Summary: God had a vision for the Church when He created it. Jesus said in Acts 1.8. “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” Many toda

Intro: God had a vision for the Church when He created it. Jesus said in Acts 1.8. “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” Many today will talk about the spirit moving and working and it seems that we have forgotten that God still works through His church.

Eph 2.10 “For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.

We have seen thus far through acts God giving grace, power, and fear, to build, purify, and propel the church.

God gave vision through the Holy Spirit in order for the church to have a goal to reach. The ultimate goal was “the ends of the earth.”

Let me tell Calvary what God has given to your pastor for this New Church Year. It was birthed in me before we ever came to this glorious God given location. It was birthed in preparation for a sermon. You may have heard it before. Hear today for the first time how we can be part of the goal of reaching the ends of the earth. We must like the first church start right here in our Jerusalem. (Cabot)

We want people to Come home to Calvary, Come home to faith, Come home to Family, Ultimately we want them to come home to God.

We want to here create a place where people can come and be surrounded by faith, no matter the circumstance, a place where they can be surrounded by family, and most importantly surrounded by God and His love for all His creation.

A home and harbor for the heartbroken, for the hopeless, where people don’t have to worry about religion, but they can draw close to God and build a relationship with God and His people.

If you look at the great commission in Matthew 28.19-20 we see that God has one goal in mind for His Church, many preachers would say evangelism, win them to Jesus!!!

Since we are people of the book I would say they are partially right.

“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

Gods Goal is for the Church to reach, (make disciples (make is a verb that requires action on our part!), teach, “teaching them to obey everything,” and encourage, “surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

God the father wants us to reach them with the good news, teach them to obey all His commands, and the Word of God and encourage them to do so.

So today let us look at the Church Marching On Toward its destiny.

We will see the church Moved by the hand of God, Triumphant by the Spirit of God, and Multiplied by the Witness of God.

I. The Church moved by the Hand of God. (Remember A and S)

The Sanhedrin was totally thwarted in its designs, totally helpless to control the situation. All was in God’s hands. The only reason the apostles finally appeared before the Council was their own willingness to do so. And they were willing to do so because the events of the night had convinced them once more that they were very much in God’s hands.

—New American Commentary

A) Moved to Purity Phil 2.14-15, 2 Timothy 2.19-21

1) Personal Character

a) Consistent

b) Christ like

In Philippians we are told to shine like lights that should remind us that Jesus said a city sat on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither should a light be put under a bushel basket.

This depraved and distorted world needs to see our consistent Christ-like Character shine like the stars of heaven.

2) Persistent Call

We time and time again are called to purity in pictures and principles in the Bible.

a) Pictures

1) Clear oil in the tabernacle Ex 27.20

2) Whiter than snow Psalm 51.7

b) Principles (Holiness of God)(Calls for purity in His people)

1) Sacrifice of our body (our body belongs to Christ)

(1 Corinthians 6.13-16)

2) Stains not found (1 Timothy 6.14)

3) Summoned to holiness 1 Peter (1.13-16)

4) Sanitized by obeying the truth. (1 Peter 1.22)

The principle is simple God is holy and He persistently calls us to be holy.

B) Marked by respect

1) Influence

When we exhibit consistent Christ-like character and receive the respect of the world we can influence this community, city, state, country, for God and for Good.

2) Inspiration

a) Holy Spirit living Galatians 5.16

1) Committed

a) To Christ b) To consecrated living

2) Responsible

a) Actions b) Attitudes

If we are daily filled with the spirit we can be empowered by the Holy Spirit to live a Christ honoring life

b) Honoring Christ not the flesh

When we truly live out a life that does not gratify our flesh, not joining the grapevine of gossip, not attacking people behind their back, not slipping into the lifestyle of those around us then we will honor Christ.

When we honor Christ and fight the flesh people will see it and we will be marked by the respect of those that do not love us, but can’t help but say that is a Godly person.

Proverbs 16.7 “When a man’s ways are pleasing to the Lord, he makes even his enemies live at peace with him.”

II. The Church Triumphant by the Spirit of God.

A) Constant Opposition

1) A life holy and acceptable to God will draw attention of those that want to “kill” us. Acts 5.33

2) Persecution and suffering are realities of Christian living in a right relationship with God if you are engaged with a Godless world.

a) Resentment

Acts 5.17 “the Sadducees, were filled with jealousy.”

b) Retaliation

1) Put them in Jail

2) Provided God opportunity to show His power.

John MacArthur “After all the miracles they had seen, it is hard to understand how they felt prison bars would restrain the power of God.”

We see throughout the Acts restraint is no obstacle for God. (Acts 12.3-11; 16.23)

B) Christ’s Intervention

1) Angel’s action Acts 5.19

a) Ironic – Sadducees didn’t believe in angels

b) Symbolic – Sadducees not in control God is.

2) Angels order (Acts 5.20)

a) Go stand in the temple courts

b) Tell the people the full message of this new life. (Gospel)

Sounds like the great commission Go and tell.

3) Apostles obedience (Acts 5.21)

1) Bold confidence

2) God controlled the consequences

The emphasis is placed on the total helplessness of the Jewish authorities. In this way the lesson of Gamaliel’s speech is illustrated vividly beforehand—“If it is from God, you will not be able to stop these men” (v. 39) New American Commentary

If we want our church to be triumphant then we must submit to the Spirit of God and witness Jesus despite the worlds “anti-witnessing laws.”

We must obey God rather than men. Acts 5.29

Dr Johnny Hunt

We - This includes all people

Ought (must) – divine inspiration; no options

To obey – no matter the consequences

God – sovereign, no other authority can supersede His.

V. The Church Multiplied by the Witness of God. 32

Due to the apostles obedience to God, they were constantly oppressed by the Sadducees. The second time they appeared before the council the oppression resulted in an opportunity to share the Gospel.

Dr Johnny Hunt called them the supreme court of the 1st Century.

1. You executed Him

2. God exalted Him

3. We express Him

4. Holy Spirit Exhibits Him.

The message was not only meant for them It was meant for us.

Dr. John MacArthur gives three responses that are normally seen when people are given the gospel

1) Violent hostility

2) Tolerant indecision

3) Saving acceptance

Dr. Luke illustrates all of these beginning with the tolerant indecision of Gamaliel (Acts 5.34). The rest of the Council had responded with violent hostility to the point of wanting to kill the apostles. The correct response to the Gospel is saving acceptance.

Gamaliel calmed the council and they only flogged the apostles and told them to no longer preach or teach in Jesus name.

A) Rejoicing of the apostles

They were happy they were worthy to suffer

B) Multiplication of the church

Acts 6.1 “In those days the number of the disciples was increasing.


The early church marched on because of a complete commitment to God and an awareness of the responsibility of all Christians to tell others about the new life in Christ.

1. The message of Jesus is always more important than our comfort.

2. We see that divine providence is the reality for those who make a total commitment of their lives to Christ.

3. Through their lives the early church was reaching, teaching, and encouraging people to live out the new life in Christ.

One of the most important questions I have ever asked you.

Are you reaching, teaching, and encouraging others for Christ?

If we all do our church will indeed march on toward its High calling and its destiny of being the church triumphant, and the church multiplied as we are guided by God’s hand of mercy.