Who is my Shepherd
· Who provides rest for my weary bones?
We could spend time worshipping and praising God for: His beautiful creation -
The calm breeze that comes off the ocean
The colors of the leaves as they change with seasons
The beautiful animals that occupy this world with us
But let us not forget the wonderful works He has done in our lives.
Moms – you have kids that has had God’s hand on them Dads – you have had opportunity to let your family down
We all have been in those tight places
And if it hadn’t been for God!
True Worship!
It comes from the heart
In the company of other believers
It magnifies our God for the might works He has done
Let us not get more concerned with the Presentation of God that we forget about the presence of God.
Worship is not just what we do on Sunday, it’s a reflection of the worship we have done through out our week.
Why do people raise their hands in church?
Are they trying to be more spiritual than others?
Illus. – Logan (my girl) running to me when I come home with her hands stretched up wanting me to pick her up.
She knows when I pick her up everything will be okay
She knows it has been long day and she wants to spend time with her daddy.
Let us take the same approach when we enter God’s house. Let us run with outstretched hands longing to feel His presence around us.