Summary: This passage gives us 3 good examples to follow, we just have to follow them

Acts 9:32-42

Do What They Did


A. If you have ever seen my son smile, you know that his smile is by far the cutest thing you have ever seen

B. There is nothing that will make a bad day much better, then to see Isaiah smile

C. I was watching him smile once, and I noticed something peculiar

D. When ever he smiles, he lifts his eyebrows up

E. I thought that was interesting

F. The other day I was watching Heather Smile at him to make him smile

G. I looked at her and sure enough, her eyebrows lifted up when she smiled at him

H. Isaiah is merely do what his mom does

I. Today we are going to look at three people and we are going to learn how to “do what they did”

J. They say that imitation is the most sincere form of flattery

K. Today we want to imitate this three

L. We start of by look at doing what Jesus did

I. Do What Jesus Did

A. Explanation

1. Peter went to visit the saint in Lydda

2. Basically you could say that he was the District Superintendent checking up on his one of his church

3. As he was walking by he saw a guy sitting there who was a paralytic

4. Now this man, Aeneas we do not know much about

a) We can not assume that he part of the saints in Lydda

b) We also can not assume that he was a total pagan

5. So peter realizes this man can not walk

6. He asked him how long he has been this way the guy told him 8 years

7. Aeneas, Jesus Heal you, get up and walk

8. Immediately Aeneas got up

9. We then learned that all who lived in Lydda and Sharon (the town right next door) who heard what had happened turned to Jesus

10. When the people in Joppa (about the distance from hear to Cranberry, but without the aid of modern day transportation) they wanted Peter to come there because Dorcus was on her death bead

11. So Peter went to Joppa

12. When he got there he noticed that her body was already washed and in an upstairs room

a) However he body had not yet been anointed with the spices (what we consider to be embalming)

13. The room was full of people crying sobbing and morning the lost of their friend

14. Peter ask that they all leave the room

15. When everyone has left he says “Tabitha, get up”

16. Takes he by the hand and helped her to the feet

17. Soon everyone began to rejoice

B. Application

18. Question Dan, you have talked about what Peter did here, but the title of the point is Do what Jesus did

19. Turn to John 5:6-8 (Read them)

20. Turn to Mark 5:41 (Read it) – in fact there is only 1 letter different

21. Notice What Peter did

22. He did what Jesus did

23. We have made all these different formulas for how we have to heal

24. We have to do this and that and pray for 20 minutes and say 40 amen’s,

25. Now Peter was a fisherman, he did not have a master’s degree, he was just a fisherman

26. He did not know what to do, he was not taught the proper healing procedure in Seminary

27. You want to know what he did?

28. He did exactly what Jesus did

29. Notice how the spiritual condition of Aeneas is never mentioned

30. Notice how the spiritual condition of the guy that Jesus healed is never mentioned

31. Guess what it is not important.

32. The healing was done in God’s name

33. The healing was never done, or is never done, based on a persons spiritual condition

34. That would be putting attention on something that does need attention

35. It is done by God, and God alone

36. Do what Jesus did!

C. Illustration

37. At this point I have to mention something about Faith Healers

38. If you have enough Faith you will be healed

39. Just send 19.95 to P.O Box 8382 ….

40. There are some difference between the action of the Faith Healers and Peter and he mimicked Christ

41. First of all Peter you notice never invited the sick, the lame, the paralyzed, the ones that needed healing to a “healing service” to be hosted at Melon Arena

42. Rather he went to them

43. Another difference comes in the words that were used

44. There was not “wind up”

a) (Demonstrate?)

45. There was no “laying on of palm strike”

46. Peter, following Christ example, said very little, in fact you all probably wish that I would be a brief as Peter

47. These were done without hype

48. He did have a crowd of people there

49. In fact of the 37 healings mentioned in the Gospel and the book of Acts

a) Only 10 occurred with a crowd present

b) 12 occurred with a small group

c) 15! Occurred in a private settings

50. Basically there is two methods

51. There is the “Faith Healer” method,

52. Or there is the method that Jesus used

53. Which one do you think you should use?

54. Do what Jesus did

II. Do What Dorcus Did

A. Explanation

1. WE learn a little about Dorcus

2. WE know that she was well loved, well respected in the community

a) In fact did you know that this is the only time in the book of acts that a women is mentioned as a disciple

(1) There are other times when there would be a group of people, but this is the only time that a women is specifically singled out as a disciple

3. Dorcus was the executive director of the Lighthouse foundation in the city of Joppa

4. Now over and over God tells us to take care of the widows, but Dorcus took that call serious and did something about it

