Summary: All churches have problems, but when we serve together in the unity, and power of the Holy Spirit there is no problem that will overcome or distract us from our main purpose. Taking the Gospel to all the world.


A rather pompous-looking deacon was working hard to impress upon a class of boys the importance of living the Christian life. “Why do people call me a Christian?” the man asked. After a moment’s pause, one of the boys said, “Maybe it’s because they don’t know you.”

The answer I believe the deacon was looking for was, “because they see me as a servant.” That is ultimately what Jesus came for. He came to serve.

Mark 10.45 “For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many.”

So we must ask, what specific way did Jesus come to serve?

Luke 19.10 “For the Son of Man has come to seek and save that which was lost.”

Romans 8.28 Tells us that if we are saved we are called according to God’s purpose to be conformed to the image of His Son.

John 20.20 Jesus tells us, “as the Father has sent Me, I also send you.”

The Father sent the son into the world to seek and save that which was lost. The Son sent the church into the world to be His vehicle to seek and save the lost.

The Church has ever been sent by the Son in the authority of the Father, by the Power of the Spirit to seek and save people that do not know Jesus Christ.

We as the church are to reach, teach, and encourage people to know and to serve Jesus.

In Acts Chapter 6 we see the church facing, head on, its first organizational crisis.

We also see the proper response to the crisis. As the Apostles and early church did, so should we. They responded to needs and to what the Spirit was already doing.

According to John MacArthur “To organize a program and then expect the Holy Spirit to get involved in it is to put the “cart before the horse.” We dare not try to force the Spirit to fit our mold. Organization is never an end in itself, but only a means to facilitate what the Lord is doing in His Church.”

The devil discovered that persecution, and corruption would not work in a body that would address these problems in the power of the Holy Spirit.

I believe that the devil was foaming at the mouth when this murmuring and grumbling was taking place in the early days of the church. Why? Because when murmuring and discontent, and dissension happen it distracts us from our ultimate purpose of serving God and being used by God to seek and save that which is lost.

Our ultimate reason to serve is that Jesus served us so we should serve others.

I. Reason to serve.

A) Problem recognized

1) To stop neglect of the widows Acts 6.1

a) Huge number of disciples

Acts 1.15 – 120 Disciples

Acts 2.41 – 3,000 added

Acts 4.4 -- “Number of men to about 5,000”

According to John MacArthur there could have been approximately 20,000 men, women, boys, and girls in the church in Jerusalem.

The overall size and quick growth of the early church must have made administration an amazingly huge task.

It should not surprise us to find out that someone’s needs were overlooked.

b) Hatred of Hellenists

1) “Hebrews” – Native Palestinaian Hebrews ; spoke Aramaic or Hebrew. Tended to be self occupied not concerned with outside interests.

2) “Hellenists” – Were more open to the Gentile world having probably lived outside Israel, possibly ancestors of those that did not come back after Babylonian captivity.

According to the Jewish writings (Talmud), “Pharisaism made little secret of it’s contempt for Hellenists.” They were viewed as “second-class Israelites.” Some of that racial and cultural hostility carried over into the church.

c) Heard by Apostles

1) Complaint – Widows neglected, points to the Helenists possibly thinking it was a purposeful neglect.

2) Compassionate response

Let’s get together and work it out.

“summoned the multitude of disciples.”

The apostles themselves did not have the time to handle the problem. However, they had God given wisdom to realize the legitimate claim of the Greek speaking Jews.

According to John MacArthur this is the first hint of apostolic authority and congregational activity working towards a united decision.

2) To stop neglect of the word and prayer Acts 6.2

a) Keeping Prayer a Priority

1) Most important thing a leader or layperson can do!

James 3.16 prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective. (Learned this from Acts 4.23-4.27 Power of God in unity.)


a) Powerful – Allows God’s power to work through us.

Jesus Mark 9.29

The disciples had asked why they couldn’t cast a demon out of a boy. Jesus answer. “This kind comes out only by prayer.”

