Summary: Jesus used word pictures of a Tower and a War to show that following him will take Everything you have and Everything you are.

Discipleship Series # 2

What Does it Cost to Follow Jesus?

Mark 8, Luke 14



In the TEXT we just read, a large crowd was following Jesus from Galilee to Jerusalem. The crowd thought Jesus was going to Jerusalem to be crowned as King. Jesus knew he was going to Jerusalem to be crucified. That’s why Jesus wasn’t impressed with the big numbers. These would-be disciples did not know what they had signed up for.

They were kind of like a bunch of Campers who think they’ve signed up to stay at the Hilton. Speaking of that, listen to these responses that were actually written on the Comment Cards at the Bridger Wilderness Area in Wyoming:

• In the future, please avoid building trails that go uphill.

• Why not pave the trails? Chair lifts would also be helpful so we can enjoy the view without having to hike so far.

• A small deer came into my camp and stole my jar of pickles. Is there a way I can get reimbursed?

• Escalators would help on steep uphill sections.

• A MacDonald’s would be nice at the trailhead.

• Could you spray the wilderness to get rid of bugs, leeches and spiders?

• It’s a very nice wilderness, but there are too many rocks in the mountains.

(Mike Neifert, Light & Life Feb. 1997, p. 27)

This was the mentality of the crowd following Jesus. They thought they were on a Sunday School picnic where they would get free Fish ‘n Chips every day. When Jesus warned them to count the cost of Discipleship, he was not just talking to them. He was talking to every person who claims to be a Christian.

“Disciple” is just another word for a Christian. The term “disciple” occurs 269 times in the New Testament, while the term “Christian” only occurs 3 times. In Acts 11:26 we are told that The disciples were first called Christians at Antioch. The two terms are interchangeable … in the same way that my “spouse” is also my “wife”--- or my “sibbling” is also my “brother.” If you are a Christian, you are a disciple.

In Luke 14:33 Jesus said, Any of you who does not give up everything he has cannot be my disciple. You could also read it this way: Any of you who does not give up everything he has cannot be a Christian.

So what does it cost to be a Christian? It costs EVERYTHING. And He really means EVERYTHING. Look at this shocking statement in Luke 14:26: No one can be my disciple unless he hates his father, mother, wife, children, brothers, and sisters.

I’m sure that got their attention! What did Jesus mean when he said a disicple must hate his family? Miseo is the word translated “hate.” This had a different emphasis than we would give it. Miseo meant to put something below other things. In other words, a Disciple must place EVERYTHING below Jesus … even family members.

Now, putting family below Jesus doesn’t mean that we neglect our family. But it does affect family life in very real ways. I’ve seen some good examples right here in our church. For most of the years I’ve been here, George and Sandy Shaw have led a Christmas service at the Blanco Vista Home. They could easily say, “Christmas morning is for family. We have to put our family first”. Instead, they bring their family with them. In other words, they put service to God in first place.

I can think of other examples. Like the Longfields who turned a family vacation into a mission trip. For the money they spent they could have had a luxury trip. Instead they and their 3 boys spent their vacation helping the Snyders with their medical mission in Kenya.

I could give many more examples, because that is just the way Christians live. I remember that when our girls were still home, we planned our summer schedule around church camps and retreats. These things went on our calendar first, and other things had to fit around them.

If you want to know who is First in your life, look at your check register and your day-planner. Is your tithe the first check you write after payday? Do you plan your schedule around your service to God… or do you put other things first?

Have you counted the cost? Are you willing give up anything and everything to follow Christ? This doesn’t just mean we turn away from sin. That’s just part of it. Some of the things we give up may even be good things. We give up the good for the best. For a Disciple, nothing can ever be more important that Jesus Christ.

In Luke 14:27 Jesus said, Anyone who does not carry his cross and follow me cannot be my disciple. When Jesus said that, I picture the crowd just staring at him with their mouths hanging open in shock.

The word “cross,” doesn’t affect us like it affected them. We tend to think of a cross as decoration --- in jewelry or on a church steeple. But in Jesus’ day the cross was nothing but an ugly, gruesome instrument of execution.

Imagine Jesus saying, You can’t be a Christian unless you go to death row. Or If you want to be a Disciple, then strap yourself in an electric chair. Or (to take a line from a recent movie) A Christian is a “dead man walking.” This is hard to accept. So Jesus took time to tell two stories to help us understand. First, He told a story about a TOWER.

