Summary: If you can remember a time when you were closer to Jesus than you are right now; you’re spiritually drifting.

The Dangers of Drifting

Selected Passages (Hebrews 2:1, Revelation 2:2-5)

August 21, 2005


Several years ago a couple was on vacation in Florida and they were floating in the ocean on inflatable rafts. The husband decided to head into the shore but his wife wanted to stay out on the raft and continue to catch some rays. After a short time the woman lost herself in floating along on the raft.

What the woman failed to realize was that she was slowly drifting out to sea. As she simply relaxed and let the gentle current take her with it, her situation was becoming more and more dangerous. By the time that she noticed what was happening to her, it was almost too late. She saw that the shore was much farther away than she expected and she began to panic.

Fortunately the lifeguards were able to rescue her but the whole situation was created just by being careless. How many people in this church today are just coasting along in their spiritual walk? How many of you simply are being careless with your spiritual life?

Hebrews 2:1 gives us a specific warning for just this type of spiritual situation. We must pay more careful attention, therefore, to what we have heard, so that we do not drift away.

How many Christians have drifted their way to a loss of their faith? How many here today are not where they need to be in their walk with Christ?

Has there ever been a time in your life, when you were more dedicated to Christ? Has there ever been a time when you were closer to Jesus than you are right now? Have you ever been more surrendered in your life than you are at this moment? Has there ever been a time that you were more committed to living for Christ than you are right now?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, you are in the process of drifting.

If your relationship with Christ is not where it once was or if it is not where you know it should be, you are drifting. Why do so many people drift?

Reasons that people drift

1. Depth - Matthew 13:5-7, 20-21

Those who settle for a shallow relationship with Christ will find that they will never have the depth to make it through the rough spots of life. The church of today has the spiritual depth of a mud puddle, small and shallow. We think it’s just fine to have this kind of spiritual life but in reality this is far from what Jesus expected of His disciples. The lack of spiritual depth will lead to nothing but a withered and dead spiritual life.

2. Denial - Mark 14:10-11

There will be times in our lives when we deny Jesus. For whatever reason, if you’re honest, we’ve all done it. Whether it was simply doing something that you know was displeasing to Him or whether it was a moment to save yourself momentary difficulty. Maybe for you it was a time when you were supposed to speak up and didn’t or when you just didn’t follow the will Christ wanted for your life. There have been times when we all have chosen the easier path and sold out on Jesus.

3. Difficulties - Galatians 4:8-11

When life gets tough we discover the mettle of our faith and the reality of God’s power in our lives. It is only when we hold strong to our relationship with Christ that He in turn holds strong to us. When we come through trials and difficulties with Christ by our side we will find the spiritual strength we so desperately need.

4. Deception - Galatians 1:6-9

Sometimes people are swayed to follow a doctrine that is false or unscriptural. There are times when people drift in their relationship with God because others have deceived them. It is vital to continually measure your opinions about God and Jesus with scripture. If your beliefs do not match the bible, you are in the wrong.

5. Division - Galatians 2:11-12

There will always be people who will seek to divide those around them. We have to make the choice to stand up when and where God calls us to. Standing for God is not always popular but it is always the right thing to do.

2 I know your deeds, your hard work and your perseverance. I know that you cannot tolerate wicked men, that you have tested those who claim to be apostles but are not, and have found them false. 3 You have persevered and have endured hardships for my name, and have not grown weary. 4 Yet I hold this against you: You have forsaken your first love. 5 Remember the height from which you have fallen! Repent and do the things you did at first. If you do not repent, I will come to you and remove your lampstand from its place. Revelation 2:2-5

The Essential Problem with Drifting

1. Lack of a fear of sin

Even good churches will go bad when they fail to recognize sin for what it truly is, rebellion against God. When those who know Christ continue in their sin, they do it in the full knowledge of His goodness and grace. It is an act of rebellion against the grace of Jesus. It is an act of rejection of the goodness of Christ. It is an act of ingratitude for Christ’s forgiveness.

We live in an age where there is no longer any fear over the consequences of sin. Our society wants us to believe that God is benevolent and good and would never hold us accountable for our actions. We no longer examine our lifestyle by the principles taught by Jesus Himself in scripture. We often fool ourselves into believing that we live under grace so everything is taken care of and we can live how we please. God is clear on this issue, He loves sinners but hates sin. If God hates sin how can we think that it’s ok?

