Summary: In the story of Stephen we see that when we are empowered by the Holy Spirit of God we can confront and confound our culture. It is by the same character that Stephen lived an abundant overcoming life that we too can live a life of peace, power, and purp

Intro: In the story of Stephen we see that when we are empowered by the Holy Spirit of God we can confront and confound our culture. It is by the same character that Stephen lived and abundant overcoming life that we too can life a life of peace, power, and purpose.

Stephen is the hinge in the story of the early church that helps move the momentum of the Gospel to move from Peter to Paul.

I. Character of A Godly Man

Lloyd J Ogilive Dr. “Luke’s admiration for Stephens character and radiance is evident in the terms he used to paint a portrait of the deacon.”

Stephen’s character was an identifiable outward showing of the inward grace that Stephen had experienced in Christ.

What qualities or attributes made up his character? There are four that Dr Luke pointed out.

In Acts 6.5 and 6.8 we find 4 things that Stephen was full of.

Full in the Greek is play’ race

1) Spoken of hollow vessels

2) Spoken of a surface covered in every part

3) Spoken of the soul thoroughly permeated (saturated) with

4) Spoken of full lacking nothing, perfect.

What Jesus promised to leave us in John 14.27 His peace, His completeness, lacking nothing.

The Message translation of the Bible translates this word brimming.

Stephen was full to the brim (Old coffee commercial – To the Rim with Brim) (Stephen to the Rim with) ready to overflow into others lives.

Stephen’s cup was just at the point of overflowing, He was living the abundant life. I believe If God had given Stephen one more drop of the daily filling of the Holy Spirit he would have exploded!

The sad commentary on most of us as Christians is that most of us can only be said to be full of ourselves.

A) Full of Faith Acts 6.5

1) Totally controlled by faith (trusting God) (believing God)

2) Totally confident in God’s control of his life. (God rules history)

He could stand with Paul and say, “If we live, we live for the Lord, or if we die, we die for the Lord; therefore whether we live or die, we are the Lord’” (Romans 14.8)

B) Full of The Holy Spirit Acts 6.5

A privilege of every believer (Eph 5.8)

1) Obeying God completely

2) Submitting to God’s leading

C) Full of Grace Acts 6.8

1) The Grace of God in the life of man

No matter Stephen’s situation, needy widows, angry accusers, or evil executioners Stephen displayed the grace of God in his life.

2) The Grace of God in the death of man

Stephen displayed the ultimate of Christ-like character forgiveness of ones enemies and even executioners.

D) Full of Power Acts 6.8

1) God’s promise Acts 1.8

2) God’s provision

Dr John MacArthur says verses 5 and 8 together show the God-ward and man-ward side of Christians Character. A man full of faith toward God, yielded to the Spirit’s control, will be gracious toward others and manifest great spiritual power.


Like the woman at the well, I was sinking

For thing that would not satisfy;

And then I heard my Savior speaking

Draw from my well that never shall run dry.


Fill my cup, Lord

I lift it up Lord

Come and quench this thirsting of my soul.

Bread of Heaven

Feed me till I want no more.

Fill my cup

Fill it up and make me whole.


There are millions in this world who are craving

The pleasures earthly things afford;

But none can match the wondrous treasure

That I find in Jesus Christ my Lord



So my brother if the things this world gave you

Leave hunger that won’t pass away;

My blessed Lord will come and save you

If you kneel to Him and humbly pray.

Many look to Jesus for eternal salvation, but never ask for daily bread. We have spiritually starving Christians standing on the sideline of life not even aware that we are in a war of life or death. Sadly to some Jesus holds no power, place, or purpose in their day-to-day ordinary life!

But Jesus wants to help us with great and small, remember He taught His disciples to pray for daily bread!!

The fullness of faith, the filling of the Holy Spirit, fullness of God’s grace and power acting in our lives leads to two things we see in Stephen’s life.

