Summary: Be prepared for times of suffering, lest affliction cause you to lose your grip on your relationship with God.

Be prepared for times of suffering, lest affliction cause you to lose your grip on your relationship with God.


12 Dear friends, do not be surprised at the painful trial you are suffering, as though something strange were happening to you. 13 But rejoice that you participate in the sufferings of Christ, so that you may be overjoyed when his glory is revealed.


1. with surprise

They were encountering a painful trial

Same word last week: a testing that can also be a temptation


We shouldn¡¦t be surprised by trials

That¡¦s often how people respond

Going merrily along without any problems

Suddenly affliction hits

People are shocked: turn inward / wonder and doubt

Why is this happening to me?

Instead of shock / surprise, we can respond to affliction¡K

2. with joy

Instead: rejoice

Paul: Rom 8

James: James 1

Peter: here

All point out that the right response to trials is joy!

Why? We saw last week: because when trials come, God uses that to make us mature

(here): we see another reason¡K


1. as Xians, we live in union with Jesus

NT says many times: we are ¡§in Christ¡¨

e.g. Col 3: our life is hidden in Christ

therefore: if Jesus suffered, and we are in union with him

we can expect to suffer as well

2. in this life (13): we ¡§participate¡¨ in the sufferings of Jesus

every trial you face thus takes on a new / different character

Peter was writing to people under persecution for their faith

That certainly reflects the suffering of Jesus

Who was killed because he represented God

But there were also many other levels of suffering in Jesus¡¦ life

He was betrayed by a close associate

Abandoned by his friends when he needed them most

Lonely / misunderstood / went homeless / more

suffering creates a special bond between ordinary believers & Jesus Christ

Amy Carmichael was a ground-breaking missionary to India

She wrote a poem that has always gripped me

About this union between Jesus¡¦ sufferings and ours

Hast thou no scar?

No hidden scar on foot, or side, or hand?

I hear thee sung as mighty in the land,

I hear them hail thy bright ascendant star,

Hast thou no scar?

Hast thou no wound?

Yet I was wounded by the archers, spent,

Leaned Me against a tree to die; and rent

By ravening wolves that compassed me, I swooned:

Hast thou no wound?

No wound? no scar?

Yet, as the Master shall the servant be,

And pierced are the feet that follow Me;

But thine are whole: can he have followed far

Who hath no wound nor scar?

She says: ¡§as the Master shall the servant be¡¨

¡§pierced are the feet that follow Me¡¨

its part of our identification with Jesus

but if your suffering somehow shares, even a little bit, in the character of Jesus¡¦ suffering, part of our union with Christ is that¡K

3. one day: we will participate in Jesus¡¦ glory

Jesus¡¦ life was characterized by a certain pattern

First came the cross „³ then came the resurrection

First came the suffering „³ then came the glory

In union with Jesus: we can expect the same pattern in our lives

So we shouldn¡¦t be surprised to share in his sufferings first

But we also rejoice that we are going to share in his glory

how are you going to respond when Jesus comes back again?

(13): you are going to be overjoyed!

The suffering of this life cannot compare to the glory that will be revealed

Whatever is happening in your life that today seems unjust / difficult

Will be turned into a celebration of joy

When you understand that Jesus endured the same things

Even more than that: when the glory of Christ is revealed

And all this world¡¦s suffering / sorrows fade into oblivion

We don¡¦t always have the answers to the question ¡§why¡¨

But we do have a reasonable confidence in One who does have the answers

The assurance here: God will have the last word

So don¡¦t be dumbfounded when suffering hits¡K


14 If you are insulted because of the name of Christ, you are blessed, for the Spirit of glory and of God rests on you. 15 If you suffer, it should not be as a murderer or thief or any other kind of criminal, or even as a meddler. 16 However, if you suffer as a Christian, do not be ashamed, but praise God that you bear that name.


(14): if you are insulted because of your association with Jesus, you are blessed

in first century, this is not just being criticized

rather: the loss of social standing

that might often be the result of becoming a Xian / living for Jesus

we haven¡¦t faced anything like what they faced

or what believers face in other parts of the world for their faith

it happens every day in Sudan

in Muslim countries

still happens in Communist China and North Korea

but maybe you¡¦ve been criticized for following Jesus

maybe you¡¦ve lost a job opportunity because your values have changed

I¡¦ve had family members mock my decision for Christ

I¡¦ve been counseling by e-mail a woman down in Provo

Her husband converted her to his religion

But she has now realized that it is not true

She wants to simply follow Jesus

So she is preparing to renounce that faith

Her husband has threatened to divorce her

it would be hard to see that as a blessing

but he reminds them: if being a Xian has cost you something

you have gained far more

(14): you have the Holy Spirit

first: the HS is God¡¦s down payment to you

as a guarantee of your eternal, heavenly inheritance

second: the HS is given by God to change your life from within

to provide guidance

to illuminate God¡¦s Word to your heart and mind

his work in your life is indispensable

third: the Holy Spirit is going to empower you to stand the test

his strength is given to you to enable you to obey God

to remain faithful when times of affliction / testing come

comes back in (16) with a similar statement: if you suffer as a Xian

you have nothing to be ashamed of

in fact, you have reason to praise God

it¡¦s a privilege to bear the name of Christ

the fact that you suffer for him

means that you belong to him

which is an honor and blessing that no comfort / ease in this life can match


the contrast is sandwiched in the middle, in (15)

you have reason to be ashamed if you suffer for your own wrong doings

if you lost your job because your boss asked you to do things

that you could not do and still obey Christ

that¡¦s one thing

if you lost your job because you were a jerk / loafer / thief

that¡¦s totally different

there is nothing honorable about suffering if you deserve it

no higher purpose

in fact, if we suffer as a wrongdoer, it brings negative attention on the whole body of Christ

we should never deserve ill treatment because of our actions

sometimes the greatest hindrance to the reputation of Jesus

and to the advance of God¡¦s kingdom

is that behavior of Christians

someone once said: the greatest reason some people don¡¦t come to Christ¡K

they don¡¦t know a single Christian

the second greatest reason: they do


17 For it is time for judgment to begin with the family of God; and if it begins with us, what will the outcome be for those who do not obey the gospel of God? 18 And, "If it is hard for the righteous to be saved, what will become of the ungodly and the sinner?" 19 So then, those who suffer according to God’s will should commit themselves to their faithful Creator and continue to do good.


Consider suffering in light of God¡¦s judgment

We¡¦re going to stand before God one day

Answer for how we conducted our lives

As we saw last week: how we handled the tests of life

This relates to suffering in a way you may not have thought of

We¡¦ve seen all along that God uses affliction to perfect our character

Thus suffering is one way that God purges his people

To prepare them to be ready for the final judgment

1 Cor 11:32: ¡§When we are judged by the Lord, we are being disciplined so that we will not be condemned with the world¡¨

suffering, if we respond to it rightly, purges sin from our lives

if God¡¦s own people have to go through trials as a preliminary to God¡¦s judgment¡K

(18): just imagine what the actual day of judgment will be like for those who have never turned to Jesus for the forgiveness of their sins

in light of that¡K


(19): the practical application

if God wills that suffering come into your life

commit yourself to your faithful Creator

continue to do good

IOW: Suffering doesn¡¦t give you a free pass to abandon your duty

Don¡¦t let suffering keep you from being obedient / faithful

Response: continue to be committed to honor, worship, serve and live for God, no matter what happens in the circumstances of your life.


Show a video with interview with Gracia Burnham, a missionary whose husband was killed during capture by terrorists. Show at the end, to illustrate the virtue of staying committed to God, serving him.