Summary: Leadership, a word we love to use in the church. However, what does a real leader look like?

Acts 6:1-7

Defining a Leader


A. Does any one here live a perfect life?

B. A life without any problems that occur?

C. I know I don’t, I always have different challenges, situations, events, that create problems

D. Here in our passage today we find out that the New Testament Church had problems much like we have problems

E. The church had been growing like crazy last count there were up to 20,000 members

F. Obviously the 12 apostles could not keep track of everything, it is just to much for them to be able to handle it all

G. The problem that this Church of Acts was facing was one group thought their widows were being mistreated. The greatioan Jews thought that the Hebraic Jews were hogging all the food for the widows

H. Now this on surface seems like a petty issue, so a minor things, why does the Bible spend 7 verses dealing with this problem

I. There is a bigger problem here. Satan was making a direct attack on the church and cause division

J. In fact this is the 3rd attack by Satan.

a. The first was on the persecution by the Sanhedrin – that didn’t work in fact Acts 4:4 tells us those who heard the message believed and the number of men grew to about five thousand

b. Then Satan attacked the body through sin with Annias and Saphira – That just caused Acts 5:14 “nevertheless, more and more men and women believed in the Lord and where added to their number

c. Then it is this attack were Satan attempts to create dissension – this attack did not work either verse 7 tells us that the word of God spread

K. No matter how great things are going in a church – there will always be problems

L. Sometimes there are sin Problem

a. Someone is not walking with God like the ought to be

b. You can not be praying or studying or worshiping as you ought to be

c. There is going to be completion, jealousy, envy, and always some element of pride

M. Even with the best intentions, church leaser will overlook someone or something – Its just part of human nature

N. This is not an excuse for problems to occur;

O. We should do everything possible to promote harmony and unity in the body

P. But if there is a human element in our work – there will be problems

Q. So how are we going to handle the problems?

R. We are given a great example of how the first church was able to deal effectively with this problem

S. WE can take this example and apply to our church today

T. They solved this problem with the same thing that created the problem

U. With People

V. But not just any people

W. Leaders

X. Leaders with 4 essential qualities

Y. We are in need of Leaders with these qualities

Z. The first quality is of a leader is:

I. A Leader is a Committed Christian

A. Explanation

1. One of the qualities that the Apostles were looking for was commitment

2. Commitment to Christ

3. Not in words, but it deeds – now don’t get me wrong I am not talking about a works salvation

4. I am talking about people who make all these different claims but never back it up with action,

5. These 7 were very solid committed Christians

6. The criteria that they had to be possess is “to be full of the Spirit and Wisdom”

7. I would argue that it would be impossible for a non committed Christian to be full of Spirit

B. Application

8. What can we learn from this?

9. If you want to be used in mighty ways

10. If you want to experience God doing miraculous things

11. If you want to see the Spirit moving

12. You need to be a committed Christian

13. Not just some of the time

14. Not just when it is convenient

15. But to live out a life style of full commitment

C. Illustration

16. When a giant airplane is headed down the runway it will reach a certain point where it cannot remain on the ground

17. If the plane would attempt to stop, it would crash

18. The only choice then is to take off

19. Unfortunately, our churches are filled with people who have, how to say it, “never left the ground”

20. Who have been sitting there for years and year warming up their engine, taxing down the runways, prepping, getting ready

21. Planning on it, meaning to, trying to, going to get to it, aiming to, hoping to

22. But they never leave the ground

23. They never cross that commitment line where they have to take

24. What about you? Are you willing to commit fully to being the Leader God desire of you?

II. A Leader is a Consistent Christian

A. Explanation

1. Last week we talked a lot about consistency – being consistent no matter what the circumstances – Good times, Trying times, and normal times

2. One of the Qualities that the apostles were looking for was Consistency

3. Notice in 6:3 the Bible says “Known to be”

4. Reputations do not happen overnight

5. It is something that is earned over time

6. So if these people are known to be – they must by living that consistent Christian life

7. This was an important task, they wanted the consistent people to handle this important task

B. Application

8. Now what can we learn from this?

9. In America, we are really lacking consistency

10. Sure we serve God

11. Sure we live out our faith

12. When it is easy

13. When it is convenient

14. By we are need that consistence

C. Illustration

15. Mark Twain became very hostile to the Bible and Christian Faith.

16. Now it must be noted that both his wife and his mother had genuine love for the Lord, did live a consistent life

17. However, because of the “leaders” Twain came across he became very bitter

18. Hear preachers justify slavery

19. He heard men suing foul language and saw them practice dishonest during the week after speaking piously in the Church