Power of God comes from time with God.

b) Effective – Changes us for God’s purposes

2) Most Scriptural thing a leader or layperson can do.

The Bible Says, Mothers Day sermon we need more preachers to powerfully proclaim from the pulpit it is what the Bible says!!!!!

a) God is the true leader of the Church

Craig Bloomberg – Commentary on Acts “God is the ultimate leader of any Christian group. Earthly leaders represent Him as agents on this earth. (pray for you pastor and leaders of the church.) If they are to do so adequately, they must be attuned (on the same wavelength as) to Him.”

b) Godly leaders are needed in the church.

b) Keeping Preaching a Priority

Acts 6.2 “It is not desirable that we should leave the word of God and serve tables.”

1) Question stated

Did the apostles think themselves to good to do the ordinary tasks of the church?

2) Answer suggested

No! Tables (either speaking of money matters or food)

Listen to Dr. Johnny hunt.

“It was not that the Apostles thought it beneath their dignity to run the errands of the church; it was simply a matter of putting first things first.”

Jesus had commissioned them in Matt 28.19-20; Mark 16.15; Luke 24.48, 49; John 20.21, Acts 1.8

They were commissioned to go and tell, and they were keeping first things first.

Reaching people for Christ, teaching them to be disciples and encouraging them to continue on.

1 Corinthians 1:21 (KJV)

21 For after that in the wisdom of God the world by wisdom knew not God, it pleased God by the foolishness of preaching to save them that believe.

1 Corinthians 1.21 (NRSV)

21 For since, in the wisdom of God, the world did not know God through wisdom, God decided, through the foolishness of our proclamation, to save those who believe.

1) God chose it

2) Preachers share it

a) My main responsibility as pastor is to teach you God’s word and to challenge you to live by it.

b) My main responsibility as a Christian to learn God’s word and live by it.

3) People live it

When we learn who we are in Christ and the promises and inheritance we have waiting for us. It should cause us to lives that are filled with joy that will attract others to Jesus.

B) Solution realized

1) Appoint qualified servants

2) Apply responsibility to them. (6.3 charge this task (Nasb), responsibility (NIV)

II. Qualifications to serve (As Laymen)

A) The Qualities

1) Reputable -- Honest (NRSV “of good standing”)

2) Spiritual -- Full of The Spirit

a) Not just Pastors and professional ministers need to be Godly

3) Practical -- Wisdom

B) Those qualified

A) Stephen, and Phillip the notables B) Others 6.5 “They may illustrate the general principle that much of the work is carried on by the unknown, unsung individuals who faithfully carry out the tasks entrusted to them.” (John Phillips)

III. Responsibility to serve. (To whom much is given much is required) (Luke 12.48)

A) To serve the Lord Jesus

B) To serve the Church

C) To serve each other

IV. Result of their serve

A) Spreading of the Word

Where there is no priority of prayer and preaching there is no multiplication of Disciples. Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God!

B) Multiplying of the Disciples

No matter the circumstance, the devices of the devil or the distractions of life God’s church will not be stopped!

William MacDonald – BBC

“When the Love of God fills men’s hearts, it triumphs over pettiness and selfishness.”

When prayer and God’s word are kept a priority in the Lives of the leaders and Laymen God’s Church will multiply!!!


Does our service really matter?

Yes God has divinely chosen to use His church to reach people. He can use bibles, TV, angels, etc. . But He chose us to serve.

What examples and principles to we learn from this passage?

1) Even Spirit filled churches have problems.

2) There is no problem big or small that the church cannot overcome if we will do it in the unity, power, and wisdom of the Holy Spirit.

3) Neither suffering (persecution), nor squabbling can keep the word of God from spreading.

4) Dr John MacArthur “Pastors must be freed to focus on the preaching of the Word and prayer. Better organization can help meet the needs of all members and thus avoid conflict and a unified, well – taught church will be a powerful witness to the lost world.

Questions to honestly answer

1. Are you living a Christian life (a life of service) or a religious life)?

2. Can others see Jesus in you? (Remember the deacon and boy at beginning)