Summary: Adapted from welcome to the planet 40 Days of Purpose Series. Sermon #6


Part 6: You Were Made for God’s Mission - Evangelism

By Doug Fields

Gladstone Baptist Church 21/5/04

Arrive on Stage taking off Mission Impossible’s Ethan Hunt – this is the voice over of the recorded message - Good morning Mr Elvery. Sorry to have barged in on your vacation, but there are more pressing needs to address than mere relaxation. - Your mission if you choose to accept it ... is to send a message to the world. It is imperative that this take place as soon as physically possible. To fail would mean the eternal loss of millions of people’s souls, The mission will be difficult, dangerous and daunting, but it is achievable. You have at your disposal all you need to accomplish it. Oh — you may need some help — so recruit your people quickly and inspire them to work towards this most noble cause. The contents of your message is to be found under a speaker in the Gladstone Baptist Church- Good hick Mr Elvery and God Speed. This message will self destruct in 5 seconds.

Hmm - This is not going to be an easy mission. It is going to be tough. I’m certainly not going to be able to accomplish it on my own. I’m going to need help. Good help. Reliable help. And Lots of it. Who am I going to recruit? It’s tough, isn’t it … It says here that I need to look for people who are dedicated, people who are inspired and People who are motivated. Where am I going to find those kind of people? I know - That mob over at the Church of Christ should be able to help me out. Only kidding – I think we’ve got the pick of the bunch sitting right here.

You know when ever anyone in this world says mission, they generally think of Spies. James Bond or the Sydney Bristow from Alias or Jack Bauer from 24 or the like. Their missions are always full of mystery, excitement and intrigue. But around Christian circles, it’s different - the concept of “Mission” strikes fear and dread into people’s hearts. People immediately break eye contact with you and begin to examine their shoe laces or find some food dripped on their stomach that needs cleaning off. But why is it so? A Missionary is just someone who has a mission. And a person who has a mission, is simply a person who has been set a task to do. You are all missionaries already, because you have been set a task. So get over the term “Missionary”.

Our mission is to tell people that God wants to have a RELATIONSHIP with them. That was the first purpose we learnt about. God planned us for his Pleasure. He created us to have a relationship with us. He loves us and wants us to be his friends. The Response to God’s love is what we call Worship.

Having a relationship with God is the single most important thing in our lives. The fact that we can have a relationship is great news. The bible often calls it Good News and Jesus commands us to tell everyone this good news. Mark 16:15-16 - “Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation. Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned. What is the good news? – it is that God wants a relationship with us and has enabled us to achieve that through what His Son Jesus has done for us. Everyone on earth deserves to hear this message. Everyone needs to hear this message. Our mission - if you choose to accept it ... is to send this message of hope to the world. It is imperative that this take place as soon as physically possible. To fail would mean the eternal loss of millions of people’s souls.

We can accomplish this mission by simply sharing our testimony (how Jesus has made a difference in your life); sharing the lessons we’ve learnt in life (our experiences); our Godly passions (why we want to live for God) and the good news (that Jesus died and rose again). It sounds easy doesn’t it, but have you stopped to think of how incredibly immense the task really is. Think about these stats …

- There are 6.25 Billion people in this world.

- Half the world has yet to hear the good news.

- And at current growth rates it will double in less than 50 years.

- Half of these people are under the age of 15 years. – We’d better learn how to relate to youth!

- There are more than 16 000 distinct ethnic groups in the world with their own culture and language.

- Over 6000 of these are classed as unreached – no indigenous Christian group exists with adequate numbers or resources to evangelise its ethnic group. (typically less than 2% Christian)

- If you don’t want to go overseas. How about the people in Australia - Did you know that we have 182 distinct ethnic groups in Australia Alone. We are a multicultural nation and most of them don’t have a strong Christian community.

- There are 482 cities over 1M people and 20 over 10M. Cities are one of the hardest areas to reach people because there are so many people.

- Islam is the world’s fastest growing religion - 2.17%. It is growing faster than Christianity.