1) Unmistakable signs! Acts 8.10

· There was no doubt that the Lord Jesus Christ had saved him and written Stephen’s name down on the heavenly roll.

· Unmistakable signs, very similar to the way Jesus showed himself alive with certain infallible proofs! (Acts 1. 3)

2) Unmatched power!

They could not cope with the power of God working through Stephen’s life!

· Jesus is still showing Himself alive with certain infallible (convincing) proofs!!!

· Taking Stephen’s example it ought to be you and me that are still showing Jesus alive!!

II. Charges brought by the ungodly men

When you have a testimony like Stephen’s unbelievers will raise up to “challenge” your testimony. They want to see if you are real.

Some of these folks rose up and argued with Stephen

“Rose up”; not actually leaving their chairs but moved to action.

“Argued”; actually refers to a formal debate

Synagogue – These meeting places were similar to the churches we have today. It was the place the Jewish people met to expound the Scriptures and worship God. They came about due to the Babylonian Captivity and no access to the temple in Jerusalem.

A) Who were His accusers?

1) Members of the Synagogue

a) Synagogue of the freed – Possibly Jewish slaves captured and taken to Rome, now free and returned to their home.

b) Cyrenians and Alexandrians – 2 Major cities of North Africa. Cyrenian was home of Simon who carried Jesus’ cross (Luke 23.26)

c) Cilicia and Asia – Roman provinces in Asia. Paul’s hometown of Tarsus was located in Cilicia; he likely attended their synagogue in Jerusalem. May even have been involved in the debate with Stephen.

2) Men of earthly wisdom and reasoning

Acts 6.10, “But they were unable to cope with the wisdom and the Spirit with which he was speaking.”

Dr. Johnny Hunt “Their human reasoning was no match for Stephen’s God-given wisdom.”

When you are filled with the Spirit of God worldly people will not be able to cope with you wisdom and you Godly witness.

So what do they do? Falsely accuse.

-- They secretly induced men to accuse Stephen

n They got someone to do their dirty work

n To suggest or prompt with an evil motive

n Same tactics used at Jesus Trial Matt 26.59-61, Mark 14.55-59

Ajith Fernando “After failing to silence Stephen through debate, the Jews try to silence him through the law.”

B) What were the Charges?

1) Blasphemy – speaking evil of God or something God deems good.

Acts 6.11 “We have heard him speak blasphemous words against Moses and God.”

Moses thus suggests that Stephen was denying the ability of the law to save!

For Stephen as with the other Apostles the reality of the cross now replaced the ritual of the temple.

2) Brought before the council

Acts 6.12 “And they stirred up the people, the elders and scribes, and they came up to him and dragged him away and brought him before the council.”

n When Stephen was taking care of physical needs, healing and performing miracles, my how popular he was.

n When Stephen preached a convicting message the favor of the people evaporated like boiling water. (Remember Jesus)

The Council of the Sanhedrin ultimately were condemning themselves when they condemned Stephen. By rejecting the witness of Jesus Christ Stephen gave they rejected Jesus Christ condemning themselves by way of witnesses

III. Countenance of a Godly man capturing the gaze of the council

Acts 6.15 “And fixing their gaze on him, all who were sitting in the Council saw his face like the face of an angel

1) Remind us of Moses

a) Moses had been in God’s presence

b) Moses had reflected God’s divine glory (Exodus 34.39)

2) Removes Stephens Guilt

a) Accused of speaking against God and Moses

b) Acquitted by having God’s presence in him.

Conclusion: Could you be called a person of Godly character and countenance?

What is your life full of? Is it full of things of the world or the things of God?

What is your conduct like when you are confronted by the world?

Do you have the appearance of one who has been in the presence of God?

Even though Stephen was facing possible death at the hands of the Sanhedrin he faced it with the calm assurance that Jesus Christ would rescue him or take him home to heaven.

Do you have that calm assurance today?