Summary: What it means for us to be light

"Turn On The Chandelier"

Matthew 5:13-16


Intro: Well, we’re not taping this sermon, so you’re out of luck. But now that the Valentine’s Dinner is over, if any of you have any good quotes for the sign out front, let me know!

Did you hear about the little country church that was trying to use a generous memorial fund in a wise way. The board had discussed possible uses, and had pretty well decided on getting a new chandelier for the lobby of the church. Everything was just about set until Brother Frank stood up and said, "Friends, I’m against this here chandelier for three reasons.

1. We ain’t got nobody here what can spell the word "chandelier" when we go to order it.

2. We ain’t got nobody here in the church what can play it when we get it. And,

3. What we really need to do is to get something to give us some more light in this place!

Well, many times we have the light, but it just doesn’t shine very brightly. This morning we want to look at a passage where Christ talks about light. Turn with me to Matthew 5:13-16.

"You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled by men. "You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven.

This passage comes immediately following the Beatitudes. Christ has taught his disciples the way to true blessing in our attitudes, but then immediately reminds them of the importance of living our life before the world. Many times we judge our Christianity and spirituality on whether we have a good reputation in the church. But here in this passage Christ reminds us the ultimate test of our faith and witness is how we are viewed by the world.

I. We are the salt of the earth - We love that phrase, don’t we. If there is someone we really love, he is the "salt of the earth." We’ve changed the verse to mean likeable and friendly. But think with me about what salt meant in the ancient world. Salt was indispensable. First it was a spice that added flavor. If you want to hear someone really complain, but them on a salt-free diet. We can cut down on calories and fat somewhat easily, because there is still good-tasting food to eat. But salt adds so very much to the flavor of foods. It is a great flavor enhancement.

Yet, flavoring was the least prominent of the uses of salt. It’s greatest use was as a preservative. Salt was used medicinally, being rubbed into wounds, to bring health and healing. It was also uses to keep food from spoiling. Salt was used to prevent the decay of corpses. In it’s day, salt was a miracle-drug. Almost like penicillin is today. Settlers in the 1700’s would never take a trip on their covered wagons without plenty of salt.

Have you ever been to the shore, watching the fishing boats come in. They throw down a layer of fish, cover them with salt, then another layer of fish, etc. What happens if not enough salt is used: the meat spoils. In the same way, Christ says we are salt. We are a preservative in this world. I don’t think this refers to withholding the world from judgment, for God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah while Lot lived there. Rather I think it means that we have a strong ability to influence our world for good. This morning our theme of the 50 Day Adventure is that the church you’ve always longed for impacts the community.

We could talk about what good things we have done to help our neighborhoods, how we have benefitted the area, but ultimately I think the idea of salt is found in answering the question, "Are we keeping our communities a moral place in which to live."

The salt found in the Middle East is most predominantly a "marsh salt" that often can have much impurity in it. If it is not very pure, it will not have a preserving effect, and might as well be thrown out. I don’t think anyone would like to take rock salt that you use on your icy sidewalks and eat it. It would not have the flavor we desire. In the same way, if our lives are not pure, we will not give a lost world a true witness of the power and ways of our God.

What would you think of a doctor who gave you some medicine and said, "Sorry, when I was mixing it up some dirt got knocked in it." Would you take it? Yet, many of us who are supposed to be salt in this community are impure, we are tainted with dirt and impurity. Our influence of godliness is almost gone. Christ said, if we have lost our savor, our preserving essence, we are of no value.

II. We are the light of the world - Who needs light? Those in the daytime? No, those who are in darkness, those who are in light. It’s sort of like a doctor on an operating table, with all of the bright spotlights already shining, and the nurses each holding flashlights. We, as Christians, do not need one another to be light for us: we are the light. We need to let our light shine out into the community, to those who are struggling in the darkness of sin, and defeat, and fear, and all of the other traps of the devil.

Christ said a city on a hill could not be hidden. Did you ever travel out in the country on a dark night. You can tell miles ahead of time when you are coming to a city by the glow on the horizon. In the same way, when we become the light God has made us to be, we will develop a reputation. When someone starts at your company, they’ll be "warned" about you.

Christ said our light is not given to us to hide, to cover up and conceal. Many times we are ashamed of our light. We try to hide it. When people ask us about what our church teaches, we try to downplay it. When they say, "You can’t even . . . whatever", we try to dodge the issue. We often don’t want to be light. When we pray for our meals in public, we do a brow wipe. Or, I just recently heard of a group from this church that had been out to eat, and the one who prayed said, "Dear Lord, please don’t let anyone see us praying!"

How are you doing at being light. There is a purpose to being salt and light. First, we are salt and light because by definition we are meant to be. That is what Christ created us to be. Second, it would be ridiculous to not function the way God made us. That is like saying, I know the fish needs to be in water, but I want to have a dry fish. Thirdly, we become utterly useless to the master when we do not function the way we are supposed to. What do you do if something is broke: you either fix it or throw it away. In the same way if you are not salt and light, God will either attempt to chasten, correct, and "fix" you, or he will throw you up on the shelf, utterly of no heavenly good.

This church needs to be salt and light. We need to impact our community. We need not just to talk a good talk on Sunday morning, but we need to live the life every day of the week. Our action step this week is to "Say good things about the church." What have you done to convey a desire in anyone else to come to church with you. We have much to offer here. Many have found here a place of hope, support, and encouragement. Many of you have found some of your best and deepest friends here in the church. Yet, no one will want to see what we have here unless each of us becomes salt and light. Salt, in bringing positive morality in a perverted culture. Light, in offering alternate choices to the lies and bondage of Satan.

What will you do this week to make a difference so that others will glorify the Father!?!