How are we going to share the good news with all of these people. It seems like an impossible mission. But I want to tell you that it is not Mission Impossible. It is Mission Possible. Have you ever wondered why God has allowed you to be born in Australia with our incredible wealth and resources, rather than among the poverty struck masses or Asia or Africa. This is part of our SHAPE and God has a special part for us to play in the evangelising of the world. But to take our mission seriously, we need 3 things and we can learn these from an experience Peter had one Day fishing … Luke 5:1 -11

Simon Peter was a professional fisherman and should have known everything there was to know about fishing. He did it day in and day out. But Jesus knew a few things about catching fish also. When all Peter’s knowledge was exhausted, Jesus said – hey listen to me and I’ll tell you how to catch fish. Jesus also knows a few things about catching Men and called Peter to join the same Mission we are on.

How are we ever going to achieve God’s mission of telling everyone on this planet that God wants a relationship with them? Firstly …

1) We need DEDICATION – Despite the Doubts!

Peter had been out all night and hadn’t caught a thing. He was tired and frustrated. He had doubts from past experience and physical weariness. Have you ever felt disillusioned with your Mission. You’ve tried to share your faith, but your friends just don’t seem to be interested. Maybe you’ve laid out all the hooks with nice bits of bait on them, but no one is even nibbling at them. Peter was feeling a bit like this about fishing this day, but Jesus says to Him. Don’t quit. Keep going. It would have been easy for Peter to have called it a day, and come in and cleaned the nets. But he was willing to obey Jesus. He was dedicated, despite his doubts.

When I look at those statistics, my mind is filled with doubts. How can I ever make an impact? What have I got to offer? How can I reach people that don’t even speak English. I have Fear of the unknown. I have apathy – that it really isn’t a high priority. I am comfortable with my lifestyle and don’t particularly want to give it up. I worry about my future security. Peter had doubts, but he was dedicated to doing what his Master commanded. Remember you have a unique SHAPE and a unique part to play in God’s Mission – a part only you can accomplish. He has made you for a mission.

Do you remember where you were at midnight on 31 Dec. 1999. The turn of the millennium. If you were glued to a TV or lucky enough to be in Sydney at the time, you would have seen the Harbour erupt in a display of fireworks which probably won’t be seen again for another – lets say 20 years? The display was probably the most fantastic ever witnessed in Australia. But few could forget the thought-provoking image of the final word for the occasion, which was left suspended across the massive arch of the Sydney Harbour Bridge - Eternity. Many who saw that word that night felt a certain stirring in their spirit but were blissfully unaware of the story that lay behind it.

The STORY of Mr. Eternity actually dates back to 1930 when a man by the name of Arthur Stace wandered into a St. Barnabas’ Anglican Church in Sydney. Australia was in the middle of the Great Depression. Arthur, like so many, was unemployed. He was also a petty criminal & a hopeless alcoholic. At that meeting Arthur heard the message of the gospel and that night with tears of repentance he cried out, God, to be merciful to him. And God heard his cry. For the first time in his life he had a hope & a reason to live because of his Lord and Saviour! Two years later Arthur attended another evangelistic mission at Burton St. Baptist Tabernacle, where the evangelist John Ridley was speaking about Eternity. He said “I wish I could sound or shout that word to everyone in the streets of Sydney. Eternity! You have to meet it. Where will you spend it?”

Arthur was gripped by the message. He could scarcely contain himself. He went out onto the street and wrote the word on the footpath in chalk. Over the next 33 years he wrote that word, Eternity more than 500,000 times all over the city of Sydney, in country towns and in Melbourne, wherever he went. For years no one knew who was the writer of this thought provoking word on the pavements – but it prompted their thinking. BUT why did he do it? Arthur knew that God had saved him. He knew that Jesus had died to pay the price of his sin. He knew that Jesus was coming again to Judge of all the earth. He knew that according to the judgment of Jesus, every person would spend eternity! Jesus had called Arthur Stace to Himself and given him a task, a mission in life. He had to tell people the good news! He had to be a witness – But how could he do that? Arthur he did it in the best way he knew how!

