Title: Take Courage!
Text: Mark 6:45-52 Using Dan 3 and the 3 Hebrew Children
• Introduction:
- What is Faith?
- Faith is the radar that guides the ship into port when the person can’t see.
- Faith is described this way by one person:
Trusting commitment of one person to another, particularly of a person to God. Faith is the central concept of Christianity. One may be called a Christian only if one has faith.
- The Bible says, Have faith in God, but many people today don’t understand what it means to have faith and how to grow in faith, I want to teach you from God’s Word this morning.
- I love this story that explains how to grow in faith:
“I prayed for faith and thought that some day it would come down and strike me like lightning. But faith didn’t seem to come. One day I read in Romans that “faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God.” I had up to this time, closed my Bible and prayed for faith. Now I opened my Bible and began to study and faith has been growing ever since.”
• Transition:
- In our text this morning Jesus shows us the lack of faith the disciples had in Him.
- And it’s this lack of Faith that Jesus says these words, Take Courage it is I, don’t be afraid.
- This shows me one thing about faith, when there is no faith there is fear.
- Also it proves the story true, when the Word is spoken or read, our faith then begins to grow.
- When Jesus spoke and said take courage, the disciples and storm became calm.
- All of us in this room have a measure of Faith, but are we growing in that measure of faith.
- The purpose of this message is to help us grow in our faith and understand who God is.
- So let’s look at our text and read with me please!
(Read Text)
• Point 1: Jesus Tests Our Faith (Vs 45-46)
- Jesus allows circumstances in our lives to test us to see what we are made out of.
- God tested the Israelites when they left Egypt.
- Egypt was a type of sin and bondage where the word proclaims that God is our deliverer.
- Then God brought them to the Red Sea and split it open, symbolic of water baptism.
- Only to go right into the wilderness, or testing time.
- It was an 11 day journey to there destination, but it took them over 40 years, why, they did not believe or have faith in God.
- I am saying to you this morning, that trails come, but when we have the faith of God, we will walk out of our wilderness experience faster then we could do it ourselves.
- If we truly want God to lead us then we must go through the wilderness.
- God test the 3 Hebrew Children (Explain the story)
- God also tested the disciples by forcing them into the boat.
- It might have been because the mob of people wanted to make Jesus King by force and didn’t want His disciples to be exposed to that.
- Or it could have been, that Jesus knowing about the coming storm, sent His disciples on ahead to test that in there faith.
- And there is many things that test our faith, the pressures of life will determine whether we bow to idols or worship God.
- Our view on abortion will determine whether we bow to idol worship or chose life.
- Our view on homosexuality will determine whether we bow to idol worship or chose God.
- Our view of Israel will determine whether we bow to idol worship or chose to bless the nation of Israel.
- The chose is ours to make, but one thing is for certain, God will allow your faith to be tested so that it will grow more.
• Point 2: Jesus Is Always Near Us (Vs 47-48)
- God doesn’t send someone, He shows up Himself.
- When the Hebrew children went into the firey furnace, God showed up and delivered them.
- When you are going through your storm, our response needs to be the same as that of the 3 Hebrew children, (Read Dan 3:16-18)
I am reminded of the story of a Preacher who asked a boy about the presence of God. The Preacher said to him, "Son, I will give you an apple if you can tell me where God is". The boy looked at the Preacher, then he looked at the apple, he said, "Preacher, I will give you a barrel of apples if you can tell me where he isn’t."
- Jesus went out to the disciples and they thought He was a ghost.
- I like what verse 48 says, Jesus saw them straining with there oars.
- Sometimes in life we are straining, trying to fix the problem, rather then trust in God.
- I am not saying that the disciples should not have done something, but the word straining symbolizes that they were putting there faith or trust in there own human effort.
- Remember Jesus is always watching your life, kids, money, marriage, health, and when the storms hit, He comes out to you.