20. All these things turned him off

21. Let’s make sure we attract people to the Savior rather than turn them away

22. Lets be doubly sure that when we call men and women out to be leaders in God’s Church that they are Consistent Christians

III. A Leader is a Consecrated Christian

A. Explanation

1. After they had found 7 people to be the leaders of this emerging ministry the brought them before the Apostles for a formal interview

2. No, that is not exactly what it says, the Apostles prayed and laid their hands on them

3. This was to ask God for Protection

4. To Ask God that He will give them the skills the knowledge the wisdom that they will need in order to perform their job

5. This was not some formality that they went thought

6. This was a very serious issue

7. That they found very qualified people to handle

8. That need that type of consecration – that Dedication

B. Application

9. What can we learn from this?

10. Being a consecrated Christian involves a lot of responsibly

11. Number #1 - You must continue to ask God for knowledge for the wisdom for the ability to the task that you have

a) When were talking about doing work for the Lord, I know that I am incapable of doing it on my own, It is only through God that I am able

12. Number #2 – We need to be identifying raising up and blessing future leaders

a) This may mean letting people do something that you don’t feel they are ready for. The reality is you may never feel their ready, but it is not your opinion that matters, it God opinion. Our job is to support them and pray for them

13. Number #3 for the current leaders, we must continue to uplift them in prayer

a) I saw this work this past week. I ask you all to be praying for VBS. I know beyond any shadow of doubt that there were people praying this week.

b) I have been in situations were people were lifting me up in prayer, and I have been in situations where I have not been lifted up in prayer, I know the difference

c) This week at VBS, the whole staff was lifted in prayers, thank you!

14. To be an effective leader, you must be a consecrated leader

15. To be a fully consecrated leader, we need help

IV. A Leader is a Common-Sense Christian

A. Explanation

1. One of the things that the apostles were looking for was a person full of wisdom

2. A person that was able to see the whole situation

3. Evaluate everything that was going on

4. And able to execute a plan that made sense

5. They had to wait on tables, to make sure that the good was distributed as fair as possible

6. Now the people that they choose were able to handle this

7. There would be some people in this world, who could have not handled the situation

8. They would have been too far over their head

9. They would have been so worried about distributing everything so even and so fair that by the time they gone done checking and double checking, the food would spoil

10. So they choose people who had wisdom, who were able to wait on the Tables

B. Application

11. What does this mean for us 2000 years later?

12. One of the things we need is people that are full of wisdom

13. That are able to handle problems when the arise

14. To be able to handle crisis when they occur

15. A leader must possess common sense wisdom

16. This whole situation could have been a disaster, it could have ripped the church in ½

17. Instead you have these wise people getting together and you never hear of this problem again

C. Illustration

18. A famous person once said “People make rules to prevent from making decisions”

19. That is so true.

20. We constantly get ourselves into situations that we do not have a “procedure” on how to handle it

21. Some people crack under that pressure and really screw things up

22. A true leader is able to step in, evaluate, and set a course of action to best handle the situation

23. That is what a true leader is


A. You want to know what this problem cause? The Church of Act not to split rather as verse 7 tells us “The word of God spread. The number of disciples in Jerusalem increased rapidly, and a large number of priest become obedient to the faith?

B. Willing leaders. Leaders that were:

a. Committed Christian. Their lifestyle proved it.

b. Constant Christians – There was honesty about his witness and his life

c. Consecrated Christians – It was evident that there were filled of the Holy spirit

d. Common Sense Christians – they exhibited no “holier than thou” attitude, but rather a health balance between doctrine and duty, belief and behavior

C. With leader like that, prosperity is invaluable

D. So what about you?

E. What is it going to take to make you the leader that God is calling you to be?

F. Is it going to take Humility? To be willing to do what is needed rather then what you want to do?

(There is no such thing as a meaningless task when it involves serving the Lord, those who think there is are the ones who are meaningless)

G. Is it going to take Obedience? You feel God calling you but you are running away

H. Is it going to take a change in how you are living a life? You know you are not living the life worthy of the calling you have receive?

I. The question I want all of you to consider this week is this:

J. What is it going to take for me to be the Leader God has called me to be?

K. Now that we have look Back let us move forward

L. Pray)