Summary: This sermon is about the importance of being part and attending Church with one another as well as how to get the most out of your attendance in church.

Getting the Most out of Church

Hebrews 10:19-25


A. I can remember when I got out of the Navy and went to College. I took a few college courses when I was in the Navy so when I got all my transcripts as well as my Military information – I was pleased to find out that I was a Sophomore with 39 credits. Boot camp counted for 6 credits in PE and Health Sciences. My military Electronic schools counted for 12 unites in Math and Science. Then I took 21 units in other classes.

I was Disappointed that I still had to take an Art Class for my General Ed. I mean – Art – I am not really an artist or craft type of Person. I don’t really enjoy those types of things.

I tried to persuade the Administration of the College to waive the Art class – suggesting to them have you ever seen the Artistic work of folding clothes in Boot Camp. I’m serious, folding clothes in Boot Camp is an Art ! But they didn’t buy it.

Anyway, here I am, all excited to start college and learn in order to be prepared for God’s calling in my life. So I get Registered for my Classes. I am excited: GREEK – 6 unit hours; Intro. To NT, the Book of Luke – 3 hours; English Literature – 3 hours; and then Art Design – 3 hours.

But you know what? After I got over having to take the class, I found that it really was interesting and I learned a lot. I even got an A-.

B. I think that sometimes, for some people, Church can be like me having to take Art Class: if you get over that you are commanded to go, you may just find that it is interesting and that you will enjoy it! And I can guarantee this: You will get more out of the church, the more you put into it!

C. So let’s talk about our passage here in Hebrews.

- Background; things weren’t going well for individual Christians and the church at this time; Roman persecution on Jews and Christians; it is clear from the book that these Christians were being tempted to return to their Jewish roots and customs vs. a true commitment to Jesus as Lord.

- Church attendance is not a matter of Salvation, however it is matter of Discipleship and that is what we are Saved to Be!

- Explain: The 4th Commandment: “Remember the Sabbath and keep it holy. Six days you shall labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is a Sabbath to the Lord your God…” Ex. 20:8-10

- Jesus our Example in how to live – he is the Light. He went to worship God the Father on the Sabbath as was His custom.

- We see the example of the First Century Believers in Acts 2:42-47; They DEVOTED themselves to God’s Word, Fellowship with one another; Worship (breaking of Bread), and Prayer…. Vs. 46; Every day the continued to meet together in the Temple courts…

- VS. 22; Let us Draw Near to God…

- Vs. 25; Let us not give up meeting together as some are in the habit of doing…

D. Scripture Teaches us clearly that to gather with God’s people for Worship regularly is something we are commanded to do.

Individualism in our society has created a culture contrary to God’s Word that often forsakes our commitments to a CHURCH Body.

But my point today is this: If we can just accept the Fact that we are commanded to be part of and Participate in the Church Body regularly – even as I did when I had to take Art Class – We might actually find that we Like it and get something out of Church!

So, as we look at this Passage, I raise the Question: How can I get the Most out of Church?


A. You will get the Most out of Church when you take some time to THINK about what you HAVE in Christ, vs. 19-21

- Vs. 19; Since you HAVE CONFIDENCE to enter the Most Holy Place … How? Blood of Jesus…

- Vs. 21; Since we HAVE a great priest over the house of God,

- You have to Consider what the Lord has done for you and what you have through Him.

This passage reminds us that Jesus is our High Priest there for us, to be our atonement, etc.

We also learn that because of Jesus and His sacrifice on the Cross, His blood shed, He provided a way for us to actually come into the Presence of the Living God – we can Confidence in this.

But each week: What has the Lord done for you? What do you have because of the Lord?

Really our commitment, participation to the Church is really a RESPONSE to everything the Lord has done for us: who we are in Him? What we have (like Confidence to come before Him and a High Priest for us)?

Prepare yourself by taking some time to THINK about your blessings and what you Have in Christ?