Arthur didn’t have any training and didn’t have many skills, but he had dedication to the Mission of God. Every child of God has already been called & equipped to the task of Mission – hear in Australia and overseas! Why were you born in affluent Australia? What could you contribute – HEAPS - FAR FAR MORE THAN YOU COULD EVER IMAGINE.

I received this book in the mail this week and haven’t been able to put it down. It has challenged me like you wouldn’t believe. It is called “Revolution in World Missions.” It tells how the mission “Gospel for Asia” started. I’m sure that you’ve all heard of Child support programs. Well Gospel for Asia’s aim is to support native evangelists. Did you know that for just $100 – 150 per month, you can fully support a Native Missionary today in Asia – you’ll get his photo and details so you can pray for Him. Currently GFA supports 13,500 full time missionaries in Asia. Their vision is for 100,000. Currently, 10 new fellowships are being established every single day. They’ve established 133 Bible schools and have 7000 students preparing for ministry as we speak. God is raising up a whole army which is going to sweep through this untouched mission fields of Asia – into places where you and I physically could not go. Isn’t that exciting. I wouldn’t normally do this, but I encourage every single one of you with Internet access to go to and order your free copy of this book and read what is happening. I guarantee you will be challenged and who knows, through you maybe supporting a native missionary, many people will come to faith in Christ. Why not make it a project of your homegroup to support a native missionary or maybe two.

What can you do? HEAPS – You don’t need more training or skills, just dedication and commitment – Are you dedicated to God’s 5th purpose today – to fulfil your Mission in this world?

2) We need God’s INSPIRATION - Deepwater Faith!

3 things to note here …

a) Did you notice what Jesus told Peter to do? Jesus told Peter to move from where he was (verse 4) and He OBEYED. The fish weren’t where Peter was fishing all night and they certainly weren’t on the beach where he was cleaning his nets. You can fish all you like, but any fisherman will tell you, if there are no fish there, you won’t catch anything.

Let me ask you a question - How often do people walk by this church and think – I think, I’ll just pop in for a bit of evangelism. “Hello, Is anyone there? Is there anyone here who can evangelise me?” It doesn’t happen very often does it. It may be fairly surprising to you, but evangelism must occur outside of church – because that is where the fish are. Yet we typically organise all our outreach events within the church don’t we. We can fish in our comfortable churches all we like – but there are no fish here! We have to go where the fish are.

How do we know where the fish are? By listening to God – by Being inspired by Him. God will lay it on your heart people who you need to talk to - who is open to hearing about the good news this very instant. Have you ever been in the situation where you know you should say something about your faith but you don’t – you stay quiet wait for the uncomfortable silence to pass - and then you really regret not saying something for the rest of the day? God is providing opportunities and prompting us every day, but we need to listen to God’s inspiration and act on it. We shouldn’t be praying for opportunities, but for the courage to act when they come.

b) Peter listened to God’s inspiration, but He was also proactive. Peter had to let down the nets to catch the fish, they didn’t just jump in the boat. When we are in our workplaces and opportunities arise, we need to be proactive - seeking to tell others our story or the good news?

c) Notice where Jesus told Peter to go - into the deeper water and he Trusted. Sometimes, Jesus wants us to go out of the depth we are comfortable in. When we are out of our depth, we don’t rely on our own experience or knowledge, but on God’s Power. It is usually when we step out in obedience and faith, that God’s power is released and God starts to bless. That is what happened to Peter. He didn’t expect to catch any fish, he was just dedicated to Jesus enough to obey his lead. But God shows his power in the huge catch of fish. So many that the old nets couldn’t cope and they had to call in reinforcements to help.

God’s inspiration will be far more successful than our feeble attempts at fishing. He is able to show us new ways to locate and catch the fish, but He requires our proactive participation. Today, God’s Global Mission requires us to be open to new approaches. I am sure that you have all images of traditional missionaries in your mind – in pith helmets and the lot. But those old approaches won’t work in today’s society. That is why “Gospel for Asia’s” approach of supporting Native missionaries is bearing so much fruit. It’s founder’s listened to God’s inspiration. We need to be open to God’s inspiration and be innovative in how we approach things today.