1. The Tower – Total Commitment -- everything you have

"Suppose one of you wants to build a tower. Will he not first sit down and estimate the cost to see if he has enough money to complete it? For if he lays the foundation and is not able to finish it, everyone who sees it will ridicule him, saying, ’This fellow began to build and was not able to finish.’” Luke 14:28-30

That Parable reminds me of the unfinished tower at the Fair Oaks Ranch Exit on I-10, near Boerne. They finally tore it down. But while it was there, I couldn’t help but wonder what the story was. It was a tremendous illustration of the principle of Luke 14:28.

The story also reminds me of a Commercial that was on TV a while back. A man is sitting in a Tattoo Parlor expressing his love for Donna by getting her name Tattooed on his arm. Half way through, he asks how much it will cost. It’s $50.00.

He pulls out his cash and says, “Oh… I only have $41.00.”

The next scene shows the couple on the sidewalk with Donna storming off and they guy yelling after her, “I’ll get it finished!”

The camera zooms into the tattoo, which says, “I love Don.”

(The Tough Side of Discipleship by Steve Chapman )

Whether it’s a Tower or a Tattoo, starting and not finishing is worse than not starting at all. The man in the Parable sunk all his money into that Tower in order to increase the value of his Real Estate. But a half-finished Tower is worthless.

In fact, the unfinished tower is worse than worthless: it is a tragic waste of time and talent. When you think about it, is there anything more tragic than an unfinished life?

• A baby begins developing then is aborted.

• A marriage begins with promises but ends in divorce.

• A sinner comes to the cross … but then gets distracted and walks away from Salvation.

If you want to be a Disciple of Jesus, you must start, continue, and FINISH life as a believer. Being a Disciple requires Total Commitment. It will take everything you have. And it will take everything you are. Listen to the next story Jesus told:

2. The War – Total Surrender -- everything you are

"Suppose a king is about to go to war against another king. Will he not first sit down and consider whether he is able with ten thousand men to oppose the one coming against him with twenty thousand? If he is not able, he will send a delegation while the other is still a long way off and will ask for terms of peace.” Luke 14:31-32

This king has a big problem. His army is out-numbered two-to-one. If he doesn’t count the cost, his army will be annihilated.

It’s when someone thinks they are UNBEATABLE that they are in the most danger. General Santa Anna, had over 4,000 troops when he faced William Travis’ rag- tag crew of less than 200 Texians at the Alamo. Santa Anna assumed this would be a no brainer for him.

But he didn’t count on the loss of 1,200 of his soldiers in fighting that 13 day battle.

If he had counted the cost, he should have known that the Alamo would set him up for defeat. But Santa Anna thought he could not be defeated. He didn’t think he needed to count the cost.

Too many people are like Santa Anna. They think they are strong . They believe the lie that if you “believe in yourself” you can do anything. Pride and arrogance can stop people from seeing reality.

The reality is that God requires Total Surrender. Those who are proud and arrogant don’t stand a chance against a God who wages war against unrighteousness. That’s why Jesus went to the cross. His death cleared the way for us to make terms of peace with Almighty God. While there is still time, we need to count the cost.


Look again at Luke 14:33: Any of you who does not give up everything he has cannot be my disciple.

Everything might mean your job, your entertainments, your toys, your time, your money, your possessions, your goals, your dreams, your friends, your family, and even your earthly life.

A story is told from the underground church in the days of Communist Russia. When one particular group of Christians gathered for worship, they arrived at different times, in order to avoid suspicion. By dark they were all inside with the windows closed and the doors locked.

They had just started singing a hymn when the door burst open. Two Solders with automatic weapons stormed in. They demanded that the believers line up against the wall. One shouted, “If you wish to renounce your faith in Jesus, leave now!” Two left quickly. After a few more seconds three more left. Finally, one more slipped out into the night. After a few more minutes of silence, the soldiers closed and locked the door.

They said, “Keep your hands up --- but in praise to God. We are Christians. We have learned to trust no one who would not die for Jesus Christ.”

What will it cost you to follow Jesus? It will cost you EVERYTHING you have and EVERYTHING you are. Nothing less will do.