2. Lack of a repentance over sin

The word repent means to turn away from. The biggest problem in the lives of so many Christians is the fact that they may have given their heart to Jesus but never repented of their sins. Too many who come to the altar and pray for salvation walk right back into their old lifestyles and there is no change. The reality is that sin just doesn’t bother us enough to want to change or ask Jesus to help change us.

3. Lack of victory over sin

In my first church there was a lady who would come to me virtually every week and tell me where she was struggling. Her words began to bother me because of the nature of her attitude. She would say something like this: Pastor I have been doing my best to live over sin but Satan just keeps beating me. I can’t ever seem to defeat him.

The only victory that you have in your life is the one that Jesus gained through His resurrection from the dead. The only victories that Satan can ever have over you are the ones that you let him have. We forget this simple fact and we live far below the level we are meant to be living at.

You will never be able to defeat Satan in your own strength. You will never be able to overcome the power of sin in your own strength. The good news is that you don’t have to defeat Satan because he’s already been beaten. Jesus defeated Satan by beating him with a big ugly stick we call the cross.

The power of sin is death and death has been destroyed through the resurrection of Jesus. Therefore, the only power sin can have over your life is the power you give in to. Sin only has the power you give it! The power given to you through the resurrection and the Holy Spirit is greater, you have been given victory. Start living like you’ve got it. Stop walking around with a defeated attitude, a defeated outlook and a defeated expectation. You have victory in Jesus and now is the time to live out that victory day in day out.

Results of Drifting

1. Loss of Growth

We are meant to grow closer in our relationship with Jesus and it is absolutely impossible to grow in a relationship you choose to neglect. When we settle for a lower relationship with Christ we will never have the kind of relationship we are meant to have with Him. We lose the potential that we can only find in Jesus

2. Loss of Grace

When we live at a lower level we miss out on the higher blessings and benefits of a growing relationship with Christ. Grace is the undeserved favor of God in our lives. When we fail to live in Christ’s power we miss out on the grace moments of life. Grace moments are those times that you can look back and say God was with me in a real way.

3. Loss of Godliness

When we strive to become like Jesus it shows in the spiritual disciplines we choose to live by. When we are not striving for more we tend to walk away from the essential spiritual disciplines.

• Daily time with God in prayer and seasons of fasting for greater spiritual growth

• Daily time in God’s Word and specific times of reflection

• Seeking genuine times of praise and worship

• Moving from talking about serving God to walking the talk with God

• Burdened with a deep concern for those who are lost

What Do We Do About Drifting?

1. Recognize

You will never be able to embrace the change God has in store for your life until you recognize your personal need. There will never be a greater movement of God in your life if you are satisfied with where you are right now. How many of you here this morning need a closer walk with God?

2. Remember

We must remember the key to a deep relationship with Jesus is the issue of closeness not feeling. You may be close to Christ but not feel like you are or you may be drifting and still feel as if you were close to Christ. Never base your relationship with Christ on the way you feel because feelings are fickle and they will betray you.

If you can remember a time in your life when you were closer to Christ than you are right now, you need to get back to that place. Remember where you were. Remember what Jesus has done for you. Remember when you knew His presence and knew His power

3. Repent

If there was a time when you were closer to Jesus, what made that a reality? 9 times out of 10 our relationship with Christ drifts when we neglect the spiritual disciplines such as prayer, reading the Bible and worship. Repent means to turn away from. Turn away from your neglect of your relationship with Jesus.

4. Return

Return to the practices that helped you to grow and develop as a Christian. Return to your daily devotions. Return to your closer walk with Christ. Return to where you belong.

5. Revival

When you make the effort to get back to God, He will bring inner revival to your soul. When you strive to be more like Jesus, He will bring a greater love into your life. When you seek more of the Holy Spirit, He will fan the flames of faith within your heart.


A few years ago a freighter sailing from Great Britain to the coast of France was experiencing engine problems. In fact, the engines had completely failed, just off the French coast, and the ship was beginning to drift at sea. The problem was that the tides were pulling the ship to the coast and a rocky shoreline that would inevitably cause the ship to crash. Such a crash could cause the loss of cargo, the loss of life or even the loss of the entire ship.

The cause of this situation was neglect of proper care of the engines. The reason the engines shut down was due to a lack of lubricant. In other words, those in charge forgot to check the oil and let it run out.

When you neglect your spiritual walk for even a short time you begin to drift away from God. Today, if you not as close to Jesus as you have been or know that you should be, make things right. Stop the drifting and draw closer to Jesus. Stop drifting and decide now to come back to the relationship you have been missing. Stop drifting and develop that intimacy you long for with Christ.