Summary: Lessons from the ministry of Jesus to Zacchaeus.

Up a Tree and out on a Limb – ZACCHAEUS

TEXT: LUKE 19:1-10

I. What we can know about Zacchaeus

1. Not much known about him historically … we know more about the “job” he held.

1) Because of the name, as well as the people that surrounded him, we can know that he was Jewish.

2) Tax collector for the Roman Government

i. One who “extracted” the tax from the occupied citizens

ii. Not only a “tax collector” - but Chief Tax Collector

a. Not an elected position … bought (bid) position.

b. As “Chief collector - headed up a loosely organized force that was empowered to levy taxes, collect those taxes, hold accountable those that failed to pay the taxes.

c. As “chief tax collector” he gained wealth by sub-bidding his authority to others willing to pay to help him … thus increasing his own wealth exponentially (perhaps Matthew had worked for him at one time???)

3) Therefore, Zacchaeus was a man made rich by greed and selfishness. A man who knew he wasn‘t doing right -

i. The law (his own religious code) condemned him

Ø He was a religious outcast. Didn’t go to synagogue. Wasn’t trying to live right. Wasn’t really concerned what people or God thought of him as long as he had what he wanted.

Ø The Scribes and Pharisees looked on him as if he had an incurable disease.

Ø The Jewish religious system had no hope for people such as Zacchaeus. The work of a tax collector required that they maintain continual contact with Gentiles which meant they (as publicans) were ceremonially unclean.

Ø Yes, salvation was highly unlikely for a man like Zacchaeus

ii. Society condemned him

Ø Not only did his own religion reject him … but his “city” rejected him.

Ø He was a man hated by his own people. A publican (= any Jew employed by the Roman Government) was worse than a sinner to the Jews because they saw that person as a traitor.

Ø The tax collector stood for everything the Hebrew Citizen hated about the Roman government:

o Reminded them of being captives - authority over their lives

o Unjust - unscrupulous (without reason or mercy).

o Oppressive - “what now, what else…”

iii. His own conscience condemned him (as evidenced by his response after his conversion).

Ø feeling guilty, knew his situation but didn’t have the heart to get out (would loose everything, and still be rejected?)

Ø What’s more, he knew inwardly that though he seemed to have “everything” … his life was full of emptiness - no satisfaction, no joy, no lasting purpose.

2. His wrong was not in being a tax collector - but his wrong WAS not having a heart that was right with God - which was evidenced by HIS OWN GREED.

1) There were some honest tax collectors … but the system bred corruption.

2) Our outward actions - which we often see as “sins” - are just evidence of the condition of our hearts; Our hearts have SIN (inward rebellion against God).

3) Most important of all, he was a sinner, lost, without God … searching for something to fill his personal emptiness.

II. What we can know about Zacchaeus’ conversion.

1. His conversion was sudden … (God has HIS way of getting our attention - unique).

2. Zacchaeus’ circumstances had him up a tree and out on a limb … that’s when he met God

1) In spite of all that was wrong in his life, Zacchaeus may have felt he had a pretty good life going … but he knew, too, in the depths of heart: “something’s missing”


3. The scripture doesn’t really tell us what Zacchaeus was searching for that day … except that “he sought to see who Jesus was.” [He had heard some stuff, he wanted to see what it was about] …. He probably wasn’t expecting to “get saved” that day.

4. My how God works!

1) He was searching to see Jesus - Jesus was expecting to meet Him.

2) He didn’t know what he needed, just that he needed something. Jesus knew exactly what he needed - he needed 1st a friend, and 2nd a savior.

(the world will never care how much we know, until they know how much we care).

3) There was no “religious formula” that was fulfilled that day…


5) Anybody can do the stuff: walk the isle, say the prayer, take the bath, put on the churchy talk …. Even learn to turn loose of their money!: but only God can change the heart of a man!

5. His INWARD change was proven by his OUTWARD actions.

1) He announces that he is going to restore all he had wrongly taken - and then some.

2) Jesus states that, “Today, salvation has come to this house”

3) Zacchaeus’ actions didn’t save him but an inward work of God’s Spirit made him want to change his actions

4) Someone recently asked me why I didn’t preach against “people’s sins.” [They meant drinking, smoking, cursing, gambling, cheating on mates, not tithing…, etc.

5) BECAUSE I DON’T WANT PEOPLE CLEANING UP THE OUTSIDE JUST SO THEY CAN LOOK RIGHT … WHEN GOD’S SPIRIT CHANGES THE HEART,THEN THE OUTSIDE WILL FOLLOW RIGHT ALONG. I don’t have to tell people those things are wrong, God does. And if they won’t listen to God, why would they ever listen to me?

6. You can always tell when a person has really been saved - by their actions. They begin to really live - no longer for themselves, but for the Lord, and others.


1. Maybe you are up a tree and out on a limb today - life is OK, but it isn’t full. Or maybe life isn’t OK, maybe it’s the pits. Maybe nothing is going right for you? The same Jesus that looked up and invited Zacchaeus to not only see him, but to meet him - is wanting to meet with you today.

1) In your home.

2) In your heart-of-hearts.

2. There are hundreds, even thousands of Zacchaeus’ in the world.

1) Many of them God may be dealing with:

Ø they know better; they have been trying to catch life, but suddenly “life” has caught them

Ø do you know someone like Zacchaeus? Up a tree and out on a limb…

Ø How will they be affected by our life?

o rejected, scorned, turned away?

o accepted, befriended, loved?

2) The scriptures declares that “you and I are the body of Christ…”

Could it be that an encounter with you could be the only Jesus that person ever sees in their life? Will our demonstration of love and friendship touch their lives the way Jesus did Zacchaeus?