Nebuchadnezzar: Learning the hard way
Daniel Ch. 4
Intro: Have you ever wondered why some people choose to learn things the hard way? King Nebuchadnezzar was that type of person. Nothing came easy for him. He was a perpetural slow learner when it came to spirituality. If given the choice between a hard way and an easy way, King Nebuchadnezzar would choose the hard way.
Are you that type of person? My Mom used to tell me that I was hard headed kid. That was her way of telling me that I was stubborn. And she was right, I’ve learned a number of hard lessons in life because I did things my way.
Proposition: Why do people learn the hard way? Have you ever wondered? The lessons I have learned the hard were usually because one of the following three reasons:
1) PRIDE: King Nebuchadnezzar was a very prideful man. Prideful people are close minded. They have their own ideas and often feel threatened by other people who might oppose them. (ex. Shadrach, Meshach & Abendego in Ch. 3). And while King Nebuchadnezzar routinely sought advice, he did not always like the advice that was given him. He was a very prideful man.
The Bible teaches that "Pride goes before a fall" Prov. 16:18. According to the Living Bible "Pride goes before destruction" This was true of the King. His pride would soon become his downfall. God spoke to him in a dream that Daniel interpreted. Nebuchadnezzar was likened to a large tree that would one day be cut down. Only the stump would remain. Daniel warned the King that what happened to the tree will one day happen to him. Pride comes before a fall. Nebuchadnezzar is a little slow to get it. He is so caught up in himself that he doesn’t take action. He allowed Pride to get in the way. Pride is major stumbling block in our spiritual lives. It keeps us from doing what God wants us to do. And it prevents us from learning what he wants us to learn.
2) PROCRASTINATION: King Nebuchadnezzar put off taking action until it was too late. When Daniel interpreted the dream, he advised the King to renounce his sins by doing what was right and taking care of the poor. Sadly the advice that was most appropriate for King Nebuchadnezzar was forgotten for a whole year.
One year later, the King is walking around on the roof of his royal palace boasting about his greatness. He says, "Is this not the great Babylon I have built as a royal residence, by my mighty power and for the glory of my majesty." Vs. 29 The pronouns "I" and "My" appear 3 times in that one statement. King Nubuchadnezzar is so full of himself that he put off spiritual priorities.
What about you? Are a procrastinator? We all procrastinate things of varied degrees of importance. We may procrastinate things like paying bills, spending time with our family, making apologies. And sometimes we feel pain and pressure of our procrastinations. But there is one thing we never want to procrastinate. We never want to procrastinate spiritual priorities, the price is too high and the pain too great.
King Nebucadnezzar procrastinated making important life changes for a whole year. He put off until tommorow things that he should have been doing today. And as a result he was driven into the wilderness to live like a wild animal.
3) POSITION: I guess when your the King of the most powerful nation in the world, it’s hard to humble yourself. In Babylon there were a number of impressive building projects underway. Royal palaces were built. Hanging gardnens were established. The King used his position to advance his own political cause. He was obsessed with the idea of being a monarch. King Nebuchadnezzar was position conscious. He built a vast empire by exploiting and taking advantage of the poor. Daniel confronted the King’s preoccupation with self. In verse 27 he advises the King to be merciful to the poor. Sadly, King Nebucadnezzar made no such effort. His vast empire was built on the backs of poor people. King Nebuchadnezzar was not the first and won’t be the last to use position to advance a selfish cause. Sadaam Hussien idolized King Nebuachnezzar. And we know about his fate. He ended up living in a hole out in the middle of nowhere. Sadly, this pattern has repeated itself numerous times in the History of the world. And haven’t we all suffered at the mercy of someone who uses their position or title to Lord it over. Maybe for you it’s an unpleasable parent, an unsympathetic boss, or maybe a teacher or a professor who gives unrealistic assignments.
A word to those of who have positions or carry titles... Never use the power that you have to advance your own cause. Use the position and power you have to glorify God and serve other people. Don’t be position conscious, be people centered. The position you have is no excuse to take advantage of those who are less fortunate. King Nebucadnezzar was unable to learn what God wanted him to learn because he was obsessed with the idea of being King.
Transition: King Nebuchadnezzar was position conscious, prideful and a terrible procrastinator. Truth be told, there is a little bit of King Nebuchadnezzar in all of us. As much as we don’t like to admit it, there have been times when we have all suffered from one or all three of these issues. But the good news is this: You don’t have to live like the King. You can live and learn God’s way. Not everything in life has to be learned the hard way. You can learn God’s way.
HOW TO LIVE AND LEARN GOD’S WAY: (What the King didn’t do!)
I) HUMBLE YOURSELF. This is what King Nebuchadnezzar didn’t do so it was done for him. In verse 31 the Bible says a voice came from heaven saying "King Nebuchadnezzar your authority has been taken from you." God humbled the King into submission by driving him into the wilderness to live like a wild animal.
