Summary: This sermon explores the fact we must surrender our efforts and will to truly enjoy all that God has for us.

Surrendering for Success

Galatians 3:1-9

1. God’s Goal:

A. That we would abandon our life to Him (Galatians 2:20).

B. That we would walk in the power of His Spirit (Ephesians


2. The way to failure is clear (1-5):

A. Try to accomplish this by obeying the Law.

B. Try to accomplish this by works.

C. Try and reach this level by your own strength.

3. Success is simple (6-9):

A. Die to yourself.

B. Stop trying to “work it out”.

C. You must honestly come to the point you simply relax in the


D. A holy life is lived from the inside out not the outside in

(Ephesians 4:30-5:21).