- Sometimes the answer is not what we want, but He will help us if we will trust and have faith in Him.
On June 18, 1999 Gary and Gloria Sloan, Southern Baptist missionaries, who had been on the field of Mexico only six months, were enjoying a birthday celebration for their daughter, Carla, at a popular swimming spot on Mexicoâ’s Pacific coast. With them were two other young missionaries from the United States, Joy Murphy and John Weems.
Due to a strong undertow, Carla began to be pulled out to sea. Gary Sloan and the other two missionaries rushed to save eleven-year-old Carla, but were overcome and drowned, as did she.
When Carlaâ’s body was brought to shore, Gloria doubled over in agony, unable to breathe. But it was then that she felt the physical presence of Jesus. Gloria said, "I felt such a strength and power and control. I looked down at my daughter, and I had such a peace" (The Commission, a publication of the International Missions Board of the Southern Baptist Convention, pg. 29).
A large group of people gathered to watch this unfolding tragedy. And before long, four bodies lay in the sand. But what happened next is truly amazing. Gloria stood over the bodies of her dead loved ones and gave witness to the saving power of Christ. She told the people, "The pain I felt because of the loss of my husband and daughter was not as much pain as I felt for the true lostness of those standing around me" (Ibid, pg. 29).
Gloria Sloan then told the people that her daughter and husband were standing in the presence of God. And then she said, "What if you were the ones laying here? Would you know you would be in God’s presence" (Ibid, pg. 31)?
Gloria’s husband and daughter were buried in Mexico. After their funerals, she went home to Texas to heal. And believe it or not, after almost six months, Gloria packed up her remaining three children and went back to Mexico to finish the work that she and her husband had begun.
• Point 3: Jesus Listens For Our Cries (48-50)
- Who are we at times crying out too? Fear, terror or to God.
- The disciples cried out to fear, because of what they thought they saw.
- And it was because there hearts were hardened.
- But I like what Jesus does, He doesn’t hide Himself from them, but reveals Himself.
- All because of His grace and mercy.
- Remember Jesus is the perfect one, we are the one’s that are in need.
• Point 4: Jesus Calms Our Storms (vs 51-52)
- Jesus is the one that calms the storm, Him and only Him.
- Money can’t do it, the government can’t do it, friends can’t do it, your spouse can’t do it, your job can’t do it. Only Jesus getting into our boat can change your life.
- Let me tell you something, it makes all the difference in the world when Jesus gets into your boat.
- The boat means your life, situations and heart.
- It makes all the difference in the world when Jesus shows up in the firey furnace.
- When God shows up, peace comes to our storms.
- Our frame of mind must be directed on Jesus.- His Word says fear not, so lets try not to fear. When we fear not, we allow Jesus into our boat.
- If the disciples were afraid they would not have allowed Jesus into the boat.
- They chose to believe the words of the Lord. (Read Dan 3:29)
- Only God can save you and I out of any situation
o Conclusion
- Maybe you are here this morning and you need the fire of God to set you free.
- Dan 3:19-20 refers to the king getting his strongest men to tie up the 3 Hebrew children.
- Symbolizing the enemy is strong, but God is stronger. The Devil is no match for God, and God will deliver any person who calls on the name of the Lord and set them free.
- Maybe you are bound by fear, the past, unforgiveness, guilt, let it go today and give it to the Lord.
- Allow the Lord to come into the boat and let Him calm your storm in your life.
- Also remember, the Lord sent the disciples on ahead of Him, knowing that a storm was coming, but they made it to the other side.
- What Jesus started in your life, I promise you He will finish it. You will get to the other side, that is a promise from God.
- Stop doing everything in your power to get to the other side, don’t try so much to make things happen, just allow the Holy Spirit to do the work in you.
- Allow Jesus to get into your boat and declare peace.
- Take courage this morning Jesus is passing by, call on Him and God will have mercy on you and get into your boat.
Lets Pray!!!