The Bible teaches us to humble ourselves. James 4:10 says, "Humble yourself before the Lord and he will lift you up." Humility is an attitude and a lifestyle. When you humble yourself before God, you’re saying, "God you are right and I am wrong." That’s humility. And if you humble yourself before God there is no limit to what He can reveal to you. He refused the proud and gives Grace to the humble.
(Personal Illustration: Making an apology to the leadership of our Church, this requires humilty)
Humble yourself before God and he will teach you things you never thought you could learn. Pride and arrogance is for the slow learning types. Don’t go there. Live and learn God’s way: Humble yourself!
II) SEEK GOOD ADVICE. Nebuchadnezzar had it all wrong. He went to the wrong places for advice. When a terrifying dream came, he turned to the wrong people for advice. Like before, he called in all the self appointed ’gurus’ of his day to interpret. Probably all the same ones that had failed him before (Ch. 2). And once again they struck out. So Nebuchadnezzar finally calls for Daniel. See verse 18.
Daniel gave the King wise and Godly advice. Where you get your advice says a lot about what’s important to you. So who’s first on your list of advice givers? Oprah Winfrey? Dr. Phil? Newspaper columns? Magazines? Chat rooms?
King Nebuchudanezzar sought advice from the wrong people. His first choice was always wrong. He turned to the ’gurus’ I want to challenge you to seek GOOD ADVICE. And always remember: Never take advice from someone who is more messed up than you are! Why? Because you’ll become just like them! Rather, seek good advice and you’ll be glad. The King eventually received good advice but only after he had exhausted all other options.
III) HAVE A TEACHABLE SPIRIT. God gave Daniel profound insight into deep spiritual things, because he was teachable. Are you teachable? Don’t you love it when God gives us an ’aha’ moment? God wants to reveal things to you that you never thought you could learn, but you must first be teachable.
You see, God’s people are enlightened. We are the enlightened ones, not the ignorant ones. Examine the History of the world, the History of the Church, or the History of the United States of America. Truly enlightened people have emerged from the Church and impacted the world. Some of the greatest leaders, greatest ideas and greatest institutions have come from the Church. Enlightened people of God have turned the world upside down with vision and faith. For example, many of the men who wrote the constitution were Godly men. Or at the very least, they were profoundly influenced by Christian thinkers. Many of the Colleges and Universities that today are prestigious places of learning were started by men and women of God who had a vision for higher education. Many of the Hospitals and health care systems that are popular, were started by Christians who had a burden to show compassion on people who could not afford a physician. God’s people have changed the world with ideas, vision and faith. We are the enlightened ones, not the ignorant ones.
Have a teachable spirit and God will reveal profound spirirtual things to you. Be a Daniel, have a teachable spirit. Await the ’aha’ moments. Pray for them, prepare for them, get ready!!! God is going to knock your socks off.
IV) ACKNOWLEDGE THAT GOD IS IN CONTROL. Seven years have now passed, and finally King Nebuchadnezzar lifts his eyes toward heaven in recognition that God is King of the Universe. (Verse 34-37)
Notice that King Nebuchadnezzar’s sanity was restored when he acknowledged that God was in control. When he acknowledged that God was sovereign and that He is King, a sense of normacly resumed. He lived seven years of his life in the wilderness like that of a wild beast. And finally, he confesses the ultimate rule and reign of the Lord God. God wanted the King to acknowledge that he was God and tell the whole empire what he had done for him so that his name would be glorified among the nations.
Some have alleged that Nebuchadnezzar experienced a true conversion after his humiliating experience in the wildereness. We may never now the true extent of his experience with God. But this much is true. Nebuchadnezzar’s doxology in verse 37 is stirring. "Now, I Nebuchadnezzar, praise and glorify and honor the King of Heaven, the Judge of all, whose every act is right and good; for he is able to take those who walk proudly and push them into the dust."
Acknowledging that God is in control is the beginning of so many good things in our lives. Pastor Rob Bell once said, "I often hear Christian leaders tell what God has been saying to them in their times of meditation and study and prayer and I’m often amazed. He tells them the most profound, eloquent things, all I ever hear is: Rob get out of the way!"
Acknowledging that God is in control is saying Lord I’m going to move out of the way and let you be God. This is what King Nebuchadnezzar should have done and didn’t do. God had to throw his weight around and make it happen. Why don’t you save yourself a lot of grief and acknowledge God for who he really is. Move over and let God be God in your life. And you’ll experience a peace and sanity that you never thought possible.
Conclusion: You don’t have to live and learn the hard way. Start living and learning God’s way. Humble yourself. Acknowledge that he is control and yeild yourself to his plan. Have a teachable spirit, and seek good advice.
Let Jesus have the last word: "For whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted." (Matt. 23:12)
Power Point slides are available at: search O.T. characters "Daniel"