How are we going to teach the gospel to the 3 billion kids & youth in today’s technological society? How do you engage them? – We need God’s inspiration to be innovative. God has implanted in some of your minds ideas which will be used one day to reach our children and the children of this world for Jesus. It may be by writing computer games. Maybe its writing best selling books that will rival Harry Potter. Maybe its producing board games or school based programs which could be shipped to the third world. I don’t know but God is asking us to have faith to listen to him and step out - drop our nets into deeper water – outside our comfort zone.

We have people in this church who are full of ideas about how we can reach people in Gladstone, Australia and the world. God is inspiring you with ways and means. For some, it is how are you going to reach your neighbour for Christ. For others it is how do we take Christ to all the kids in our high schools. For others, its how do we survive on a smaller budget so we can support mission work overseas. God is waiting for you to step out in faith, into that deeper water and let down your nets. He is looking for willing workers who will listen to his inspiration and step out in faith.

3) We need MOTIVATION - Mission Means ME!!! Matthew 9:35-38

Jesus’ last command (Matthew 28:18-20; Mark 16:15; Luke 24:47, 49; John 20;21; Acts 1:8) is to be our first priority. We are all missionaries, and all to be involved in His global mission.

In Matthew 9:35-38, we get a bit of glimpse at Jesus’ heart …

35 Jesus went through all the towns and villages, teaching in their synagogues, preaching the good news of the kingdom and healing every disease and sickness. 36 When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. 37 Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. 38 Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.”

There are plenty of fish in the ocean to be caught. God, just needs enough willing people to go fishing. And let me tell, you – while there are still plenty of fish in Australia to be caught, there are more overseas. Consider the 10/40 window. This is an area which Gospel for Asia is focussing on …

- It is an area that stretches from 10 deg South to 40 deg north of the equator.

- It contains 2/3 of the world’s population

- It contains the majority of the world’s Muslims, Hindus and Buddhists

- Of the 55 least evangelized countries 97% of their pop live within the 10/40 Window.

- Eighty-five percent of those living in the 10/40 window are considered the poorest of the world’s poor.

- Open evangelism is difficult and even impossible in many 10/40 Window countries. Those are "creative access" areas.

- Only about 1.25% of Christian mission giving goes work in the 10/40 Window.

- Unless something changes soon, most of these unreached people will never hear the Gospel. How will we reach them

There are plenty of fish in the global ocean, but few fishermen.

God needs people who are willing to accept his Mission. It starts in Gladstone, Australia, but there is so much more fish to be caught than in this little spot in the ocean.

Need any more motivation? Listen to this song (People Need the Lord with Video images of people from around the world)…

So what is the next step for you?

- Jesus says in Matt 9:39, pray that the Lord of the harvest will send out more workers

- Obey God’s voice now. Know that he is calling you to be a part of his Mission. So start reaching out in your workplace and neighbourhood now and be prepared to follow his call to deeper waters if that be the case.

- Start finding about the needs of the world.

- Talk to someone who has worked in another country, write to them or email them. Search the Internet for information.

- Pray for a person, mission work or country – why don’t you suggest that your home group adopt a missionary or a country!

- Give money to support a missionary overseas.

- Go on a short-term mission trip

- Read the biography of someone who has served God in another culture.

- Subscribe to a mission newsletter such as the Global interAction Vision magazine.

- Get involved in one of our ministries that outreaches into our community.

- Bless your neighbours, invite them to a BBQ, lend them a video of the "Jesus" film, go with them to an Alpha course.

I want to challenge you this morning to consider what you are doing to bring us closer to achieving God’s mission. Examine those ministries you are involved in. Are they making the most of every opportunity to share Christ with those who need him? If you are only involved in ministries which build up our church members, how about considering giving some time to some ministries which outreach as well Call wants us to be involved in Ministry and Missions in some way. You will be able to find out about these opportunities and so much more at our missions fair today. Take the opportunity to look and get some information. There is plenty of free literature available on the displays. Again spend some time and consider where you would best fit into God’s Mission. We need you to help us reach the world. Will you play your part?