5. It would have been really touching to see the widow there in that room, standing around, showing off their clothes

6. Their clothes that they did not get at the local department store, the clothes that Dorcus made for them

7. She lived her doing good and helping the poor

B. Application

8. So what can we learn from this?

9. Dorcus life was a life that was totally devoted to God

10. Always doing good

11. But that is not why she was healed

12. By doing these type of things it does not make us right with Good

13. It is only Jesus who makes us righteous

14. He death and resurrection make us right before God

15. Yet doing good and helping the poor are important

16. But they do not save us

17. Tabbitha was not saved based on her distinguish service awards

18. She was saved by Jesus and Jesus only

19. Dorcus lived out her life as an worship

20. It is not what we do on a Sunday or at Church, our worship should be played out in ever facet of our lives

21. I also want you to notice something

22. (Read vs. 42)

23. Wow a great number of people came to know Christ, wow that is wonderful

24. Now this is real interesting

25. We do not hear about people come to Christ under the ministry of Dorcus

26. She obviously was doing good things, and living her life as a act of worship

27. But it never says anything about number of salvations

28. I have thought about that a lot lately

29. We have tried to combine service with Evangelism

30. There might be opportunities to do so, to serve people and tell them about Christ

31. But regardless, we are still to be serving are fellow citizens

32. This is not social Gospel, this is the Gospel

33. Boy wont it be nice if someone said about you “He was always doing good and helping the poor”

34. Do what Dorcus did

III. Do What Peter Did

A. Explanation

1. Now after these two amazing healings Peter’s popularity would have been soaring

2. Notice however, he did not have a parade thrown fro him

3. He did not sign a lucrative contract to have his own show on NBC

4. He did not go around acting like a big shot

5. He stayed in Joppa for some time

a) He did not stay because of his popularity

b) He stayed because the harvest was ripe for the picken

(1) People were ready to hear the good news

(2) And he was read to tell them the good news

6. Now what is totally interesting is where he stayed

7. Now I think there is a little personal preference here

a) Peter was a fisherman, now Simon being a Tanner more then likely lived by the water, therefore Peter could be by the water, which he liked

8. He stayed with a man name Simon

9. Simon was a Tanner

10. A Tanner is one who is skilled in dressing and preserving hides or skins of animals.

a) Among the ancient Jews, ceremonial uncleanness was attached to the occupation of the tanner, and hence he was obliged to do his work outside the town.

11. This is the beginning of a major change in Peter’s attitude toward outsiders especially The Gentiles

B. Application

12. What can we learn from this

13. Peter teaches us two very important lessons here

14. Number #1 – It is not about us, it is about God

15. Because of these events Peter could have started his own following

16. Started his own Church,

17. Made a lot of money

18. Receive the key to the city

19. But that was the furthest thing from his mind, he was concerned about Christ

20. His actions, his attitudes, his self denial, all points to Christ

21. Number #2 – by staying with Simon, he is making a statement, God is the God of everyone – not just those who practice the right traditions

22. We need to learn that today

23. We need to make sure that we are not putting ourselves on a petastool while putting others down

24. “Those people are far worse then me” “Mine are only little sins”

25. Get over yourself

26. That is just not the case

27. The truth of the matter is we are all as guilt

28. The more you realize you are farther then you thought from Christ, the more you will grow

29. Peter’s lessons are very important for us today

30. Do what Peter Did

C. Illustration


A. Here we have 3 great examples to follow

B. In a moment we are going to celebrate the Lord’s supper

C. It is a time to reflect, Renew, and refocus

D. Maybe you are here today and you need healing

E. Healing is available to us today, it is available because of What Christ did on the Cross

a. By defeating death Christ broke the power of sickness

F. If you are here today and you need healing, seek God

a. James tells us to go to the Elders and have them anoint you and pray for you

b. We can do that, we are available

G. Maybe you are here today and you realize how wrong you have been about this whole healing thing:

a. You have been following man’s example instead of Christ,

b. If that is you today, you need to repent, you can do that up here, or in your seat

H. Maybe you are here today and you realize that you have not been “doing good”

a. James tells us faith without work is dead, if that is you need to turn that over to God, and ask him to give you a place to serve him

I. Maybe you are here today and your realize that even thought you have been “doing good” the only reason you have been doing it was to further “Your” kingdom or you have been doing so “You” can save people

a. If that you, then I have to tell you it is not about you, it is about God, if that has been your attitude, you need to repent, maybe stop doing what you have been doing, and change your attitude, today!

J. Maybe you are here today and you realize that you have been wanting attention

a. If that is you, you have pride in your life that you need to deal with, lay it all before God

K. Maybe you are here today and your realize that you have not been accepting like you should be

a. You have “built” yourself up, you have put others down, you have though more of yourself then you should. That too is pride, if that is you, you need to repent

L. (Explain Communion)

M. If you have to better to deal with these issues now before you take communion

N. Please if you need further assistance, that is what I am here for

O. Pray