The Prelude is a Time to help us consider, think, and reflect on these things as part of our worship to Him.

B. You will get the Most out of Church when you are Seeking Him with a SINCERE HEART, vs. 22-23

- Sincere = real (as opposed to imaginary or fake); genuine; true to being; the opposite of what is pretend or simulated.

So To come before God with a Sincere Heart would mean to be Real/True to who you are and why you are here – to Worship the Lord. Don’t pretend or fake it – be Sincere.

How can you Come before God with a Sincere Heart? Vs. 22b; full assurance of faith; Consider your faith and assurance.

22c; having our hearts sprinkled to cleanse us from a guilty conscience - I.E. Forgiven. Search your heart and confess your sins. Then you can put aside your guilt and Sincerely come before God.

* Prelude – Prayer times, even some songs are there for us to Consider our Faith and Assurances – to take some time to let the HS search your heart – see if there is guilt and so Confess it and be cleansed – true to who you are in Christ.

You get the most out of Church when you Seek the Lord with a Sincere Heart: True, Real, Forgiven, Faithful, cleansed and assured!

C. You will get the Most out of Church when you attend to GIVE and not just GET vs. 24-25

1. Worship is about Giving to God; Responding to Him. So our first reason to even come to church is to Give God Glory, Praise, Honor, etc. Give Him ourselves! Why? Vs. 19-21 Because what He has done for us – even this week.

2. Yet, our passage here also teaches us that part of our Attendance is To Give to Others – look out to how you can minister to someone else.

The Question should not be “What did I get out of the Service today?” But what did I give in the Worship Service? How did you Spur someone to love and good deeds? How did you encourage someone to remain faithful until the Day when Jesus Returns?

This passage calls us to do three things for Others as we meet to Worship the Lord:

1. Spur – paraxysusmos = provoke, incite, stir up - one another towards love and Good deeds (right actions, behavior).

How? Godly wisdom – remind them of what God teaches us about them – true Fellowship (asking, how are you doing in the Lord? Etc)

2. Keep meeting with others. ILL> in college, senior year Chapel God convicted me with this passage.

3. ENCOURAGE = parakaleo = plead, urge, - build them up so that when Christ returns on “that Day” we will all be ready!

Today, most people in our society, live by the Motto: Look out for Number 1! We live in a consumeristic society; we pick and choose what we like, what we want, who treats us the best, where I can get the most for my Buck, What makes me feel Good, etc. From shopping, to entertainment, and yes, Even Churches!

In fact, people often while at home or out with others, after church, will say something like: “Well, I really got a lot of that service or sermon? Or, the service was ok, but you know I really didn’t get much out of it.”

Acts 20:35; Jesus said; “It is more blessed to Give than to Receive.”

Our Fellowship time in as well as Service – our Prayer time is a time to Encourage – Spur on others through Prayer – your Support through Tithes and Offerings is a time to Give to the Lord and helps others in our church and beyond.

But so often we think of Church as what am I going to get out of it; What do I like…

Get the Most out of Church by Giving yourself to her – His People!


A. Jesus said The greatest commandment is to LOVE your God with your heart, mind, soul and strength !

B. If you want to get the Most out of Worship and the Church?

1. Use your Mind; Think about what you Have in Christ and What the Lord has done for you!

2. Check Your Heart; How’s the guilt? How’s the assurance of faith? How are you holding on to the Hope of God and His Faithfulness? Your Heart matters – come prepared and Sincere: true,& Real.

3. Use your Strength; what can you give in your power? How can you in your strength Spur someone on to do what is Right and Live for the Lord? How in your strength can you Encourage them to remain faithful to the Lord until he returns?

4. Use yourself as a Soul – Give your total being to the Lord!

C. To love the Lord with your total Being is to Belong, Participate, Serve, and Attend regularly His Church!

If you want to get the Most out of Church – Give your all to Her in Christ!

How is God calling you to Get the Most out of His Church?